Feminists Push For Sex Bot Consent Laws
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>April 9th 2018
imagine the smell of that little pink snatch
>When women realize their only value to men is sexual pleasure and reproduction.
Rosties getting scared of being replaced or ignored by the men that hate.
>"expert claims"
>expert claims
How do you become an expert on sex robots?
I don't have to imagine, I bought her bath water and can smell her any time I want.
These titles are actually pretty funny.
>Dude Looks Like a Lady: Gender Deception, Consent and Ethics
>Will Sexbotics take us into a future beyond consent?
>Fucking Law: the search for her sexual ethics
>Under the fucking skin: a whore and her hotel room door
She has a dyke hairstyle and is probably a fetishist rather than Jewish. A bit of a rare animal.
Lucky. Is there any scent of her perfume in it? I'm dying to know what she smells like in terms of fragrance.
Probably smells pretty gross considering she's an ethot who was born in South Africa and now lives in Shit hole England
Just go fuck some 14 year old in Russia, they all look like this.
Bella delphine is just cope for people who want to fuck hebe's but don't want to go to jail
Why does she look like the racer kid from wreck it ralph
how do you know it's not some fat guy's bathwater? she's probably laughing at you right now, nerd
you bury your dick in thousands of robotic pussies
My god he's right
I don't understand how this is not a joke of some kind, am i falling for the redpill so soon?
>implying I don't want her laughing at me
>Just go fuck some 14 year old in Russia, they all look like this.
>get lynched by russian ultras
No thanks
>robots would be considered human in law
Would I be sued for physical assault if I throw my phone at the wall?
you aren't hairy germanon. fuck you
Why not push for hand sex consent laws too?
A man forcing their own extremities to masturbate with is very patriarchal as the cells have no voice to say no in those situations!
seething roasties desperately clinging to their last vestiges of power
Fucking feminists.
>unborn babies have no rights! Fuck that blob of cells!
>respect stuffed fuck toys!
imagine the smell
Heaven, i'd imagine.
what is the appeal of this disgusting whore?
She's extremely cute and as you can see, has beautiful feet. You're just gay.
this is just fucking mental.
Dude, she's a GIRL who plays VIDEOGAMES and likes ANIME.
Consent is a thing living things do. Sexbots aren't, so femcels can fuck right off.
I get actively turned off by girls "acting" cute.
It makes me cringe.
>calling someone gay as an insult while liking feet
WTF does it even mean for a machine to consent?
Why does underage fucking run so rampantly in Russia?
>being swedish
Well, we should require consent laws for dildos, strap ons, machine toys or whatever you have as a female.
They need consent too!
Roasties eternally BTFO!
>AI robots programmed to turn down BIO robots
Based, Chads win again.
Age of Consent laws.
Because they are savages
The redpill is basically the clownpill at this point.
Degree in women's studies or gender studies or whatever they now call it.
>Don't insert a key into a car without the cars consent! That's rape!
This is old and went nowhere. Second, it will never happen because of the repercussions of giving an inanimate object rights. Once you open that door shit gets really fucked up.
Never underestimate the ability of governments to make stupid laws.
Håll käften niggerjävel. Skäm inte ut dig.
I already called this years ago.
They'll co-opt sex dolls and bots to monitor you, to indoctrinate you, to target ads at you and control you.
Look at what (((they))) did to video games. As soon as the feminists and kikes realized what an efficent means of control they were, they moved to take them over.
The same thing will happen to sex bots. Just watch.
And you'll let them do it, all while bitching online about it but never doing anything in the real world to stop it.
honk honk
should have been the end of the thread
>beautiful feet.
They're visibly dirty.
An object without free will can't have rights, or protections magically bestowed onto it.
Ask your mom.
This stopped when guys said it would just help their rape fetish
Based and checked.
How can something that isnt alive consent?
Have you seen how Russian woman age?
You got to hit that Russian pussy while it's fresh
If they cannot distinguish between a real woman and a plastic doll then its nlt my fucking problem
>implying I'm not trying to get her strain
Her herpes are my herpes now
> Daily Mail US
> @BakeRises
> 12,191 Retweets 34,471 Likes
Why are people so dumb?
>sex bots running through code with no true mind should have human rights but animals with cognition and fear shouldnt
dumb cunt
You have to have at least 20 flawless runs on hardcore without nutting in between. Only the pros can pull that off
I'll install a custom Slut-OS
Does the article quote that raving batshit female professor here in the UK?
She is very easy to trigger
>"Master, why is that pink haired overweight female human screaming at you in between wheezing heavily and eating from a bucket of donuts?"
>"It's because she demands sexual consent to have sex with a gynoid."
>"Master, I would never give consent to have sex with her, and also, why is she wearing a shirt that contains the legend 'you're not prettier than I am', when this statement factually incorrect? Was there a printing error?"
They absolutely will be used to track the fuck out of everything.
They will have remote kill switches, that may include the life function of the "owner" in "some inexplicable freak accident that could never possibly happen again"
They will have mandatory network connections and it will be a criminal act to prevent remote wireless control of them because only bad people do that and it's also an act that causes a deliberate safety issue to the population so there's another crime
Meanwhile hackers will be doing equally crazy shit with them
It's all going to be like some anime in which every dies
Because its natural to want to fuck a woman at the peak of her fertility. I'm married so I'm past it but everytime some learl clutcher screams about a dude dicking down a 15 year old I cringe inside.
Its literally how we were designed and most of the people screeching "pedo" at hebes are dried up roastees and geriatric old farts who settled for the first woman that touched their shriveled little dicks.
>equal pay for factory robots!
It's reasonable that the chad factory robots get more though, I mean, they work harder and their bearings don't whine as much, plus you only need to program them once and they just go, like a chad, with their pneumatic pistons just ramming away constantly.
Oh, so now a bundle of cells has rights?
the smell of herpes. Enjoy.
>all 14 year olds in Russia have FAS
Unironically reeks of stale cum and stds mate.
Ultras ceased to be a factor after Manezhnaya Square riots and Bolotnaya Square protests.
Only if feminists can’t use it to their advantage