How did pepe become so popular with Hong Kong protesters? Is this the power of meme magic?

How did pepe become so popular with Hong Kong protesters? Is this the power of meme magic?

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They are just obsessed with white people just like all other Asians

it all makes sense
pepe has never been alt-right
pepe has never been tied to racism
pepe has been and will always be an anti-communist frog

Desperation for Western attention. Same goes for the flying of US flags and signs in English for a Western audience

Because it's cute, recognisable, easy to sympathise with and easy to draw

Pepe is anti-establishment

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pepe is like the confederate war flag, just a symbol of rebellion in general

>Burgers need their media to explain to them that people from the other side of the globe are not part of a political group that only exists in their own country

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I think it’s hilarious the media has to lie to itself and not admit the protestors are pro-Western, possibly alt-right adjacent Hong Kong nationalists.

The media just completely lives in its own made up liberal clown world at this point. They are losing in reality and refuse to accept and acknowledge it.

It's a sign jews are in control and not to worry

Cia did it to get Trump to intervene

I wish they were obsessed with Sneed so we could get some cool Sneed signs.

Pepe has been popular in China since 2016, it's just that journalists are dumb fucks that don't follow the Chinese web. He's in his sadfrog incarnation as a symbol of sad frustration, which is felt by millions of young Chinamen.

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>capitalist Hong Kong
>not alt-right

For fucks sake, they were promoted by libertarians in the 70’s. Of course they are alt-right. The libertarian to fascism pipeline is real.

>signs in English
>from an English colony

Cmon user

Hong Kong protestors are paid for by George Soros

>to much of the world, the cartoon frog is a hate symbol
imagine living in such a bubble

Pepe is a populist anti-globalist symbol. It's that simple.

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>Being this goddamn stupid
These protesters are not hold up signs to Western media and waving US flags because they were once controlled by the British. Goddamn you morons are stupid

obvious baseless troll comment

>muh alt-right
>muh evil frog cartoon

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This. You can bet that the HK protestors don't want farang living there any more than they want the mainland Chinese. Honk Kong for Hong Kong's people!

>not a part of a political group *that doesn't even exit

Kys nigger lovers

>t. worthless journalist

There are many ethnic British living there that were born there too btw, they are Hong Kong people just the same by this logic.

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>why do some people live freedom so much?

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sign the petition for human rights, come on guys we can do it

You know English is an official language in Hong Kong, right?

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Its nowhere near that bad to even consider this.

>the news still thinks "most people" consider Pepe a "hate symbol"
Fucking really? Still?

Probably deserved it.

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Pepe is only good for "feels good man" fuck all this noise

This is the kike line

CIA trying to get our support
I hope the chinks kills the rich kongers

Hong Kong is and always was China's clay. Eternal anglo needs to gtfo, or take arms and be completely defeated once and for all.

They're not? Well they certainly aren't leftist either since they're fighting communists

>Yet another goddamn moron
Writing anti-China signs in English while also waving US flags has nothing to do with English being spoken in Hong Kong

China is not communist you fucking newfag retard.

People like cute and funny images? How hard is this to understand. Maybe if they showed him dressed as an SS officer executing a Jew it could be seen as a "hate" symbol but that's not the case.

What next? The NPRK is democratic?

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>writing using your native language has nothing to do with it being the native language.

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Yes, just like niggers whose ancestors were here in 1965, they are Americans too. That doesn't mean that we have to import niggers en masse from around the world, and the fact that there are whites living in HK doesn't mean that the native majority of Hong Kong wants to be displaced by foreign whites.

They are doing "damage control" for the Hong Kong Pepe posters because they want to import a million Hong Kong Chinamen into the US. They are doing everything they can to make this situation go south so they can declare everyone in Hong Kong a refugee

because China is "alt right." They have a special word for American libtards: "baizuo." So they've probably seen Jow Forums using Pepe and adopted him knowing full well he's anti-baizuo.

Do not doubt the power of Tezcatlipoca (Kek) we are all his playthings

Found his twitter

and web site


>Still being goddamn this goddamn stupid
Writing signs in English about the US Second Amendment while waving US flags. KYS you goddamn moron

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Found the Commie.

Checks out

Not everything is about you fat ass

It's chinaperson, bigot

T kike

Will western Leftists gain enough self awareness to discover they ARE the establishment?

>to much of the world, the cartoon frog is a hate symbol
Who are these kikes trying to fool? No one thinks this except for them

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>anti-establishment/anti-communist symbol
>hate symbol

they are not white thus are not alt right
how come you still asked this?

because they want western support
fuck h*ng k*ng they're probably funded by cia anyways

popo means ass in hungarian translation

The article is aimed at low IQ #resistance boomers who parrot only one news source, not millennials.

>to much of the world, the cartoon is muh a hate symbol
Pepe is only muh hate symbol in Jewnited States and Limey shithole.

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Do they want immigrants in their country?
Do they enjoy their ethnic heritage and sovereignty?
Do they want self determination and control of their economy?
Then they ARE alt right.

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>to much of the world
the new york times office is much of the world?

>(((to much of the world)))
Only USA

Why are asian women so much better than wh*Te "women"

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An only because of the (((ADL))). No one else gives a fuck

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holy shit
i love this timeline

(((They))) are so obvious.
Everything is alt-right when it's white
When it isn't white, it's magically not alt-right, just like the 6 billion

...and that's a good thing!™

>more ip theft by the chinks

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Pepe is the voice of the people and the elites are afraid.

These are shit teir counterfeit cucked pepes stolen by the shameless theiving chinks.

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Deliberately used to get the west's attention. It is also why this shit is constantly spammed on a Mongolian finger painting forum. Shit reeks of covert ops.

pepe is popular everywhere

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Now, just watch as they stomp all over them faggots.

Pepe is a symbol of nationalism so hong kong protestors feel drawn to it


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>the new york times office is much of the world?
Because there's like, no known correlation between incel white supremacist movements and pepe the frog, amirite?

how did those stupid libs ever connect the two LoL

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>ITT retards.
Pepe has always been a representation of the self.

Only the meaty ones

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because pepe is normie shit faggot. look at twitch.

>to much of the world, the cartoon frog is a hate symbol
You mean a few twitter blue-checkmarks and some boomers who can't meme.

The reports I hear and read on MSM are all over the place. It's like the machine does not know how to feed this to the people. It's so entertaining, honestly.

>How did pepe become so popular with Hong Kong protesters?
It's almost like Pepe is just a fun mascot for anyone for any reason and has nothing to do with (((racism)))

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It's literally CIA propaganda
i bet agent smith is sending his Pepe folder to ""protesters""
No one uses pepe that much outside of Jow Forums.
Normies rather post the meme of the week instead of "old" shit

Do they have the clown one?

The world is controlled by memes.

why are you margaret posting?

Next we make them use the OK sign.
That will confuse the shit out of the medias.

Pepe is counter revolutionary, like Trump.

Per the failing NYT.

Pepe is simply an iconoclastic specter that hates faggots.

>China is not communist you fucking newfag retard.
China is totalitarian which is similar to communism and on the same spectrum.

>libertarian to fascist
Only a fucking pleb faggot actually takes that route. how does that even work? how can you be no government and freedom for all to big government that uses it's powers to silence all critics, eliminate competition etc. You'd have to be retarded