Is marijuana being legalized beneficial to society in any way other than pleasing a bunch of hippies?

is marijuana being legalized beneficial to society in any way other than pleasing a bunch of hippies?

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further feminize the men
make the populace complacent with "just getting by"
and of course, more tax revenue

this. also weed makes ppl unproductive, lazy, and they tend ot eat more becoming fatter and a drain on the healthcare system. the food companies want ppl smoking weed so they are prone to advertising and buying more food.

only time will tell I guess.

Well from personal experience it has helped me with both Epilepsy and PTSD. I've also heard that has helped my close friend with Fibromialgia.

You dont have to worry about an uprising if the population is stoned

Also this

Ever heard about soma?


It cured my cancer!


Just wait until they go full legal. Every child's park, theatre, store, restaurant and fucking library is going to reak like the piss and failure of these subhumans. You think they will be considerate and just keep it in their living rooms once they get a free pass? No. They will ruin everything for everyone like the inconsiderate, sub human assholes they are. Even drunks are discrete and have to sleep it off from time to time. These pieces of shit go 24/7. Every single residential situation known to man will have to desegregate itself a "smoke free" building or neighborhood in response to the pandemic of this shit, but you think that will stop the weedmen now that they cannot be arrested? Please. They don't care about their community or neighbors, children or elderly. Anyone who knows these people knows the weed comes first no matter what.

Every one of you pieces of shit deserve to be in a camp

Not wasting tax payer money on innocent people in prison, and then paying them unemployment because no one will hire them now

Weed turns regular, happy people into paranoid, unproductive, demotivated assholes.
And what the world needs right now is more paranoid, unproductive, demotivated assholes!

Those nugs look tasty as fuck. If you're smoking high-grade stuff like in the pic you've honestly nothing to worry about. Fuck concentrate though. That shit will legit make you fucking stupid. Also fuck anything below 10% it's a waste of money. The real crime of marijuana is the death of your wallet. I havent smoked in over a month, and I'd say the best thing to come out of it is me having vivid dreams again. THATS COOL. I wouldnt endorse anyone to smoke eryday, but the occasional puff is fun, and not fucking with your tolerance is nice. LSD,DMT, and shrooms are also redpilled. I plan on making some DMT this Christmas. It will be based af.

>it's banned forever
>it's not banned now

you fucking niggers

dutch have been smoking weed for years and became gay, openborders, mass immigration and far left, also pro-pedophilia country

weed, alcohol, gambling, prostitution etc are jewish trick they have used everywhere to subvert the goyim and fill them with vice

weed is the herbal jew

It depends what you're smoking, and how you're consuming it. There are a lot of asshole potheads, but there are also normal people who smoke, and like to make music,draw/paint, or shitpost while high. It motivates me to do shit I dont like doing like being in really occupied public spaces for prolonged hours.

Cannabis was used by the Israelites

It was used by Moses

It is a religious right.

yeah massachusetts had medical for a while and I never noticed it but now you smell it everywhere. traffic, work and everything. my movie theater is especially bad I think because of the coats. it's like being surrounded by chain smokers all the time. I don't really mind that much but it did explode for sure.

>Weed turns regular, happy people into paranoid, unproductive, demotivated assholes.
>And what the world needs right now is more paranoid, unproductive, demotivated assholes!
Accelerationism FTW

I unironically started to become a Jow Forumsack when I started smoking, and becoming introspective enough to question the JQ. Weed can be a serious redpiller if you're correctly guided.

I see you've been to Washington

>even drunks are discreet
No, screaming and pissing in the middle of the sidewalk is hardly discreet. The most obnoxious bums on the street are all alcoholics, second only to the opiate junkies.

one less avenue for dumbass white kids to go to prison to get ass raped by feral niggers

I hope you are referring to aliens and not people.

Just to clarify I can agree with the unproductive perspective, to an extent.

There are different strains and the obvious sativa/indica

and ofcourse folks on this "smoqueed errday" trip absolutely fuck themselves over Ive seen it esculate to anger management issues and complete carelessness

Timtam 4:4 we're literally all told it's based in the bible kikes, and master-race gents are given the okay.

I feel like those kinds of people are probably just drawn to it anyways

I'm referring to the jewish question. The holocaust never happened but it should have.

it makes you smarter

Money to the Jewish owners of the corporations that sell the weed


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It reduces law enforcement spending, makes them focus on hard drugs like meth or heroin.

In the grand scheme of things, it's to:
>More money for the government if they try to get in on dealing it, like Canada
>More money for the government by just making less things illegal, ergo less resources spent on fighting it and less spent on prison costs
Most importantly:
>Grant easier access to what (((experts))) say is an "antidepressant", that in reality doesn't work
>Because they would rather have the entire populace drugged up and complacent than actually solve problems or backtrack to what actually works for a society

It shrunk the cancer in my brothers stomach from 4cm down to Less than 1cm, still going. Previously chemo etc did nothing for him. Every case different though, doesn't work for all.

