How far off are tankies and dirtbag left types from antifa and SJWs...

How far off are tankies and dirtbag left types from antifa and SJWs? Any potential common ground there as far as opposing open borders, white guilt, gun control, etc?

I've not looked into them a lot but from the little I know they seem like they could at least be soft allies against the more egregious bullshit of the neoliberal - accidental corporate shill progressive coalition. Do they still hate us more than them? If so, why?

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Both garbage but tankies are slightly more based in that they sometimes have an ounce of morality left in them, not much of course but just enough to know that pedophiles shouldn't be encouraged and other extremely straightforward moral ideas like that. Things most Anarchists and the like have a very hard time comprehending. Tankies are on the very edgy of unsalvageable but the good ones with big hearts can be brought back.

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I like tankies I’m about as nat soc as they come but I’ve always respected tankies most of them arnt anti white and most of them reject globohomo and all the degenerate shit the modern commies embrace.

KEK! I was a tankie and I know a lot of them. I can only think of a couple I have met that would be anywhere near being Antifa or an SJW.

Yeah my best friend is a tankie and she is pretty based

Same. I only know one but they’re not a total faggot

Yeah anything that she cant defend about the Soviet Union she blames on kikes lol. Im pretty close to bringing her over but she thinks because most people in our movement are anti commie that she wouldn’t be trusted. It’s a valid concern but I do think a tankie can be brought over to see reason. It’s mostly just economic disputes we have but nothing that can’t be reasoned with.

What do tankies think of Jow Forumsacks? Not magafags but reactionaries, fascists, moldbug followers and the like?

Personally I dont like Lenin or Trotsky but I can get behind Stalin on a lot of things. I dont agree with communist economics but I feel like I'd agree with them on just about everything else assuming they actually understand what they're supporting

Haven't they been completely pushed to the fringes of the leftist sphere?
What benefit would there be in accepting such weak allies, with such wildly different (and patently flawed) worldviews?
It's a recipe for infighting and subversion.
The idea that they would 'come round' to your way of thinking is a fantasy.
Pic related:
>"The scum of the earth, I believe?"
>"The bloody assassin of the workers, I presume?"

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My tankie friend hates what Jow Forums has become she especially hates the maga and r the Donald faggots. She respects how fascists uphold a strong state and genuinely hates the degeneracy of modernity. Maybe I should marry her lol

Eh I agree it opens the door to infighting I certainly can attest that we fight a little bit but you would be surprised. If they get the Jq it is really enough for me to call them an allie. Building a colalition is more important then sorting out who the useful idiots are once power is taken. I love my tankie friend but if it meant lining her up against a wall was what it took I would accept that. But that can be applied to us so I agree it is a bit of a gamble. The only thing that matters is white victory tho. The vessel we use to get to that position shouldn’t matter that much. Such is the struggle of revolution

Jason Unruhe is basically Jow Forums tier except on economics.

The benefit is that the left has a shitfuckton of social infrastructure put in place to mobilize activist action and it might be nice to have access to something like that. We can shitpost and persuade a few tens of thousands of people to slightly mistrust the left and vote for Trump after inundating them with funny memes for a year straight. They can send out a million emails and conjure up money, a cohesive message, and a thousand demonstrators in a few hours. They can flood a business with phone calls and angry tweets and enact change with very little effort.

I dont know where these guys fit in the tapestry of the left but if they can command that sort of power using a message that is mutually beneficial that would save us decades of irl organizing that'll be frustrated and shut down by the left and the feds every step of the way that it would take to command that kind of power.

The thing you have to understand is that the way we arrive at our stances is through a different mechanism than everyone else.

Liberals of all types (sjws, libertarians, neoliberals) and fascists, are idealist. They have positions based on what they think is 'right'. They can easily list off 'how things should be' and be satisfied that what they need to do is just 'those things', and if it doesn't work out it must just be the fault of the people not doing them enough.

