Fathers of Jow Forums

If we are to secure a future for white children, let us list out some methods for helping our brothers endure the future challenge of parenthood, especially the first couple years when the kids cannot even wipe their own arse.
>Get help and sleep whenever possible
>Know that things will get easier
>Moments of misery are temporary
>You are suffering for a good cause
>Setup a routine
>Make time for exercise, sex, and hobbies
>Wear earplugs/buds if the crying is making you homicidal
>Don't be afraid to walk away if you are losing your composure
>Trust in God

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Good thread. Don't forget to wait for marriage for sex.

you ain't securing shit white boy
your girls have already gone trough at least 5 black dicks before they are 18

>finally had sex with Russian long distance gf
>she was supposed to have her period yesterday

Shiiiieet. How long until i start shitting bricks

Fasho N shit Big Nog

Make sure to find a debt-free, virgin, without tattoos

90% of the "fathers" on this board are just LARPing incels. The average age here is like 14-22.

>the crying is making you homicidal
The best way to handle this in my opinion is to slow down. If you multi task or stress about other things while your kid is crying, you will want to kill everyone and then yourself. You have to put everything else aside and focus on them. Then you'll be able to put it in perspective. They've been in the world for a matter of months and cannot comprehend what's happening to them. They just need you to comfort them with your voice and touch.

Congrats, you're going to be a father, user

>trying to secure a future for a bunch of faggots
>greentext selfish parenting advice on how to cope with children

just go overdose on heroin

It will be our job to discern the 10% then

Father of three under three here. Solid thread idea user.

I work nights in healthcare and can find myself working 8+ 12 hour night shifts back to back at times. I’ve never once regretted staying up to spend time with my kids. I have, however, regretted the times I went a day or more without seeing them.

Even if it means falling asleep on the couch after a shift and letting them wake me up from time to time.

Based and purepilled

Easy to mono-task with one child, but once you have two or more it takes a bit more triage

In the same situation but with a negress

Quality points you are gonna do well

The struggle is when you have multiples and they are all vying for attention at once. This is part of why we have a play room for the younger children and a separate play room for the older child. They are not very far apart in age BUT being able to separate them when things get hectic is very valuable.

Not sure why I'm responding to this bait, but how is any of this advice selfish. We all want to be the best parents possible and there's a reason you put the oxygen mask on yourself first in an airplane emergency.


You're doing God's work, not just for your kids, but in your job field

Thanks, I want our brothers to prosper

This might be unorthodox, but for the first few months when the newborn is waking up every 2-3 hours, it may be best for the person not on overnight duty to sleep in a separate room.

You disgust me. Child rearing is mutually beneficial. Knowing your child's cry for attention versus distress is vital and evolves through stages of pre and post pubescence. Teenagers fall apart because parents half assed it in the beginning.

Where did I say to half ass child rearing? Colic is a thing and if you've literally tried everything (attention, feeding, changing, etc.) and the baby is still crying then earplugs are a good thing to use to take off the edge

Help your wife with taking care of the baby when she needs it, you fucking faggot. If she used earplugs whenever the crying got to her, your new baby would be malnourished and dirty.
Also, you can forget about sex for a while, all of your wife's attention will be directed to the baby. And cheating on her just because she is taking care of the baby and doesn't have time for sex would make any man a scumbag, by the way.

Because it looks like your advice is all about men leaving all the responsibilities to their wives and having a good time, user. A better advice would be for the couple to accept help from their own mothers whenever things are becoming too much. When the kid grows a little and you won't be worried sick about leaving your son or daughter with your parents or your wife's parents m, then it's ok to go back a little to that couple's routine you had before.

When its bed time just leave them in their crib to cry, and let them cry. Do not go in there unless they are choking or something. Make them independent. Having your kids sleep in your bed after 3 years old is cringe

Having 50 kids is nigger tier behavior. You have 3 or 4 kids and invest heavily into their futures

Quality > quantity

>And cheating on her just because she is taking care of the baby and doesn't have time for sex would make any man a scumbag, by the way.
My body my choice.

Of course it is a team effort and just because she puts in earplugs doesn't mean she can't feed and change the baby. As for sex, it's important to resume as soon as she's fully recovered from the physical trauma of childbirth. Sexual immortality doesn't just mean cheating, it also includes withdrawal from a key element of a monogamous marriage.

Do it, just don't complain afterwards when your wife divorces you and turn your kids against you in the future.
If you want to raise your kids right, then you have to be someone they'll obey and respect. Anything else and you're no different than a nigger.

Again, team effort, when I stated to accept help, it should be obvious it's only from someone trustworthy...hopefully starting with the grandmas

I stand corrected on some points. Using earplugs isn't something that I would do, though. I would rather ask for my mother's help if I really needed it.

We actually think the same way, so it's cool, dude. Sorry for being too harsh at first.

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Yeah, if the crying isn't for a legitimate reason, it's important for them to learn self-soothing

I agree and nowhere am I advocating taking on more than one can chew.

My breakdown on that beautiful family pic
60-ish grandparents
Their 5 adult children plus their husbands & wives
All the grandchildren

No worries, we're in this fight together and hope some anons take the advice on here to heart.

Unfortunately the freedom of a childfree life is often times too valued by many to give up...then there's the other increasingly difficult issue of actually being able to find a trustworthy mate

>having your kids sleep in your bed after 3 years old is cringe
That's actually really bad, desu

You just reminded me of a major pro-tip.

I got raised by two nurses. The extremely irregular schedule helps you be with your family more, albeit very randomly. You'll never be without work because people are always getting into accidents, getting too high, paranoid about nothing, etc. The long shifts mean you work three or four shifts a week for high pay. Occasionally you can go crazy and work for days upon days in a row if you want to save for a vacation. If you want to be a nurse, definitely work in school till you're an RN- Registered Nurse. Or else you'll have it worse than the plantation niggers of the 1800's.

Also, if the boogaloo really happens, your skills are going to be extremely valuable since RN's and some other types of nurses are basically petit doctors.

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>Quality > quantity
They are more likely to go together than not. Having 8 kids is better all around. It was the norm for some time.
Your son will grow up more functional with brothers around. He doesn't need a private tutor.

Having 2 kids and helicopter parenting is one of the reasons for the problems we have today.

I've never seen a man so happy. Look at him, he made all this. He probably has a boat somewhere that he takes the sons out on fishing trips during the summer. He's probably retired, knows all his grandsons and granddaughter's names. And he still has a beautiful wife, both as happy as can be. This is the dream.