Why can’t you be good like this boomer user?

Why can’t you be good like this boomer user?


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I would start doing this too if I had smallpox.

He's a Catholic. Completely different worlds between Catholics and Jow Forumssters. Going back to Church yesterday was so weird.. I felt despised for underdressing.

>fat fuck

Now he has an execuse to not jog anymore.

check back in a week see if he still has shoes.

Just go confess your sin, everyone knows Jesus forgives you as long as you confess
Didn’t you know his most hated sin was showing up in anything less than your Sunday best?

Come as you are. Those judging you are probably pro-abortion communists who absolutely love Francis and praise bands.

This boomer never saw the one with the nyc who bought $200 boots for a homeless man who thanked him then immediate threw them in the trash

U could just giveaway your old pair or buy shoes instead of walking around barefoot and picking up infections or just plain ol stepping in human shit n piss.

he could sell it, was that guy stupid or some shit

This fetishization with the unborn life really is a burden on the world. Without the natural eugenic features that inspire natural selection, a greater amount of less desirable humans inhabit the Earth. As shepherds/protectors of the world, it is our duty to protect it by not overlooking the sciences surrounding population groups. How can you not agree?

Every sunday evening I pick up trash off the streets, it's not about spontaneous egotistical acts, it's about commitment

Why would I ever give something I worked for to some useless leech that chose that life? Bums are just commies without a college background. They want everything for free but don't want to work.

It's not about born/unborn, it's about letting people torn little fetuses limbs from part to part till it's dead, crush his skull and vacuum its brain.
If people weren't allowed to do this they would simply not have unprotected sex or economically burden them so much that you wouldn't need to talk about eugenetics regardless.

You're a moron, apostasys is a sin and he's right in feeling shame, it's his conscience talking.
He first needs to confess and then he will have the right to feel liberated.

Not only will he no longer have them, but he will have been stabbed for them. Good job, boomer.

pretty sure those shoes turned into heroin

Mentally ill. I’ll see if I can find link

>no honey your shoes are fine you just bought them six months ago
>Fuck that I'm a grown man I get new shoes whenever I want

And then inspiration struck

We're talking about animal desires.
You cannot connect normalization of sexual behavior and the fight over abortion. You won't turn the West conservative again until nazis take over. You realize that, don't you?
Who controls the media?
Toward what trajectory is the culture heading?
Who are the population and what is their trajectory?
The Christian West is dead and if you are not going to fight for demomgraphics, then you might as well become a Muzzie. They're going to kill you if your passive approach has its run.

Mentally ill. I’ll see if I can find link

Found it while waiting for captcha


Just wear jeans and a polo, that's what I wear to mass.

He was just focused on money for drugs i would assume. Selling $200 shoes would take too much time in his mind and the threw it away. That's why ill never understand people who want to give homeless "nice things"? They truly dont give a fuck

I'd have farted in his fucking face and jogged away

I have not met a hobo that was either an addict, mentally retarded or just plain lazy.
Fuck hobos, we should round them up and dump them in FEMA camps, I'm sick of these cocksuckers guilt tripping middle aged white ladies into giving them alcohol money at intersections and shit.

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My church would kill. It's funny, the lady giving me communion hesitated. Idk if it's because she didn't like how I was dressed (college preppy wear) or because she felt weird vibes

If god wanted us to be naked we would born naked. Dress up, heathen.

So? You go to mass to hear the good word. Who cares what one busybody thinks?

Let me rephrase that,
Every hobo I've ever met was either an addict, retarded or just a lazy cocksucker.
These faggots love guilt tripping people out of their hard earned cash but when your back is turned they're stealing shit out of your garage.

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Because I'm broke, drowning in student loan debt and despite having a stem degree and a software dev minor, I can't get a decent job. Can I afford to just give away my 5 year old shoes? Nope. Fuck him and those like him who left this disaster of a country in the state it's in.

What were you wearing, sandels ?

Somebody JUST HAPPENED to be filming the 30 seconds? wtf? More like preplanned selflessness porn so he can jack off to himself going viral for being such a good person.

It felt nice, learned something deep about myself. Won't be doing it again though.

and then that hobo sold his shoes for some crack. fucking retard probably spent $200 on those

You are going to stop going to mass because one busybody maybe looked at you funny one time?
You are joking, right?

Nah, running shoes. Shorts. A red collar polo

Whenever a homeless person asks me for money I say sure do you have change for $100. Works every time.

NYyers are a special kind of self-righteous weirdo human shit.

Now this boomer probably has cuts all over his feet from the glass

You didnt mention if they usually have change or not.

Yes, except I didn't like the composition I met. Fully entrenched people like I used to be. It is a bit disgusting to consider myself one of them.

Give it another chance or try a different church, that hasn't been my experience at all.
I think you are just nervous and projecting your fears into people. Don't get hung up on how often people think about you, because most of the time they aren't thinking about you at all and you just projecting your own self-centric thoughts into them.

>you are* just

Wow a lot of whataboutism for a simple problem. Butchering little life forms, especially by tearing their limbs apart with torns and opening their skulls is inhumane, you won't get around that.
Before you brought the fact that it would be disgenetic to force unfit people to have kids and again now you bring back the fact that demographics will worsen by denying abortions.
The people who won't be able to have abortions will simply
a) not have kids unless they can afford them
b) have unlawful abortions and catch the worst diseases/infections possible
c) deliver the kids and economically suffer
all of these outcomes are eugenics as it's been the case for centuries.
The other point you bring is that we won't be able to fight sexual degeneracy by banning abortions but isn't that exactly what's allowing people to be able to fuck free without contraceptions, giving aids to each others, not giving a fuck about consequences?
Same thing for contraceptions themselves, they've been the major cause of sexual freedom because they give people the opportunity to free themselves from the responsibility of procreation.
If you think about abortion as only more niglets you've got it all wrong mate.


Lol gross. Imagine the smell.

Poor people who have kids don't suffer economically. They split from the father, receive child support or welfare. They have more children. Why does Africa have high birth rates? Everybody seeks to possess something. Poor people look to possess people. ie. Have children.

I think post-birth ""abortion"" should be legal in a state-mandated way. Those old tests greeks used to do, seeing how they react to things. I won't be swayed by the alleged inhumanity of it all.

Sex is a human biological need. Suppressing sexual urges is not godly because it creates a lot of harm.

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Remember that heartwarming story about the NYPD cop who bought a barefoot homeless man boots?