No one cares about the gospels anymore. Obama was the last gasp of a Christian era. He was a well meaning man of faith who did have a private, personal relationship with god. Hillary and Trump are both atheists. Bush II is an ancient memory. Looking back at the way he talked about Christianity now, it's almost like he's from another country.
Christians have been defeated
Other urls found in this thread:
The greatest revival in the history of the world will soon happen:
>" After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Revelation 7:9-17
Retard kys
That old and outdated book is done. But revelation was a cool magic mushroom trip report.
When teenagers grow up they tend to turn to the god they have abandoned. Fake news.
Obama is a fucking fake christian
keep hoping boomer
I've grown up past the New Testament. Childish morals for childish people.
I heard some modern day Christians treat the bible as a history book written by fallible humans and the only part that is a rule book is when Jesus was talking.
So, even LGBTW is cool with Jesus.
It should be the other way around. The OT contains the morals necessary for preserving civilization and the NT is just redpills about the jews plus delusional hippy bullshit.
Blatantly untrue, you've just assumed this. Hillary, Bush, Obama and Trump are hardly a measure.
Four percent too high. There's still room for improvement.
The guy who told me that said that anyone who follows the old testament isnt a christian, but a Jew.
ugh thats where you are wrong kiddo
Babbling about "conservative view" of Bible is probably one of the reasons so many young people feel alienated from the fate, talking about entire Bible as equally literal truth makes it extremely easy to just reject all of it.
Nobody cares about the gospels because they're provable fiction, constructed directly from psalms and other jewish books of scripture. The Jesus Paul writes about may or may not have been an historical guy, but he was NOT the jesus of the guspels. Cehck it out, proof:
The gospels and harry potter contain the exact same level of historical accuracy.
That’s kind of how I look at it, I still take the basis Of morals from the Entire Bible Old Testament included but I look past things that don’t make any sense as they were likely mistranslated or added by man, I’m also newly Christian, was agnostic Before. I think I only partly count as Christian though as I think baby religions are true but that are poorly retold versions of the same stories altered to capture different crowds
>*from the faith
Good. We don't need any of those Jewish fairy tales. We have our own Gods.
There must be another way out
I’m not sure I follow user
So, Jesus himself? Good thing they killed that kike huh?
> "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished," (NASB, Matt. 5:18).
moses: eye for an eye
Jesus: turn the other cheek
moses: stone the adulterers
Jesus: let he among you without sin cast the first stone
moses: kill all the gays
Jesus: thou shalt do no murder
John 9:28 “Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciple; but we are moses‘ disciples.”
John 10:8 “All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear him.”
"all accomplished" could be the coming back to life part.
He sounds like a fucking idiot, maybe stop listening to him
The bible contradicts itself, like every other "holy book", how surprising?
Accomplishment is the apocalypse.
christianity is a faith of redemption. it will always be more prolific among the more mature whom have had more time ti literally be defeated.
Lots of people are still larping for god
What do you think about interprating the Bible from the single player in a simulation point of view?
The reader is Eve and everything else that is moving is a personality that Adam has, but they are all connected to him through a branch.
And that the "end times" is just an emotional journey that every reader must go through in their lifetime. Like a schizophrenic break when you realize people might be talking in parables/metaphors all the time without admitting it and DNA might not even exist.
Other way around.
>turn the other cheek
Turn the other cheek is in the Old Testament too (though not the Torah), and it doesn't mean don't attack anybody who attacks you. It's just talking about slaps and insults, not actually killing people.
>let he among you without sin cast the first stone
That passage isn't even in the original version of John, but the point conveyed is that the kikes were trying to trick him since they would've been stoned too if Jesus went through, and either way he would've either broken the Law by not stoning the woman or they could've reported him to the Romans. In the end, he atoned for this in place of killing the woman (which is also in the Old Testament, just as animal sacrifice).
>thou shalt do no murder
That's one of the ten commandments, (so literally given to Moses) and killing homosexuals isn't murder.