Have you read foundations by asimov? We have a sort of psychohistory. Remember every marxist since marxism has been a thing you can name has worked towards building socialism, and socialism is not our goal, it will need to be destroyed.

As far as your example positions

>open borders
the problem here is that while immigration is for cheap labor which benefits the elite at the expense of the locals, those immigrants are being driven our of their countries by the actions of those same elite, so you cant blame them either. The enemy are the ones exploiting everyone. There is no satisfactory solution to this problem on this side of a revolution.

>white guilt
all identity politics are liberal smokescreens. The rich don't suffer regardless of any of their identity groups, and ensuring a diverse group are on the top exploiting everyone else doesn't end the exploitation.
>gun control
one day people will be in control of their governments, on that day every gun, ship, and nuke, of that government will belong to the people and act in their best interest. Until that day the people should be armed.

there is no dogmatic hatred. Some people might hate various things for various reasons. My view is that most people on Jow Forums have been manipulated into being there. It would be easy to become defensive with people attacking you for being white and male constantly if you did not recognize it as just another element of the identity politics distraction.

Historical materialism lets you see clearly

>Liberals of all types (sjws, libertarians, neoliberals) and fascists, are idealist. They have positions based on what they think is 'right'. They can easily list off 'how things should be' and be satisfied that what they need to do is just 'those things', and if it doesn't work out it must just be the fault of the people not doing them enough.

Are communists not the absolute best example of this flawed mindset though? I get that you arent an apologist for mass murder if you're a tankie, but last I checked the USSR doesnt exist anymore, North Korea is a failed state and China has a very rich and powerful upper crust who've been allowed to flourish under their version of capitalism while everyone else is living under a tyranny the state describes as communism. Are these states not trying hard enough?

I'm not entirely sure how much leverage over the leftist social infrastructure is wielded by the tankies either, but I get the impression they're not exactly the most popular kids on the playground.
If they have enough influence over those mechanisms and resources, I'll concede the point that it could be useful to infiltrate them and harness them to affect change and shape public thought, but that could be done without 'bringing them into the fold' so to speak.
Would bring the advantages without risking disharmony, and with a continued campaign, some would naturally leave behind their old views.

Does anyone know where they base themselves online these days?

>left has a shitfuckton of social infrastructure put in place
thats the other left im afraid
we are immune to memes, we have great stalin
>stand on the left
we only even bother so we can say 'i told you so' when another local organization ends up embarrassing itself with a furry trans orgy paid for by donations. The only joy left is seeing liberals ruin everything after we said they would.

See most of the self proclaimed marxist left are themselves idealists. They think because they agree with some SJW or anothers position on some issue or another that that makes them a good potential ally worth persuing relationships with.

They dont understand that idealism is a mind virus. When you start dealing with people who just insist some things are correct just because they are correct there is no end to what ideas they can conjure up, they don't have to justify any of it, simply decide to believe in it. And the general enviornment society has found itself in today, where the 'left' is a fight over who is most oppressed, means the most active individuals, the most motivated, are the ones who can dream up the most mental illnesses to attribute to themselves. This practice alone reinforces extreme individualism, and this is another poison.

So the SJW becomes someone who is entirely self centered and competing to put on as many different hats as possible, and since they are liberals and thus idealist they are accustomed to turning their imagination into reality and fully believing the things they invented just the day before. Such instability is impossible to work with.

You sound like my friend lol she debates the identity politics and weather hate is something to be valued or not. I appreciate the takes because it betters my world view. I really do think most tankies are not intrinsically terrible so I have an open mind. I have read the dogma which could probably be applied to my worldview as well. Like I said such is the cost of revolution and I would accept tankies with a few disagreements. What I say to my friend is no matter what you call the “elite” if it is Jews or the bourgeoisie or what ever you ascribe to their name your movement will ultimately be “anti Semitic” due to the nature of who is pulling the stings. If either of us are not successful the history books will write that we did everything out of hatred for “them” if you will. It’s better to just accept this reality because if we don’t have Victory then nothing will come of it. I reach my hand out to you tho brother. We don’t have to be monolithic in our ideology

>Any potential common ground there as far as opposing open borders
Yes, there is common ground right there. I do not like immigrants, or the liberal bullshit idea of open borders.

