"Trump is a kike shill!"

>"Trump is a kike shill!"
>"Trump has done nothing!"
>posts the same talking points every thread
>posts the same Breitbart articles every thread
>promotes accerlationism every thread

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It's called 'consensus' user.

Governmental accelerationism is a myth. The US is too strong to collapse. I'm ok with "accelerationism" in the sense of making non-white leftists act radical and that redpills white people. That's why I'm voting for Trump. he helps us tremendously with that.

>doesn't post an argument
nice one, migapede!

In your head isn't 'consensus' gaylord

Where's yours?

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Oh I forgot
>potato drumpf meme

I have posted real arguments, the problem is people like you get dopamine hits from replying to hysterical liberal strawmen (just like ben shapiro does), while real arguments from conservatives are slid off the board and ignored. Observe:

>Trump feels compelled to hand over the administration of his legislative measures to the judgement and approval of those circles which were themselves the product of Marxist teaching. Thus when the God Emperor surrendered the fate of his struggle against Marxism to the goodwill of Congress, he was leaving the goat to take care of the garden.

Here's my argument: good things take time

Red flag law support? No interest in 2nd Amendment protection? Continued middle east meddling? Bizarre attachment to israel? Serious lack of wall construction?
Wake up and post some arguments, big man.
Ignoring problems won't get you Jow Forums's support.

not an argument at all.

You faggot ptg shills have nothing. It's not hard to realize he is a scam. There's no covering this up

this. JIDF is seething because (((they))) lost control of the narrative on Jow Forums.

>Red flag law support?
Oh is that finalized? See all I saw was cnn screengrabs for a day or two
>No interest in 2nd Amendment protection?
But it's still fine though?
>Continued middle east meddling?
But we're not though?
>Bizarre attachment to israel?
Not really that bizarre is it? This is the jewnited states of america
>Serious lack of wall construction?
In progress. See: good things take time

I'm blown away by your amazing intellect and using things like "The God Emperor" unironically

I'm not /ptg/

MIGA will win!

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He's anti-gun, and pro-immigration.

not an argument.

That would be a COPE. Not an argument.

where's the wall?

>Oh is that finalized?
you what?
>"We must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken by rapid due process," Trump said. "That is why I have called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders."
Never mind all the other stuff you're just in denial about, like bump stock ban support and the carrot-on-a-stick known as the wall.

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>93% of voters endorse him

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And yours is? Jesus Christ, fucking pea brains!

Is the law finalized? You retard fag?

Until they disagree with your zionist propaganda. Then it's "fake news!"
You faggots are every bit as brainwashed as the "libs" you claim to be so different from.

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>le /ptg/ boogeyman
Do you have an argument outside of that?

Being built nigger

Sure. You're a zionist. Trumpstein is anti-gun and anti-white.
>Take the guns first, have due process later! (While FEINSTEIN giggles and rubs your filthy hands)
Explain to me how Trumpstein ISN'T basically a democrat with a little (R) next to his name.

Well which is it then? Polls are real and the vast majority of his supporters still support him? Or polls are fake and he's not down in head to head vs Biden?

Either way sounds like you're frustrated.

Didn't say any of that. Also not a zionist, I fucking hate jews. Wow! Now that's what I call arguing 5: the return of admiral dipshit!

Boomer detected

And he's back, with even less to say!

>good things take time
2.5 years wasn't enough for trump to accomplish anything at all?
Be patient trust the plan goy

What part of "support" manged to drip out your nose you namecalling weenie? The willingness to approve and even expedite such laws has clearly become serious.

I'm not a fag that keeps a big list of accomplishments but I know that you're purposely ignoring what he has done, and the things he hasn't (like war with Iran)

>The willingness to approve and even expedite such laws has clearly become serious.
OH NO THE "WILLINGNESS" not the willingness!

>Do you have any arguments that don't prove your point?

Well thank God the memeflag showed up

>Red flag law support?
if most people thought it would be used PROPERLY and not ABUSED, red flag *would* be an acceptable compromise. This president IS the man who wrote "the art of the deal", he would horse-trade. Trump isnt a "gun guy" his whole life, i can forgive him this little faux-pas.

>No interest in 2nd Amendment protection?
all democrats want to repeal the 2nd. If trump does *nothing* its like supporting the 2nd.

