trying to redpill my friend, drop whatever you got. Specifically looking for a screenshot from twitter of jews jewing, top half has them claiming to be white and bottom half has them claiming to be of longnose decent
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>trying to redpill my friend, drop whatever you got. Specifically looking for a screenshot from twitter of jews jewing, top half has them claiming to be white and bottom half has them claiming to be of longnose decent
nothin personnel kid
thanks man, this is the exact one I was looking for
They out themselves alot
Iceland is a degenerate shithole with treacherous left-wing leaning libtard licentious vulgar vermin and filth that have lost their sense of faith and religion. Nothing but harlots, charlatans and malcontents that are ensuring its own self-destruction and personal decadence. Wasteful frivolous people possessing neither purpose nor direction.
Here's an example from a series I've seen recently. Sadly, despite the filename, I've only seen/saved this one.
I'm sorry man, I really hope you guys manage to turn shit around. Really upsets me when politicians pass this shit. At least in America, almost a solid half of the population are against the crap they pass yet it still goes into effect
stfu cunt. steven universe sucks
??? What does that steaming hot turd of a show have to do with anything I said, dingus?
>trying to redpill my friend,
thats not how it works, you're just gonna look like a sperg to your friend. subtlety and tact are your friend
Environmentalists and moronic global-warming/climate change advocates are arguably more destructive people that leave more trash behind them and don't recycle as often and are just pretentious virtue-signalling destructive people that litter and destroy our planet even more. They just massively overcompensate for their own failures and mishaps and sense of self-loathing.
Nah he's already decently redpilled, just trying to give him that last little push towards the jewpill
>responding to bots
>trying to redpill my friend, drop whatever you got. Specifically looking for a screenshot from twitter of jews jewing, top half has them claiming to be white and bottom half has them claiming to be of longnose decent
Just ask him simple questions like, "Why is it illegal to question the Holocaust in so many countries?" or "Why are there so many movies made of the Holocaust and not of the mass murders committed by Stalin etc?"
Also, pic related.
Her name was Ebba Akerlund
Seconded. Their narrative is so nonsensical that just a moment of critical thought is all you really need to make a person snap out of it.
The british royal family, various world leaders and other members of the so called "elite" are already brain chipped and possibly already linked together to form some sort of hive mind.
A few of them have visible head scars.
Then show some of them
Here's a link to the library of hate: Several hundred of hate facts
Search 4plebs for redpill threads, you'll find a lot
??? are you ok, agents? are you having a stroke?
you'll find on 4plebs in the other redpill threads, that's all I have
le shapeshifter has arrived