I am willing side with the right on immigration issues, but the right will not meet me half way on breaking the backs of greedy corporations and billionaires. Not just jewish ones, but all of them.

Until the right-wing is more anti-corporate and anti greedy fuck billionaires, I will not side with them.

Please excuse my spelling errors I’ve been drinking a little bit lol

Stop sucking corporate and billionaire cock and we may have a deal, but you will have to disavow all greedy rich people. Even the white non-jewish ones.

All of the bankers are a fucking plague my world view dictates they have a Jewish mindset but regardless this is just semantics to an extent. I too hate the right wing so if I have to ally with a tankie then no skin off my backs remember a lot of the people in the high days of both of our movements switched sides from time to time. I see that as something we are bound to do now a days. It’s just about a revolutionary mindset being able to take power against the powers that shouldn’t be.

Again, stop worshiping capitalism so much. Most tankies hate capitalism and bourgeoisie as much as you hate immigrants.

The elites can all burn for all I care, dont care what they look like. Honestly all I'm concerned about in an economic system is that it works. I think if international communism (redundant I know) were to work we'd probably still have to be organized into semi-autonomous tribes because communal sharing across a state or the globe is alienating, dehumanizing and lends itself to corruption. If I could live in a population of 10,000 people with similar goals and beliefs as me and not get fucked with by a massive state apparatus, you could call it whatever the fuck you want and I'd support it. Liberals just cant leave well enough alone, I wouldn't care about politics at all if they didnt force me to.

I will agree with you on race and religion, but you will never get me to accept capitalism.

>but the right will not meet me half way on breaking the backs of greedy corporations and billionaires.
You have not been talking to the right but rather the capitalist imposters who pose as the vanguard of tradition.
A shame you cant see the similarity between capitalism and communism. They are both built on the same atheistic and materialistic framework. Just like liberalism another child of modernity.

user do you have a crush on her or something? you keep talking about this toastie
if you care about her so much, dick her and make her your trad wife

Antifa is just anti fascist, so while lots of them are anarchists many are commies (including tankies), socialists, green libertarians, etc.

Hell! I'm a leftist myself on most issues except immigration and race. Still, if actual fashies rolled into my town Id kill them. The reason Is they'd view me as degenerate. I'm poor, I smoke weed, I live in a poor neighborhood, I've dated minority girls, etc. So, id fucking kill them.

Don't believe me? Come to Troy, Alabama.

SJW's, Anarchists, and Trannys are useful idiots, but the kind that get in the way and don't help us but rather end up helping capitalists.

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We have common ground. But the Soviet Union under Stalin was a terrible place to live, even if Stalin was personally responsible for turning the USSR into an economic and military powerhouse. Mao was a complete fucking failure. I don't like anyone that can't think critically, so I have a problem with them insofar as they refuse to see beyond their own subjective appraisal.

Stop acting like Capitalism v Communism(Marxist Socialism) are the only two options. It's not a dichotomy. Third Positionists like National Socialists and Fascists are as anti-Capitalism as they are anti-Marxism. Capitalism is fucking garbage.

Shitskins are subhuman filth that should be euthanized for their own sake, communism is only viable for Whites and East Asians all other subhumans belong in a gulag, or should be executed and their bodies turned into biomass.

