Potato girl is the epitome of evil for both the left and right

Potato girl is the epitome of evil for both the left and right.

She's a rich, privileged upper-class child shitstain with no talents other than her birth class.

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hmmmm....sounds like pretty much every single white trash larping nazi cuck on this board.....

nice thread, op
we didnt have enough of that cancer bag on here already

She's traveling the world to educate people on climate change. But to reduce her carbon footprint they put her in a jar and threw her in the ocean to ride the tide.

Let us know if she washes up someplace near you.

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She is higher on the dominance hierarchy than Jow Forums bleaters and will always be so. It stings

communicating with potatos is a pretty good talent, though

>blatant defense of class privilege

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The modern left always defends class privilege, as they often benefit from it

Just look at their support for open borders; it allows company owners to undercut primarily the working classes, and the left benefit from virtue signalling and imported novelties like ethnic resteraunts

>No u
Do you ever get tired of being this stupid?

I can't wait until next week when this potato face excuse for a meme fads

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hail greta

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Redpilled my 8 year old on this already. As soon as this shit gets mentioned he says 'what about India and China? They're the ones making all the pollution', told him to tell his friends also.

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>Potato girl

Laughed way too hard at that. I need more sleep.

If she was a 16 yr old guy would anyone give a shit about her? She also has the privilege of her gender. In this era women though essentially worthless are valued above anyone or anything else on earth.

>in class
>20 year old OPs picture next to me telling me what to write on our groups list
>"I think animals can be human too, write that..."

She's Nordic of some kind - with armpit hair.

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this must be a sign of the apocalypse, adults being mass shilled by a kid

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Why the fuck you have that cursed thing

Mankind is fucking pathetic. We deserve eternal exploitation.

well said Sir, meanwhile in clown world wahmen are oppressed. It's genuinely belly-laughable.

This little girl gonna get some Europoors killed. It'll be funny when they try some shit and Trump taxes and tariffs them into a recession.

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Berlin is a shithole.

>White European sails to America to tell brown savages how to live their lives
Big Oof, full stop

I love how Jow Forums fell for the ultimate meme person, specifically tailored to trigger you and make you waste your hatred away on the most obviously engineered shilling attempt in Nordic history. These threads never stop.

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Have it? I made it

>16 yo

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You don't get to play that game retard, we know you both created and responded to the thread. You fell for your own trap.

Stop Using Carbons

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Yeah it's so weird to see r/politics posters saying "if you're afraid an immigrant will replace you then you've failed at life" while also insisting that they do the jobs Americans refuse to.

It's like the thought of a white person working in a meat packing plant is so existentially offensive to them that any white person whose aspirations differ from the 'go to liberal arts college > become journalist or useless paper pusher at a nonprofit' pipeline need to be stomped out by force.




kiss me, user

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>schizo defends potato

Aaaaaaaaaaaand opinion discarded

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More real than yours mr. CIA VPN

Muh girl power shit just keeps getting creepier and creepier. At Walmart the other day there was a little girl shirt that said "girls rule the world" on it. Do you think back in the 50s or literally any other decade where radfems think men had it better than women little boys were wearing t shirts that said "boys rule the world" on it? Vindictive fucking weirdos.

>World's #1 polluter

stop posting her dude. It's one of the most boring things people have been posting lately.

They do it in an implicit, self-hating kind of way, though. With little love saved for the rich.


sad she has no possibly to ever be attractive

>muh wamans priviledge
She obviously does what she does because of her CLASS you idpol imbecile

>carbon credits
Peak neo-liberalism

>Americans don’t want to sleep 10 to a room in a rental house and work unpaid overtime for fear of having their work visa revoked
>this is clearly their fault
I’m still waiting on this fucking wall

The arrogance that women carry in their proud boast "Girls rule the world" is comical as if one even takes a causal look at the world it looks as if a retarded person is running it. We gave women agency and access to politics and its only taken them barely 50 years to destroy society. All with a little help from the tribe of course.

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Do you really think some autistic spergy dude from a similar background would have necessarily gone this far in the current zeitgeist? No.

This ‘muh idpol not real leftist’ is bullshit

And for the record whens the last time you heard from la goblina? Leftist flavor of the month. She'll be forgotten in a year with Goblina,Boss Hogg and Clockboy.

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Woah, that thing looks just like her, lol

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that right pic is good, it captures the arrogance and naivety perfectly

Good work. Simple answers like that are important and effective. Doesn’t get bogged-down in numbers and appeals to basic sense of fair-play. Also ties nicely to the argument for tariffs.
“If they follow our employee rights standards and environmental regulations then we have a level playing field. Otherwise, we will tax them to make up the differences. That’s fair.”

Every Fucking time.
They are always so transparent.
God I Fucking hate these people.
Truly being a power and distribution engineer is suffering.

>a mongo told me - so I did


I come to Jow Forums to get a feel for what people actually think,a few laughs some rage fuel and sometimes shit that just makes me hit the bottle.

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