Where Did Cain (son of Adam) get his wife?
>all this interpretative mental gymnastics bs
Why are you trying so hard to find sense in the Bible? You don't try this hard when reading Harry Potter, or The Great Gatsby.
He married one of his sisters, it's literally said that Adam had many daughters.
Obviously she wasn't human, so she was probably a chimp or something. Therefore Cain was the progenitor of niggers.
But he was kicked out
Jesus was a kike larper. His cult became big because he threatened to send people to hell. Christianity is anti-white.
I would rather be a jew than a Christian. At least OT has some historical validity to it.
Then he was likely married before he got cursed. All tradition points to him marrying his sister:
No, they got tanned so hard that some resorted to burkas.
Everything supports my claim, though. Even the land of Nod is actually a mistranslation; originally it was meant to be the land of Nog.
I don't think so. There will always be a market for doctrines that promise life after death, since the inevitability of death is the main existential problem of mankind. I highly doubt that the average people even care about the fact that there isn't as much as a single shred of evidence for it. People will always flock to doctrines like this. They will do everything in their power to deny death through this doctrine. They will lie, cheat, kill and are even willing to die under the banner of doctrines that promise them eternal life. This denial of death is the force that gives mankind its meaning, so assuming that it will die is highly dubious
I was expecting that number to be somewhat higher, or even as high as around 15%. What happened to American Christianity? I thought that other Western countries resented how Americans are stereotyped as holding onto lingering, more conservative forms of Christianity that do not feel relevant anymore to Western Europeans, Oceanians, or Canadians.
>Obama was the last gasp of a Christian era. He was a well meaning man of faith who did have a private, personal relationship with god.
This is why Christianity is dead, and good riddance! Hail Odin!
What you're just saying is that anti-American jewish propaganda went unchecked because people were happy with their steel belted tired and VCRs for a while. Indoctrination is called indoctrination for a reason.
"Hurr, bad peepo not doing good things so that invalidates the Bible."
You know Christianity is 100% true because you don't fight this hard against fairy tales unless they are strapping suicide belts to blow your kids up, or they steal all your banks and film companies and start the propaganda.
Don't you think it odd that all of a sudden white people started hating themselves in a form of racism and the successes that did so much good for the entire world? Ask yourself, if white peepo and Christianity dies, who profits? *rubs hands together*
At least muslims care about their religion.
>Everything supports my claim
From a multi-player simulation point of view.
It's because christianity doesn't help Free Englishmen (the only real Americans) or any European American from actually being able to go toe to toe with rival tribes or protect their Republic from the ghoul tide. In the 70 years of Jewish aggression against America what has organized Christianity managed to achieve?
To put it simply if you aren't playing the game of ethnic tribes you may as well check out now. Also America is majority brown goycattle who associate conservative christianity with white america.
It's a two fold issue of being completly useless in fighting Jewish power and crushing demographic annihilation; religious belief are not floating around our heads they are a manifestation of real, physical, people. Once they go, it goes.
>grow up
You mean when they're on their deathbed?
If it was this the case then you would see lot of people converting in the old age. In reality, a lot of Christianity has to do with day to day living: like the redemption of sins, how to deal with a guilty conscience, etc.
Your view is too simplified
Christians either need to go full ISIS and follow their fucking religion or adapt to the degenerate times which were the result of their own horrific bloody wars.
If Dawkins can convince tards that atheism is a religion there's hope for any "belief"
Define 'conservative' view.
Most of this is a straw man.
LOL you win shill you made me laugh out loud as
>Obama was Christian
That is a fucking good joke.
That refers to the maintainance of society, which has as its goal to make a world that best passes on our genes to the next generation.
>a third of a century
Under 30 year olds have ALWAYS been lax about Faith and Religion. ALWAYS.
This is in NO WAY a new development or shocking trend.