I also blame subversive Kikes for Stalin's death and the fall of the Soviet Union, Hitler had the right idea on gassing the beak nosed cretins, but he became a spiritual Kike himself by purging Communists and the Strasserists and allying with (((corporations)))

I hate capitalism I see it as one of the things that has destroyed my people. Especially the capitalist that pushes for open borders and degeneracy. Perhaps if it wasn’t in its current form I would accept it but no anyone who blindly sucks the corporate cock in my eyes is destined to be a slave.
Perhaps I do have a soft spot for her. I am more just afraid what some of my brothers would say about it because unfortunately a lot of “fascists” are stuck in a left right false paradigm where they shun people with “lefty” ideals. Idk maybe I should ask her out its something I think about a lot I know she really loves me tho

Dumbfuck commies unironically think even liberals are fascists. There is no arguing with them because they don't operate on logic, only how they FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL. And how they feel is that they deserve other people's shit for free because they're selfish lazy scumfuck children who don't want to work. My shit is not their shit, and no amount of their whiny kicking and screaming will ever make my shit their shit.

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You're an ''anti-capitalist'' corporatist shitstain until you run yourself into destruction because of unsustainable militarism and unparalleled borrowing, by which then you will have eventually reverted back to liberalism after the rate of profit is restored.

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>a leftist on most issues except immigration and race
Sounds like some kinda mix between a nationalist and a socialist.

Theres even more than 3 positions. Distributism and or a return to the guild system might be pretty based.

No, you ZOGshill your ''''shit'''' is not your own, it currently belongs to multinational CEOs and international bankers

But you don't know my views on race and religion, user.

Antifa are just wannabe Bolsheviks.

Communist isn't for subhumans and those who show solidarity for shitskins aren't communists, just libshits.

I love people who think they've somehow thrown off the reigns of emotionalism and reached some greater perch. Keep going, what you're gonna discover is you never had an objective point to start measuring rationalism by in the first place and then emotionalism and your own needs is all you're gonna have left. Happy adventures.

You kinda are stupid if you believe this. The left isn’t monolithic in the slightest it’s just a collaboration of different sides that want power. The thing I respect most about them is their revolutionary mindset something that should be a teaching point but faggots like you are stuck in a false paradigm. This has been one of the more intellectual threads on this shit hole in a long time but it didn’t take long for some faggot to start reeeeeing about muh free shit. I generally like commies more then you faggots

>Are communists not the absolute best example of this flawed mindset though?
No, it just appears this way. Its why i try to focus on bringing this up, its not possible to understand our perspective or motivation unless you understand our ontological view.
In the west everyone is educated with idealist ontology, i was an idealist and so i understand how the world looks to an idealist, but an idealist does not understand how the world looks to me now.

North korea is actually doing well. The USSR, by my reasoning, failed due to WW2.
The problem of the bureaucrat is well known. The socialist stage is vulnerable to bureaucrats because the state still exists in the socialist stage.
A relation of production can simply complete. In capitalisms cases that means one entity will accumulate all wealth (have all production logistics and distribution in the whole world controlled by that single entity). If this happens a regression back into capitalism is impossible. This however is very bad for people.
So you risk a socialist state before such a point, but this makes the bureaucrat very dangerous, for they can be compromised.
The only real solution thus far is an attempt at complete ideological purity. North korea is currently attempting this, and took it a step further than the USSR did, but the USSR was doing alright as well at first. The problem was WW2.
To keep morale up it was considered proper for party members to lead by example. This meant communist officers lead from the front, communist soldiers volunteered for the dangerous missions, communist civilians did the more dangerous civilian work. Keeping morale up was imperative during the fighting retreat so people were not already psychologically beaten when the counterattack began. It cost too many dedicated communists. You can read hoxhas account of the upper stratas of the USSR after stalin died, and see the same language and ideas modern liberals throw around. Its sickening

>return to the guild system might be pretty based.
The medieval guild system was fantastic but it requires a move away from Modernity and a restoration of the world of Tradition. You can't build a guild which was infused with religion and helped to provide a complete metaphysical system for the person, along with the Church, in the world of today.
Concepts like the individual have to be replaced with more correct anthropology. The idea of the human as a person who is part of an organic whole. A person whose place and privileges are a function of the hierarchy in which he belongs whose caste completes his self.
In other words a revolution in the true sense of the word. A full rotation, like the earth orbiting the sun, back to the origins.

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It is, minus the longing for the wholesale destruction of others. Plus, my opposition to immigration is less based on race and more based on it effectively being scab labor for capitalists.

