Attached: 1565668824886.jpg (638x780, 103K)
Meet His Royal Highness, The Monstrosity
Jose Lopez
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Jason Cruz
Jason Miller
... and her son looks hideous too.
Thomas Wilson
The future King.
Juan Hughes
That can't be real
Isaac Nelson
It was a shit bloodline anyway
David Fisher
>white man + slightly dark woman = goblin nigga
I call fake
Elijah Jackson
It's not. Op is a fag
Nathan Baker
No fucking way - I gotta google this shit
Justin Taylor
Benjamin Allen
lmao, nice edit
Brayden Nguyen
Jonathan Kelly
This is what he really looks like. My bigger concern is why the fuck is he in a big yellow dress.
Daniel Reyes
delet this
Aaron Nguyen
please dont tell me thats real
Logan Sanders
El rey trasatlántico de duendes
Logan Garcia
Andrew Cook
The royal drug dealing paedophile family
Austin Harris
Utter retardation. He would only look like that if his mother was a 100% pure African.
Jace Sanchez
can someone shop that with george soros laughing?
Adam Anderson
Robert Phillips
hahaha that baby has all nog features
Justin Gutierrez
Diversity is our strength, fellow mutt.
Elijah Rivera
It's funny because if he becomes king, Canada becomes his bitch. And since he's a mutt and his mother got royally fucked over in 'Murica, Northern Canada will be given to the Novutera mutts in America on a silver plate. Lmfao.
William Taylor
Sebastian Morris
lmao underrated
Blake Harris
Hardly respectful of the young prince ,leaf!
Kevin Rodriguez
International trade in teenage pussy by any chance?
Ryder Brown
Look at those dead fucking eyes.
Charles Rogers
Goblinkang is going to give us half your country and some leaf blowers, lmao. He would be more sympathetic to our plight than leaf stability. Shit's going to be cash in 20 years.
Charles Gray
Is this beauty headed back to Africa?
Samuel Rodriguez
They're just actors playing a role.
Ryder Harris
When will the British amputate the diseased limb known as the royal family?
They are behind all of the suffering of the common folk going back thousands of years.
They own most of the island as landlords.
Stay hydrated
Levi James
>it's an Amerimutt fails to understand succession and posts troll shoops thread
Gavin Price
Looks just like whatever american Tyrones seed gave spawn to the she mutt.
Tyrone is on the throne.
Sebastian Thomas
Jonathan Clark
That isn't really their baby they got a whiter one to trick people into race mix.
Landon Morales
kek they swapped the kid
Hunter Collins
Amerimutt retardation and delusions. The average "Black" is 10 - 30% White. She's mixed so she is like 60 - 70% White. The prince comes from a pure long line of Anglo-Saxon royal blood. Thousands of years. So this baby is going to look fucking White and be 75 - 80% or more White.
Joseph Long
That's only because they have fuck all else to offer.
Oce they realised the public was fascinated by their sexual perversions and casual racism they were set for life.
Lincoln Wilson
Give me the mother fucker on the Left.
FUCK Nigger Grande
Benjamin James
>The prince comes from a pure long line of Anglo-Saxon royal blood.
The royals are an ethnic group unto themselves, they've been intermarrying for thousands of years, there's nothing "pure" about them
Josiah Butler
real pic
Jonathan Reyes
You two are retards and obviously not mutts because you lack all understanding of how admixture works over generations of miscegenation and how mutt children can look if their grandparents and their parents keep fucking a particular race. He has European and Negroid features and to a mutt, it is obvious. His sellion and his neutral canthal tilt is typical of a racially composite individual with European and Negroid admixture. Also, his higher propensity for genetic selection of brown eyes (A Negroid genetic trait) is obvious as he has brown eyes. The baby is their baby. He looks more like his mother and partially like his father but as he is a mutt, he has composite features. If you aren't mutts, don't try to understand muttolology 101. You'll always fail. Assuming is for the mentally retarded.
Cameron Morgan
They're McPoyle/Ptolemy levels of pure.
James Perry
Reminds me of the airport photo of the San Bernardino Christmas shooting killer.
Just watch, the duchess of Sussex is going to snap and do a carriage driveby on the Windsors.
Colton Hernandez
kid has nigger lips and is white, awful mix
Cameron Gomez
that is a hideous demon. kid looks fucked up too
Josiah Martinez
Ayeee! La creatura! Dios mio!
William Sanchez
she looks like a burned toast
Brayden Martinez
And yet this kid will be more important than all of you and will neutralize Canada and America. Lmao.
Owen Russell
Lets wait for his hair to grow
David Jackson
I'd rather have burned kikes than burned toast.
Julian Ortiz
La luz del extinguido
Joseph Price
Jesus Fucking Christ
Charles Cox
His may be straight or like the hair of our women: Large wavy/curly coils. 3C curls. Maybe wavy like Sarah Koopman's hair.
Easton Walker
La luz del extinguido supreme.
Christopher Walker
Red shirt girl.
Carson Rogers
Leo Stewart
oh fuck im gonna have to use this in crusader kings 2. 10/10 looks nice.