>Continued middle east meddling?
not the first president to meddle in the middle east. even DEMOCRAT presidents have pissed on that hornets nest.

>Bizarre attachment to israel?
again, not the first president to go there. plus the far left condemns israel, so, trump takes the other position. understandable politically, and it satisfies his christcuck support (base)

>Serious lack of wall construction?
obstruction from all sides, and leftover previous administration workers. the midterm elections put democrats in charge of the house, which is the pursestrings, fucking that over. Its the democrats fault, not trumps. he would if he could. he tried.
democrat shill position:
1) "we stop the wall any way we can !!"
2) Trump is ineffective, no wall

typical liberal democrat obfuscation. This is JUST like reagans 8 years... the left screams "look what he did to the budget!" when it was 8 years of democrat house spending. Democrats love to spend all the money, then blame a republican president. standard playbook.

show me a map of how many new miles of wall trump has made and not old wall repaired, you're the one making the claim, now back it up

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Show me he hasn't, you made the claim first

You want a fuckin medal for him NOT doing things? How about he NOT fuck around with the second amendment after promising to support and even strengthen it?

Oh good another memeflag talking about /ptg/

So where's the law that's about to pass? That you're so afraid of, oh wait could it be you have nothing to fear? And are acting faux angry?

and by the way, supporting and not supporting things is the only way you can even guess at what politicians are planning to do, so don't fucking pretend it doesn't matter then go into denial about it when it does happen, like all the other things I mentioned

I didn't claim shit, that was my first post itt

Everything you post sounds like bait. Either you’re a terrible kike shill, or a bretty good troll

No war with Iran? Oh wow let me get my huge boner out of the way to type this.

He was supposed to put Americans first. He sold out to globalists.

He should have started real problems. He should have arrested judges who don't follow the constitution and sent troops to places where the law isn't followed.
He's a faggot and so are you.

So it's just in your mind then? Got it

My bad, I'm still not going to spoonfeed you though

What if it's what I actually think?


>trump has done nothing
>posts same talking points
Until trump does something there's no reason to change anything

2017: waiting for trump to do shit
2018: waiting for trump to do shit
2019: waiting for trump to do shit

You want different "talking points" then maybe the faggot-in-chief should fucking do something, because we're waiting

In case you were sleeping, he just had Epstein arrested and then the guy got fucking murdered.

>He should have started real problems. He should have arrested judges who don't follow the constitution and sent troops to places where the law isn't followed.

the president is not some strongarm DICTATOR, and needs numerous other agencies to do anything remotely like that. PLUS, the same democrats shilling against him for NOT doing it? would then turn around and villify him for DOING it.
democrats and liberals cause problems and shut things down, then blame the other side. its a tired old playbook, and half the country sees thru this charade, and elected trump president. Its going to happen AGAIN because you have no platform other than "orange man bad"

>If trump does *nothing* [...] 2nd
He hasn't done nothing. Nothing is what we wanted him to do to it. He has done further damage to the 2nd.
>not the first president
That is really not a compliment. We don't want Bush back, by the way. Or Obama, Clinton, or other Bush.
>trump takes the other position
Being adversarial for the sake of image? I would hope not. The judeochristian moron support is a fair reason I guess, but it's going rather far for even normal people's taste at this point, especially for being "America First"
Wall obstruction is fair, but being a big swinging dick about it and then not delivering is pretty weak, and the midterm results didn't exactly come from nowhere.

>The US is too strong to collapse.
just like rome was too strong to collapse? get real.

>the midterm results didn't exactly come from nowhere
Constant lying from the media and politicians probably helped a little

When will Bill Barr DO something? Anything!
Starting with Declas

Trump 2020.
Cope harder, faggot.

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they're getting desperate
they said all the same shit last election
not even trying a new tactic

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I guess you didn't understand my post

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Accusers protected by same people who killed Epstein


whats wrong with accelerationism?
you think you can change the system from within? lmao
good goy, keep voting goy

Their tactics are shit

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I will continue to post this until you get it through your head.

>>Bizarre attachment to israel?
>again, not the first president to go there. plus the far left condemns israel, so, trump takes the other position. understandable politically, and it satisfies his christcuck support (base)

Yeah, that's the problem. He's just more of the same.

I will not watch your stupid fucking video