What the fuck are you even talking about? The "reversion to liberalism" happens after the collapse of the state. Not before that. While the Third Reich collapsed because it was invaded by the World's 3 superpowers simultaneously, the USSR collapsed because it couldn't sustain it's own economy and stagnated without any outside intervention, and Chinese communists realized they couldn't resolve the issue and just gave up and liberalized/globalized their economy. And you criticize Third Positionists, who are the ONLY countries on Earth that put up any real resistance to the Liberal-Capitalist scourge? That's exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about.

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>give me your shit i'm a petulant child that doesn't want to work
kill yourself and you'll never have to lift a finger again

>m-m-muh emotions just like you said
Watch out everyone, Plato over here has got arguments all figured out.

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Goddamnit. The Nazi has a point. Motherfucking tankies. :(

Ha. Hardly. I'm just white trash from a trailer park in Alabammy.

You're already giving your shit to capitalist parasites that never lift a finger to work you retard

Some nuance is required for any discussion to happen in good faith

>these people i like
>these people i don't like
Nobody gives a fuck which you like more, idiot. Capitalism is the reason you are still alive to make these dumbfuck posts about how much you wish you could starve to death.

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Boomer con?

>How far off are tankies and dirtbag left types from antifa and SJWs? Any potential common ground there as far as opposing open borders, white guilt, gun control, etc?

I'm this type. Name a single country governed by MLs that has open borders, white guilt, and gun control that's out of line with many G7 nations.

We're not your allies, and you're in no position to bargain. We have China and many parties in Asia, Europe, and Africa. We also have Cuba and parties in the Americas. You are nothing. You are a spooky ghost used to frighten Americans into putting up with proto facist Trump and his neoliberal bullshit.

Fascist in the tweets, neoliberal in the sheets. That's what Trump is.

just pursue it user, if you feel like you have a chance. you seem to care about her a lot, enough to rant about her autistically on 4gag. women shift their views to men in their lives anyway.
btw I agree, most of Jow Forums is stuck in this stupid lolberg hate of "statism" and "socialism" and loving the free market, despite it being cause of much degeneracy.

>Fascist in the tweets, neoliberal in the sheets. That's what Trump is.
I've seen zero indication that Trump has ever had anything to do with Fascism. It's just that hysteria again. Trump is just a Neoliberal Corporate degenerate who panders to disaffected Rural Liberal-Conservatives. Trump has done absolutely nothing, nor as far as I tell tell: even SAID anything that would identify him as a fascist.

They are pretty much the only people we can be allies with on the left as they are inherently anti-liberal and oppose degeneracy, a permanent nigger lumpenprole class, third world immigrant scab labor etc.

Anti-Whiteness and open borders for 3rd world shitskin hordes is a libshit policy.

Communism is only for Whites and East Asians, not subhuman trash like dunecoons, niggers, pajeets and spics

You're still in love with him.

Fuck this guy

Suggested readings:
Dialectical and Historical Materialism, by Stlain
This should be the introduction to communism everyone reads.

A liberal Professor on Equality, by Lenin
This helps clear up by what exactly equality means when we say it. This also selected as a short thing to read to introduce someone to lenins personality.

Combat Liberalism, by Mao
I am not a maoist, but mao was a good revolutionary, and he well understood the dangers of liberalism when it comes to any sort of cohesive movement. Likewise, this is a little introduction to maos personality

The Khrushchevites, by Hoxha
This ones pretty big, but it reads sort of like a historical novel. It details the journies of hoxha in the post stalin era USSR and the various things he encountered. It also has some criticisms on china in it which might be worth reflecting on in todays climate. Mainly its so other people can be pissed off with me. After reading this i spent a while feeling it was better for the USSR to have simply collapsed than to go on with the legacy of these revisionists tainting it. I cant even enjoy post stalin propaganda anymore.

