When is 8ch coming back?


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Hopefully never

not soon enough. Qtards piss me off.

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They're shitting up this board with /ptg/ spam and general boomerisms

Yes but incel shootings are down

Rip /fur/


keep using (((their))) words and terminology.

>Qtards piss me off.
>waaaaaa im sad


Show me your "I love sucking dick" face

Free speach isnt a right for people using someone elses private business

gaytchan sucks lmao. I went there to troll them but the board moves at a snails pace. Its for omega lvl autists who have reached violent levels of simian sexual frustration. "Im a 27 year old perma virgina.. better shoot up a walmart to give my empty life meaning.." You kids are fucking losers and you should feel bad for turning to the abyss after failing to do anything with your dogshit lives.

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Probably never. A new chan is more likely to pop up than it returning.

the dead are dead

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For those anons who don't know, Uncle Ben used to post on 8ch and said he was banned over here

>bro just like make your own government

is this butigeg?

Owner dude said he plans to put it back up after the hearings to discuss that Chan’s involvement in El Paso shooting. So, Probly mid-sept.

>ZeroNet is a decentralized web-like network of peer-to-peer users, created by Tamas Kocsis in 2015. Programming for the network is based in Budapest, Hungary; is built in Python; and is fully open source.
>As of 2016 there was no way to take down a ZeroNet page which still had seeders,[1] thus making such pages immune to third-party methods of taking them down, including DMCA takedown notices.

8ch bunker at 1DdPHedr5Tz55EtQWxqvsbEXPdc4uCVi9D

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ooh, making your problems about the jews instead of yourself as usual, I see

for all the rabid fascists, it's still better than black-dick-loving Jow Forums

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go on....

WE were trained to go out and conquer, WE are now engaged.

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Does benny G have stockholm syndrome?

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Can confirm

This. I liked 8 but I wouldn't trust Hotwheels again.

Or anything related to cloudfare, we have been warned for years.

Please, tell us more about your cut-dick fetish.

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qtards are the final stage of internet cancer, right after goatse

Fuck you poltard cunts you literally killed off an entire community because muh brown ppl bad we live in a society


there are plenty like minded people for you guys to hang out with at your local mental health wards

enjoy your stays

Is that Ben "hate speech isn't free speech" Garrsion bitching about censorship? I'm glad that boomer faggot got banned from the white house

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Isn't it already back? Or are we not supposed to talk about the new site?

YOU'RE the mentally ill person what the fuck does a board discussing about politics got to do with shooting up some literal whos?

Isn't Australia to blame sine Brenton Tarrant started it all?

zeronet is a scam that has nothing to do with the original 8ch

I fear never, but I hope soon. I miss mp4s and webms with sound.

God I fucking hate that bastard, There were actual decent threads even after the 2016 mess but after him every thread is just parroting him I hope a cactus is shoved up his fucking schizo prick

IT'S BACK!!!!!
in the back of your ass!!!!


The white elephant in the room is the obvious brain drain that occurred when Q moved to infinity, and the obvious uptick right after Qresearch was shut down.

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STOP MESSING WITH ME, I never thought I would miss all the schizo posting at /b2/

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>don't even think of organizing in an uncensorable way goy only criminals do that
>you're not a criminal are you?

I'll take "Boomertakes" for $1000, Alex.

>download my CP, goy!
Nigger, fuck yourself.

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It's fully open source in the world's easiest language.
If it's a scam feel free to point out why.

It actually downloads all the images to your hard drive and you become the host as well as it is like a peer to peer network an example being bittorrent however we know all the degenerates there post cp and shit so you risk hosting and having cp on your hardrive without knowing, if you ever get raided or use windows 10 which can detect illict pics due to the database of hashkeys stored in microsoft. YOU ARE ROYALLY FUCKED


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On one hand I don't want any of the mouthbreathers here on the new site
On the other hand more seeders

You need to go back.

show proof that there is zero chance of inadvertently participating in any kind of cp, or other banned materials.

dont tell me about not trackable. thats bullshit

You do realize people posted cp on /b/ all the time before this site became the censored monitored moderated google-ai-training shithole it currently is right?

Sounds more reasonable than believing in virgin boogeymen

I just want a place where I can discuss IBS rejects anonymously without power tripping mods trying to "clean up" discussion. What happened to letting faggots be faggots? The whole point of IBS was to laugh at faggots, so why ban a faggot for being a faggot?