It's funny how wrong everyone in this thread is about weed. If anything, I hate niggers more now that I smoke weed. Not to mention that it increases performance at the gym and makes you think. The Jews pushed the lazy stoner stereotype on you because they don't want you to expand your mind and find out who's really running things. They fear the reefer.

Weed is fine as long as you don't do it every day and realize there is a time and place for it. Jow Forums screeches about muh degeneracy but never forget after 2016 half the board is full of boomers that live nigger rich off the backs of their own children and sold the nation down the toilet for a cruise and an RV.

That's something I agree with. Weed is a smile on the face that isnt deserved. People with nothing to smile about in their day flock to it. Sometimes I'm fucking exhausted though, and I do want to do those things that make me smile, and for me weed is that pick me up that says "fuck being tired/demotivated life is great stop wasting time!". I use it like speedniggers use addy.

How many times do you see a drunk though? Pretty infrequently without being a bar or something. Once weed goes legal it does give them a free pass to set up everywhere. For instance try driving up and down the i5 through Washington and Oregon and you'll see huge groups at virtually every stop. You never see drunks at rest stops especially in the day

Fuck you youpiece of SHIT. It does not do that. Uncle tried to get me of chemo to take that. You are a true parasite vermin for abusing peoples feelings like this.

DUIs and hard drug use both show large increases when marijuana is legalized. How does that "reduce law enforcement spending"?

>doesn't work
I used it for that, and it worked pretty well. It got me thinking on a deeper level, and made me realize I need to be constantly moving, and motivated. I am not a daily smoker. The last time I killed a bowl was over a month ago.

Why talk shit if you've never tried it? This thread is nothing but worn out cliches you guys regurgitate day after day! So dense you don't know everything this plant is capable of, ever heard of THC V, future weight loss aid! Cannabis has properties your worn out boomer minds can't even comprehend!

Imagine being so cucked by wageslavery that you don't even think you're allowed to smile unless you filled up Mr. Shekelstein's pockets. Work ethic is fine to an extent but some of you fuckers are like niggers begging for chains.

Its actually proven to significantly decrease cancer growth. You have to fucking blast a fiction of THC, and CBD they're both needed to activate the health benefits of the CBD.

it's good for the economy

Nigger I ain't talking about wage slaving I'm talking about working out,music composition, and working out. Sometimes people do so much in the day that fitting all that in is tiring. Stop acting like a retard gorilla nigger;not everybody is a wageslave.


Marijuana is undeniably one of (if not THE) the least dangerous methods of ingestible recreation (alcohol, drugs etc) and should have been made legal a long time ago.
Alcohol is the one that really shouldn’t be legal at all, but people have become so accustomed and reliant on it that now we can’t take it away, even if we insist to them it’s for their own good.
There’s no reason to keep a lit candle away from a burning building. There’s really no harm in legalizing it. Will probably even get a few people off of the harder stuff, at least.

we need a boomercaust so badly

why the fuck should you be happy if you're a self-described wageslave? have some ambition and don't mask the shame with weed

That's the problem is that it's meant for longterm usage. A sustained business so to speak like any other antidepressant. If it works in the shortterm all the better, but keep using it like intended and you'll be a DUDEWEEDBRO consumerist.

Depends on where you are, but almost every city I've been to has drunks. Let's not pretend alcohol is some kind of lovely intoxicant because it's legal or you like it. The worst fuckups I've ever met were all alcoholics.
Booze is like any other vice, once you get comfortable doing it all the time you've ruined your life. You can fuck up any good thing without moderation.

Nigger you cant even vape on private property its illegal as fuck, and is one of the most common things nowadays.

Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not an authoritarian, so I'll leave it up to the individual to decide.

modern strains are nothing like the one used in ayurveda.

stoners keep pushing legalization saying it does wonders for parkinson patients (which perhaps does) but the people who advocate for it are not even ill.

it's just further degeneration from people who want to be able to get drugged out in the street without fear of repercussions.

You sound like a fag anyway, you also said working out twice. Filthy drunk.

It definitely helps with Fibromyalgia

We're talking about the repercussions of legalizing it though. All that stuff might be great but you guys are assholes about it. The inmates run the asylum for sure once it's legalized. The bs story of the guy who smokes once a month while eating pizza is a myth. It's way more bothersome to everyone else's lives than this explosion of transgender stuff or something like that. The people who smoke are just gas lit because ltheir entire life revolves around getting baked.


Do leafs smoke weed to hide their shame? That would legitimately explain Canadian politics.

It can, but I've also read that it can make things incredibly worse. It differs like any substance

Fortunately for my friend he got off disability using marijuana.

There was a time where I was smoking everyday for months, and then just randomly stopped. People who fall in that hole naturally have addictive personalities, and addiction is a real thing. You cant get addicted to weed though;not on a physical level at least. People who fall on the mental plane of that shit though are just addicts. Personally if I were to try to get through to someone to not make it an everyday thing I'd ask them what they're spending monthly, and multiply it by 12. Let them realize they're killing their savings.

I'm watching movies while I shitpost. Meant to throw in painting/drawing etc you sound mad af

>There's really no harm in legalizing it.