>you're, like, just, like, a slave, maaan
That must be why they live in my house, eat my food, drive my car, pet my dog, and fuck my wife. Oh wait...

Kick off the revolution then, dummy. Run out into the street right now and start that bitch up. No? Maybe you should go to walmart and get more supplies, you can hit up starbucks on the way and larp about how the system is oppressing you to every other faggot in there wearing a cashmere scarf and ray bans.

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You are fucking stupid I am a neet because I choose not to support this faggot zog system with my tax dollars. I’m not nessacry opposed to capatilistic ideals just because I reject what they push. You are a fucking faggot that knows nothing about starving yourself for a cause. I am not a commie but i 100% respect the sacrifice that must be made for the sake of revolution. Your capitalist muh self entitled bullshit is just you being a selfish faggot. Nothing will kick off while people like you refuse to disregard your personal comfort. Yes I’m a nat soc who dosnt hate “commies” and you can fuck off with your apologizing to the system that has destroyed this nation. Honestly you should get the rope before any racial alien kike or big business faggot because you are what propagates all of this shit. I try to build bridges while you try to tear them down. It’s pathetic and I truly wish you go first

I literally call him a Neoliberal corporate degenerate and the only thing you can say in response to my post is that I love him? I've been here calling trump a snake in the grass to all these Reddit shills since the beginning. I suggest you read the sticky and respond to my post instead of just strawmanning me with something I've specifically stated against.

Kek is this supposed to be satire? I can almost see the cockroach scurrying down your leg and back into the week old pizza box in the abandoned warehouse you and your skater buddies squat in

Are you a Kike? Or just a shitskin

Either way, you should be turned into biomass

I dunno. He did keep Mein Kampf beside his bed. I don't think he is a fascist, but he's definitely got fascist sympathies.

Half of his tweets are pro-Jew and pro-Israel. So I have no idea what line of thinking you're on about right now.

If you want neo-liberal wealth generation with social services, all directed to the purpose of restoring family and tradition then probably not because they always sperg out on trying to destroy capitalism, which is just a byproduct of fossil-fuel industrial society. An ability to reduce all material goods to an abstract unit of value will be necessary to manage this large technological system, the only way to break capitalism is to break technological society itself, this means living a more simple life which I think even tankies will not want to do.

>I literally

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You know what you convinced me im going to give it a shot. I must like her if I rant about her here. Hopefully my brothers don’t see it as a betrayal and if I can bring her one step closer who knows if we win then I might help her in the long run. Thank you user.

>i am a neet
Stopped reading your sperg paragraph right there. You contribute nothing, you are worth nothing, you will never be worth anything and you know it. You require the entire system to change in order for you to justify the gibs you're already receiving because you're a piece of shit leech and unironically think you wouldn't be executed under communist rule lmao.

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The guy is 1996 bill clinton + mean tweets. If he is a fascist then I'm sitting somewhere around 3x the border of the known universe on the 4 quadrant political scale

go back to the retirement home, boomers

>the only way to break capitalism is to break technological society itself, this means living a more simple life which I think even tankies will not want to do.
Finally someone gets it. All of the ideologies of modernity have the same destination and that is the technocracy and the reduction of the human to the machine. Take communism and capitalism they both agree on everything fundamental but disagree on methods. The choice between the two is a false dialectic.

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>he said it again!

Fascist vs having fascist sympathies are two diff things. While Bill Clinton isn't a great comparison, he does line up well with more old school blue dog Democrats.

I don’t want gibs faggot. I am not a leech I live off of the savings I earned. I know it is a double edged sword I accept that because in order for zog to be defeated then sacrifices must be made. Honestly I don’t think either side would have my head as I am not a ducking retard that can’t read a room. Kill you self because gassing you would be too fucking easy

I'll get to reading the first bit tomorrow. Thanks for keeping a non-shit thread alive.
After saying all of that, I must admit that I am no where near fighting capitalism. Even after all of its problems I can't be bothered to disconnect from the liberal apparatus. One thing I noticed about it though is that as the complexity increases the damage that can be done with a little effort also increases; remember the guy who shut down an airport with just one drone? Maturing capitalism also comes with its own set of vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

Any madmen with the balls to detonate nukes above north America and Europe and save us from cyberpunk techno hell? Maybe Iran, Pakistan and North Korea could tag team it?

