Why the fuck are white women mating with spics? Even trumps own daughter is with a spic!

Why the fuck are white women mating with spics? Even trumps own daughter is with a spic!

I started looking into it after the El Paso shooting and he was honestly right, it's a fucking invasion and I'm scared for my future daughter.

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Texas is doomed

He is Arab not a spic.

Not so bad. Most of them are Castizos anyway. We take as many of theirs as they take of ours.

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Same thing

>ywn be choked by her thighs

i love that all men dream to have the same power over roasties as the power of roasties over men. YOU JUST KNOW that men want to have the easy life of sluts and make roasties compete for them, then just pick the slut of the week, like women do. YOU JUST KNOW that men want to be loved just for existing

Not really, spics are worse. That guy has some arab admixture from the days where islam tried to conquer Spain many centuries ago. He's spaniard, not even single drop of indian blood. Probably pure and yet bit "mixed" specimen originating from spain/portugal.

Would you even be that upset about losing that one? Look at her face, she looks weird.

Oh no no no no no

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