On ZeroNet now

he can bring it back up any time he just wants to testify in front of congress against the shills first so itll be up pretty soon.

your prime minister is a child sex trafficker and his weakness is stairs

at least it's fun to make fun of them, they get real angry

i fucking love how any time some one mentions Q all the shills get absolutely butt blasted

>They're shitting up this board
i'm guessing that an 8 poster did not start that thread
i'm guessing that an 8 poster did not post in that thread

((( angry ))) lol

Why do you love niggers so much?

I can't wait to get out of this place. I never thought I'd ever miss 8ch, but being back on cuckchan for the first time in 3 years has reminded me how borderline unusable it is.

Eight. Fucking. Captchas.

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...they stepped on snek...

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>OP is a phoneposter
Those who matter have not been using the chans for serious communications for several years. Most people on the chans at this point especially since 2016 are redddit/twitter/faceberg scum who will just go back to where they come from. Those who used 8ch have gone underground and spreading to all platforms and starting new platforms. If 8ch comes back it will be one of many "8ch controlled" sites and if not there will still be many "8ch controlled" sites without 8ch

You did not kill the nest instead you forced everyone to spread out and into the shadows while other networks come online. You shutdown your only publicly visible access

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oh no

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>Many years ago I detested [hachi]chan and Jow Forums.

>When I first viewed the content on those sites I was shocked. “How could this be allowed?” “This hate speech must stop!” Bear in mind that just 10 years ago I had no idea about Internet culture or the ‘Internet Hate Machine,’ which ended up attacking me for years. I didn’t know what an SJW was or what the little green frog was all about.

>I was rather naive.
>I’ve long since given up any animosity I held toward Jow Forums or [hachi]chan. The political boards on those sites often contain interesting and knowledgeable gems of wisdom amid a vast morass of disgusting muck. Free speech must be protected and that includes anonymous speech. It also includes ‘hate speech,’ which is legal in America and it should remain legal.

Zyklon Ben wound up taking the red pill after all.

I still can't understand shooting poor people. Their lives aren't any better than your own. Hell, even illegal immigrants come here because the (((rich))) pay for propaganda telling them how great it will be. But they wind-up slaves, it's basically the slave trade only with less guards..

What if that business is monetizing free speech?

however, those images were not downloaded and stored directly on each viewers device to ten be share to any/all potential viewers.

Big difference.

September 5th

that place was a cesspool but by god how fun it all was
>tfw we will never shitpost there anymore

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Sometime after September 5th. After Watkins has his meeting with the gov.

Don't get me wrong.
I want something 'indestructible' for the entire world to have a fre voice.
I'd gladly give my life to make that happen, if need. (cap it for proofs).
There just needs to be some legitimate means of safety in anonymity and 'legal' protections for individuals not directly involved in crimes.

Run zero net inside an encrypted Virtual machine if you're so worried about windows 10 scanning all your files. It can't scan files of a VIrtual disk that's encrypted. Run a VPN before you fire up the VM and run zeronet in tor mode and nothing will ever happen

good Question

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Is that legally or morally any different than unwittingly downloading and uploading a funny image that had a .zip of illegal content appended to it?

If you let that spectre control what you are willing to do you will never be able to speak freely as sites that have the ability to ban cp continue to be captured for political purposes and that ability abused.

big yikes if true

Can anybody explain Q to me? From what I've read, it seems like another "lol a bunch of shit is gonna happen in a few months" and then a month passes "lol 2 out of the 30 things i said happened, that means i have insider knowledge and now you should worship me" thing

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hopefully soon
I am so sick of you faggots

That it basically.
Nostradamus tier vague drivel that boomers are way too attached to.

never we are moving over to 0xchan.net when it launches later in October this year. its a decentralized chan that can never be shut down

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>0xchan users are not anonymous by default

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>using your real ip for a site that doesn't block vpns or tor posting

This was me as well. I hope they can be saved.

>Wanting a random board where Nixxi Sixx gets posted everyday for years

Pretty much nailed it user.
Except Q is still at 0 things happened, of 300 he said would happen.

Let them flock here.

Then the shills and jew fucks are a minority and we can have a board culture again.

Hopefully soon

please leave.

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>because the (((rich))) pay for propaganda telling them how great it will be.
it is great though, america is like the only country in the world where you can be unemployed and homeless and still die from obesity related complications.

If you were some nigger somewhere you'd want to come to america too, that's all the incentive they need

hopefully never. cripplechan got spooky leading up to cloudflare taking it offline. 8/pol/ was crawling with feds and honeypot threads were so blatant it was insulting. 8/pol/ really went to shit when it went global though. everyone who had a brain went on to /qresearch/ and worked on reaching wider audiences. all that was left on 8/pol/ was a smorgasbord of federal agents from all over the world and the remaining 80 iq "national socialists"