If mother jones didnt tell you he had fascist tendencies you wouldnt have come to that conclusion on your own.

you cant go backwards like that.

>If there are no isolated phenomena in the world, if all phenomena are interconnected and interdependent, then it is clear that every social system and every social movement in history must be evaluated not from the standpoint of "eternal justice" or some other preconceived idea, as is not infrequently done by historians, but from the standpoint of the conditions which gave rise to that system or that social movement and with which they are connected.

>The slave system would be senseless, stupid and unnatural under modern conditions. But under the conditions of a disintegrating primitive communal system, the slave system is a quite understandable and natural phenomenon, since it represents an advance on the primitive communal system

>The demand for a bourgeois-democratic republic when tsardom and bourgeois society existed, as, let us say, in Russia in 1905, was a quite understandable, proper and revolutionary demand; for at that time a bourgeois republic would have meant a step forward. But now, under the conditions of the U.S.S.R., the demand for a bourgeois-democratic republic would be a senseless and counterrevolutionary demand; for a bourgeois republic would be a retrograde step compared with the Soviet republic.

>Everything depends on the conditions, time and place.

an excerpt from dialectical and historical materialism

>Even after all of its problems I can't be bothered to disconnect from the liberal apparatus
Even if you are aware of the system and its tricks one is unable to escape. Take metaphysics and the realm of being. Ancient man didn't believe in a world beyond this one he knew. It was a fact of life and that fact of life, the world of being, is evident in megalithic architecture. Their construction defies time because it is not anchored in the world of becoming, of flux and change.
You can try drugs but that is fake, you can try study but that just intellectualizes the problem.
So yeah modernity is a problem and the problem is not only out in the world but within each of us. So what is left, fake it until you make it? I am not a terribly bright man I just play on on the internet.

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Don't attempt to pigeon hole. The fucker has took a strong stand against immigration, embraced nationalism, embraced white identity politics, called for nationalistic trade polices, etc. Then he broke ranks and jacked off Israel and you assholes lost faith. It turns out greed overrules his fascist tendencies. Go figure.

good luck user, hopefully it works out for you

Not backward forward to the beginning

Posted all that and didn't even touch on the comment he was replying to once. You guys are like Jesus freaks quoting scripture, except you don't need to die before you get to see the impotence of your beliefs since they have failed so many times in reality already.

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This is the problem with greed it is something that plagues every race. Part of the reason why I attempt to reconcile differences between tankies and nat socs.
I gave her a call and she immediately picked up and accepted my offer to take her out. I think it’s something she has been waiting for. I really do thank you brother.

at least the dirtbag left doednt feel the need to put on a trench coat and go March around making the ok sign and signing MLP fan songs like some fucking nazi cosplaying faggot

Yeah because having a uniform and a unifying cause that doesn’t embrace globohomo is totally just cosplaying. Fuck off neo liberal faggot

What does the dirtbag left even stand for? I heard they're more about trade unions and dismiss SJW stuff as trust fund baby ennui, but all I ever actually see of them are vaush and the chapo gang calling right wingers chodes or chuds or whatever

>You guys are like Jesus freaks quoting scripture
That seems to work reasonably well, after all Christianity mostly spread through evangelism :^)

Also my reply is applicable. Though contextually i just assumed the post was alluding to some sort of primitivism ala kaczynski.

It is a good example of fixating on a desire to do something and not considering the material conditions which make it impossible.
You aren't going to unlearn knowledge. Some catastrophic event could set humans back but even knowing something is possible ensures it will be rediscovered easier than an unknown.
Im afraid unless the cyclic global catastrophy people are correct there is no primitivism in the future.
Communism itself is socially structured in that way. You can think of the actual end goal of communists to be fully industrialized and technological anarcho primitivism

Modern society and all its problems are a result of its industrialization. The way humans live today is not natural, and has not been natural for some time. The desire to return to a more natural social dynamic is of course one of the driving forces behind communism in general. All these unnatural societies create many of the conflicts which result in the progression of the relation of production to the next stage.