>hold to a conservative view
fake news
are they conflating conservative with fundamentalist?
what about those that have "non conservative" views but still faith?
deceptive numbers for social engineering
Jow Forums is christian, deal with it
>Obama was the last gasp of a Christian era. He was a well meaning man of faith who did have a private, personal relationship with god
Obama is literally the antichrist. When you see returns to power, remember this. Do not take the mark.
Not many claim to know the whey
A phase everyone has gone through.
Christians, Muslims and Jews, bad news...
im Pagan
The biggest losers are those anti-Christian twits who think that they've won.
>jew man bad
What a retard.
pol is an atheist board
the british/euro-masonic empire has never faced a population this knowledgable, armed & wealthy before, and now that the age-of-technology has pulled back the curtain on these subhuman goblins, there's a global mass with a insatiable hunger for their throats.
goodness is the true baseline of organic human nature, and these goblins are just maligned mongoloids who developed off this natural path into the thorns, brush and mud.
while this elite european royal-family network has for centuries been the one biggest shark in the tank; being the most well fed, the technological, industrial & information age taken this ecology into a whole new realm, where this big shark is starting to look smaller and smaller...
and once these beady-eyed little goblinoids get backed into a corner and realize they have become the prey, theyre going to hit the PANIC button, and attempt for the last big push for total full spectrum planetary control by staging a global apocalypse to wipe out all surface threats and keep their power monopoly going.
Christianity has to lose, it has way too strong ties to the middle east to be useful to us, it's like being subverted for all eternity because we made the mistake of worshiping a desert god called Yahweh and his so called son Yoshua...
That hasn't been determined yet!
So many sad people.
But, they're going to make the end of days entertaining for us christcucks.
Agreed. It's time to stop worshipping a kike on a stick and get back to business.
Yes my fellow genti- white men. We must worship fairies and trees instead just as our ancestors intended
I don't know, fairies and trees are more cool than a jew on a stick.
And have you seen teenagers today? Absolutely the ugliest group of kids I’ve ever seen. Completely soul lacking.
Not only ugly and fat, but also sad and deppressed! Suicide rates like never before seen! Really shows what a lack of religion provides
>No one cares about the gospels anymore.
It's because they pick up a Bible and it doesn't feel right.
If the pick up a King James then things would change.
Okay, but that will result in us not caring about Jews and their nomadic desert stories, the Jews didn't push for people worshiping or listening to pagan myths and stories... They just want us to serve them, no matter what we believe, half believe or don't believe in!
And that's a good thing
You got a lot to learn
Mankind created God, in their image.
also Jesus:
>driving money changers out of the temple
>telling the parable of the servant who invested his master's money wisely
>cursing a fig tree forever for no reason other than his momentary frustration
>sell your cloak and buy a sword
That's just decadence, a desert god named Yahweh won't help you feel at home, in fact I think it might want you to serve the gods chosen people like in America and Israel. And the middle east will suddenly be the most important thing, because your livelihood depends on it!
>And I, if I be lifted up from the Earth, will draw all to myself
A temporary setback at most. On the other hand we will live to see the end of the Chinese tyranny, Chang. These times are blessed by open and manifest punishments of the tyrannical heathen.
>If the pick up a King James then things would change.
The bible is still about the middle-east, not about the country that the people are native too. Unless you are Jewish or some other middle easterner...
I don't need Yoshua to tell me things, I can already see what the Jews are doing... The only reason he was called Jesus is because the Roman empire adopted Christianity when it declined...
>not realising that Aryans and Middle Easterners are closer to each other than any other group minus the Finno-Ugrians
Read Laurence Austine Waddell.
>not realising that Aryans and Middle Easterners are closer to each other than any other group minus the Finno-Ugrians
So you claim that all Europeans are just descendants of middle-easterners that have their culture based on that environment?
>Read Laurence Austine Waddell
If I have time for that, I will consider it.
IF christianity is related to decline, then why did Constantinople outlast Rome as the seat of an empire for 1000 years? Checkmate vargnigger.
Justinian’s renovatio is the greatest tour-de-force in history, considering a plague struck them halfway through and killed a third of the Empire.