Jow Forums humor thread


Attached: beautiful.jpg (600x553, 30K)

guess i'll contribute

Attached: mexiko.jpg (570x640, 36K)

Attached: why we fight.jpg (596x1545, 264K)

Attached: loot.jpg (620x457, 76K)


Attached: african bucket 1.jpg (720x711, 59K)


Attached: african bucket 2.jpg (480x480, 67K)


Attached: african bucket 3.jpg (500x500, 41K)

Attached: 6k3tnk2cb2tz.jpg (750x393, 63K)

Attached: mexico.jpg (640x640, 44K)

Attached: latoyajackson.webm (480x480, 467K)

Attached: 1564349890711m.jpg (1024x850, 81K)

what a chad


Attached: 1563538657302.gif (408x228, 1.74M)

sehr schön

Attached: article 13 compliant frog.png (591x445, 13K)


Attached: 1563472408660.gif (320x240, 1.99M)


Attached: kek.jpg (209x200, 8K)

Attached: article 13 compliant funny bear.png (591x445, 7K)


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Attached: article 13 compliant observer.png (591x445, 16K)

Attached: article 13 compliant sad man.png (591x445, 9K)

Attached: article 13 compliant salesman.png (591x445, 19K)

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Oh damn lol.

Attached: 1566081582654.png (1326x1368, 50K)



Attached: 1564430599807.jpg (480x480, 37K)

nice pasta

Attached: yo.jpg (800x1160, 240K)

this has to be a african meme. they cant be that stupid lol

Attached: article 13 compliant sunglasses ball.png (591x445, 9K)


Attached: Heidi.webm (1000x541, 2.76M)

Is this African memery?

Attached: frog picture.png (430x336, 9K)


Attached: googym.webm (460x460, 1.45M)


Attached: pol_at_gym.webm (960x1200, 1.95M)

that is my presumption as well
but i haven't found any context that points either way

Just look outside the window and tell us, Sven.

Attached: 1561739098502.jpg (998x664, 207K)

Attached: saxons-btfo.png (2832x989, 3.01M)

Attached: fok_diz.webm (398x300, 1.98M)

Attached: 1565129055454m.jpg (1024x706, 156K)

sei do ned so unhöflich

Attached: 1559873723587.jpg (400x281, 19K)


Attached: 1564431527099.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)


Attached: 1562708253714.webm (720x720, 498K)

i just pray this is not a proxy and that your name is Hans not Mohamed


Attached: 1564364968451.webm (512x640, 1.47M)

Attached: 1564336598779.jpg (222x395, 15K)

Who is she?

my name is Klaus and i live in Berlin

Attached: anglo.jpg (485x600, 103K)

i've seen this before and always wondered if the cashier saw that the gun jammed and the rounded wasn't chambered or if he just didn't give a shit

Attached: 1565953972728.jpg (863x1024, 83K)

change 6-12 to 13-50

Attached: jenkemm.jpg (500x500, 37K)


Attached: 1566183128817.webm (240x426, 784K)

So many questions and mysteries about this webm.

First of all, is it daylight outside?
Who's recording that slag, and what the flying fuck is she on?
Why did that grandpa got so confused?
Why is a guy drunkedly goosestepping into the place?
What's Tyrion Lannister doing there?

Attached: 1565709155511m.jpg (609x1024, 103K)

Attached: user3495589_a4be4d5c3c18.jpg (640x783, 56K)

Ist doch wahr.

Attached: 1563842798910.webm (400x400, 288K)

Attached: Steak.jpg (930x960, 166K)

yeah its like the carnival sideshow is in town

Attached: spuds.jpg (1200x717, 331K)


Attached: 1564384584390.webm (640x340, 733K)

Attached: 1565375627132.jpg (640x640, 71K)

Attached: 1563023927303m.jpg (948x1024, 188K)

Attached: 1563027186390.jpg (370x467, 41K)

fuck off

Attached: Extrasmallhollowquickwasp_5d026f_7176080.jpg (1200x1285, 179K)


Kinda on the nose but i like

Attached: 1563619113183.png (500x311, 33K)

final destination

god damnit

Attached: 1563627568320.jpg (700x731, 45K)

Fuck off that's not funny Goy that's my grandpa there on the right

wir kriegen als Deutsche ja genug Scheiße von allen Seiten, ohne dass wir sie mit solchen Witzen provozieren.

Attached: 1561769027973m.jpg (1024x573, 71K)

Attached: 1565884722449.gif (374x180, 1.1M)

So a whore, an englishman, a slav and midget walk into a bar...

Attached: thats cold.jpg (576x531, 62K)

Attached: 1565881618257.gif (284x199, 2.75M)

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Attached: 1564743369739.png (1019x506, 281K)


Attached: 1554298713234.gif (335x230, 2.03M)

Attached: 1562423007623.png (750x493, 267K)

Why do people think these sorts of exercises work?

Well when you put it like that...

Jow Forums ist doch alleine zum Provozieren da.

hahaha wtf is going on here

Attached: 1563988032388.jpg (640x640, 84K)


Attached: Unbenannt.png (1281x588, 73K)

there is hope

LSD added to the drinks at the pub

Attached: 1563996010298m.jpg (1024x634, 153K)

Attached: 5cfc01bd09f655a44dacc2ddaa883935.png (350x600, 29K)

Is this because they're expecting other Jews to immigrate to israel?

Attached: 1565379182361.jpg (565x683, 54K)


Attached: 1531507716257.jpg (523x814, 64K)


Attached: W9ycLip.png (1000x3000, 228K)

It's a punishment elders give when younger one does something wrong, they tell them to watch the basket till it gets filled with water.

It's basically go and sit in the corner and think about what you have done

Attached: jesus smiling.jpg (1139x630, 250K)