You can look at everything between primitive hunter gatherers and the end goal of communism as a series of chemical reactions caused by the invention of technology occurring which allows us to integrate technology into the natural human social structure. Each person, technology, and social structure a molecule combining and breaking down and recombining in different ways until a stable state is again found.

>strong stand against immigration.
The strongest criticism you'll find of him here besides his support for Israel is his "I want immigration in the highest numbers ever as long as its legal" rhetoric.

>embraced white identitarianism
Source? The only arguments I ever hear are that he retweeted a black crime stats meme and that he said there were fine people on both sides at Charlottesville, very obviously referring to the fags on each side with little signs say tear down / leave the statue up and not the guys Spencer sold down the river. Yawn.

>You guys are like Jesus freaks quoting scripture, except you don't need to die before you get to see the impotence of your beliefs since they have failed so many times in reality already.
>Posted all that and didn't even touch on the comment he was replying to once.
Seemed like a direct response to me; that a hypothetical reversion to a previous state would only once again create the conditions that caused the progression in the first place; that the progression is inevitable and that attempting to regress would be like trying to unscramble an egg.
It's a variant of whig historiography, with a marxist utopia in place of the liberal one as the final destination.

I hate niggers

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>muh evolution
>muh progress
>muh change and flux
Do you see how your system is no different then the capitalist? You share all the same presuppositions. You trick the masses in to choosing a side while either choice furthers the same dangerous agenda.

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nothing is different about the "dirtbag left", they're the same college red liberal antifa trust fund kiddies as rest. "dirtbag left" are just the edgy sjws. look on the chapotraphouse subr*dit if you want to see what they're about. a bunch of cucks.

>you cant go backwards like that.
I don't expect to go backwards, but I think that if you wanted communism you would have to go backwards to reduce the complexity of society to manageable levels.
>You can think of the actual end goal of communists to be fully industrialized and technological anarcho primitivism
To me that sounds like a contradiction, technology increases communication and transport, which increases control which destroys anarchy. The only stable state that can emerge from technocapitalism would be one in which the centralized power redistributes resources because it's more efficient than violently putting down rebellions, it's just a big nihilistic welfare state.

The future, at least that which is intended, is cybernetic user. The techniques are already in place and are being deployed as we speak. That cellphone in your pocket is only the first of small steps.
Musk and his implants are next. the technocratic system will simply redefine humanity to fit its presuppositions. The soviet new man will finally be made manifest and the project will be complete.

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Every world view needs some unassailable foundational principal to build itself out of.
I maintain that the distinction between these things is the single most significant and important thing when assessing these world views in relation to each other.

Ours is the only one whos unquestionable foundation is not a principal but an analytical method.
This means that all derived ideas, all positions, are not rigid. They do not have to be worked around. We do not need any mental gymnastics to make something dogmatically sound because the dogma is that there is no eternal dogma

Examples of idealism at play. Currently there is a big fuss over loot boxes in video games. People dont like them, but they cant simply say "we dont like them", they must invent justifications. So you have governments sitting around talking about how its just terrible because it teaches children to gamble and therefore we are justified in banning them.
This is required in a liberal democracy because it believes in personal freedoms, it cant just tell the game publishers not to do a thing because people dont like it. So it must try to leverage an even stronger liberal ideal, the supremacy of the law, to try and find some excuse to ban it.
The entire thing is a disgusting display of idealists having to add more exceptions and workarounds and complexities to justify their actions.

You cant get an ought from an is. Without metaphysics you can not describe the way the world should be, the principles it should adhere, all you can do is describe what is.
The communist system does more then describe but it prescribes. You demand an ought without metaphysics.