Fact is; states that legalize marijuana enjoy a sharp increase in car accidents. Some 5-10% depending on study.

I use it in lieu of prescription meds
It's good for me bad for ((Drug)) Companies

if it decreases alcoholism, sure

it's still a drug that turns people into lazy annoying retards, but at least it's not horrifically addictive and as poisonous as booze

that being said I find most DUDE WEED LMAO types insufferable to the degree where I wouldn't mind seeing them loaded into a comically sized circus cannon and shot at a brick wall

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Yes. Laws cost money to enforce, after all.
What, do you think courts and prisons and criminal monitoring and drug enforcement are free? It costs a huge amount of money to do these things.
That's why nobody sane does it. The only reason government does it normally is because they can spend wild amounts of money on pointless shit because they have stolen monies to work with(taxes).
But now with inflation going out of control and the cost of governing going through the roof, they need to make cuts, and since weed is the most benign thing most governments ban, that's the first thing on the chopping block.
Eventually, all drugs will have to be legalized as government lose the ability to afford enforcement of contraband laws. Guns will go the same way.

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Prove it faggot. DUI percentages increasing I'd believe;car accidents though? Absolute bullshit.

alcohol is something like the 3rd leading cause of preventable death. it kills a shitload more people than every other drug combined.

you may not see them because it's the person living next door, so to speak. somewhere around 10% of US adults are alcoholics or alcohol abusers

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Theres a huge difference between homegrown/recreational, and MEDICAL which is designed for people who are actually I'll. Theres a rare strain that was recently discovered in Africa which acts as a natural nootropics due to it's high content of THCV. It's one of the only plants of it's kind. VICE as fucking AWFUL as they are got to document it being harvested by a company with permission from the locals. It seriously depends on the strain.

That fox knows exactly what hes doing smug cunt canine

Marijuana impairment degrades cognitive and motor skills.

All the apartments on the west coast, where nobody has ac and everyone has to sleep with windows open if you're not a Mexican, have signs and usually cameras everywhere to catch people smoking now that it's legal. They threaten fines and eviction and everything but people still smoke their asses off and the entire building stinks all night. Inever understood why they can't just vape inside to keep the smell down but it seems like they don't get high enough or whatever because people burn it everywhere right out in the open.

Have you ever been into a house where someone who chain smokes cigarettes lives? Imagine your apartment you work your ass off to pay for smelling like that every time you open the window. And if you happen to be white or have a dog that's usually all day all night.

no its the jews waging war on white civilization

all drugs should be legal but we should stop coddling criminal behavior and if people do stupid shit while on drugs they should suffer the penalty greatly with actual sentences carried out. none of this probation bullshit in and out from jail in 2 months. if you are on drugs and start robbing homes to fund your drug habbit you should be locked up for good time and rehabilitated by breaking rocks and doing manual labor free of charge for the local governments like road building projects

>Jow Forums is one person

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>tax revenue

you can stop that meme, when its legal you can just grow it yourself. it takes no brains to grow weed, its easier than growing a tomato and a lot faster too

Who gives a shit? I don't care if you kill yourself with drug or alcohol addiction. It's just that you subject everyone else to your bullshit. Your own thought process anout it shows how much of your life it engulfs. You have your little packed taking points. No one gives a shit about that. It's the fact that you guys are like zombies. You're everywhere at all times.

Jow Forums is about outrage politics and identity politics
Anything you don't like is Jewish.
Anything you like is actually something you shouldn't like, because it's Jewish.


lol this. god made the plant its medicine for everything. weed cured my athletes foot

Medicine. Manufacturing.

Yeah and morphine helps people with severe injuries too but I don't want people using it recreationally.

Instead of being a fucking degenerate you could fill that plate full of cinnamon sticks and dates.

Weed and pornography are the opium for the masses.

thats already how it is in california and colorado, you cant go anywhere in public without smelling it and seeing tattoo covered trash puffing on a blunt

I don't know, but I do know that it's not something the government should concern themselves about

I would generally agree with you but it winds up costing everyone that pays taxes and has private insurance. you aren't just killing yourself, you are costing the system millions in the process

completely agree, but the weed states already have junkies on every corner so it's just pissing into a river of piss desu

>everyone has to sleep with windows open if you're not a Mexican
why don't they open their windows?

Your 'study' is 2 years older than the one I posted. It even ends in "Future studies over a longer time remain warranted."

That's not what you stated though you're statement was there were an increase of statistics for car crashes related to marijuana users SO where are the statistics you absolute ass clown. I just looked through the pdf stated absolutely fucking nothing, besides
>bad for insurance if caught
>COULD impair cognitive/motorbility
Bullshit by the way I used to make three hour commutes after taking heavy bong rips. I've never been in a car crash.

Some of you are full of shit. I am an everyday smoker and i am not lazy or unproductive.

Read again.

Weed cured my tiny penis. I went from 4 inches erect to over 6.5 in just over a month.

What fucking ghetto slumland are you living in where the landlord isnt evicting them? Its literally against policy because the smoke stains the walls. Your landlord might be a pothead.

What's wrong with smoking some funny plant for fun?