Absolutely sick the guardian does a hit piece on Greta thunberg told you she was for real lads, "deification not helpful" shameful
Absolutely sick the guardian does a hit piece on Greta thunberg told you she was for real lads...
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Why the fuck are you losers posting so much of her recently?
>promoting autism
Nobody cares
got nudes?
Who is that down syndrome potato and why should I care?
Because you pedo incels get triggered and give out hundreds of (you)s in every thread about her. Why else?
>I need to tell Americans to stop eating beef, driving, building homes and using computers.
Cringe, and this is the reason why she's backed by the media, who's also went insane in the past few years.
Media are controlled by jews. Climate change is a hoax. Btw this girl has fetal alcoholic syndrome. /thread
>Save the planet from poor people's lifestyles
>Just hike the price of oil! Icebergs are more important than the livelihoods of transporters and farmers!
I have never seen a more 'let them eat cake!' kind of attitude ever, no wonder the left hail her as some kind of Messiah
She's protesting against hydrocarbons while sailing on a boat made out of hydrocarbons.
>what is India and China?
lmao it's always the western man's fault.
Thunberg? Is this girl a jew?
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body
Carbon credits are basically their autistic way of extracting resources from people who are insane and believe the climate change hoax
Is that bio real?
She's kind of cute here. Would fuck her on the compost pile.
>they need to stop using their computers
>tweeted from my iPhone
Wait, Greata's mum and dad gave her carbon credits? And how does that work?
My mom and dad gave me a free pass for carbon emissions my whole life, Greta.
>vaccine lover
There is nothing to love about injecting yourself with an adulterated virus to protect the herd, it's more of a bullshit public service.
She's antifa
He screwed her
Polar bears are better than people.
No no no, you have to request indulgence from the holy church of climate change, by paying a tribute to your local green party
Is "morally bankrupt" the new "racist"?
Why am I morally bankrupt just because I don't want to change the entire global economy based on the advice of an autistic teenager?
Absolutely schizo, why is the msm shilling her? I thought they hated schizo shit.
Fuck I want to lick her tight asshole
Greta gonna drop some red pills at the UN.
Sir, did you know that there are dangerous bacteria in women's assholes?
Do you even fucking know what redpilling is? British cunt.
Says the spastic typing in English. Russian cunt.
>healing icebergs
CNN fishing for comments wishing her death for the next hit-piece while pushing her, what else are they gonna write about, how she shits or flies home?
We can out autism this little bitch. Come to the states cunt. Get ready for a tard fight the likes you have never seen.
I better be Russian than have rotten teeth you miniature pincher.
Oh shit Lel top bantz
>some little cunt wants to raise my taxes
>stop eating beef, don't build a home, and stop using computers
this cunt needs to fuck off
poor peoples lifestyles
so I cant even open fire to warm myself, but mr.sheckelberg will still fly his private jet making more polution in one flight than I make in my whole life
why should I fight for climate? fuck it
Womp womp. Im more carbon neutral than her by staying indoors all day.
She can swallow an iceberg and die
The worst part she actually thinks she's some oracle and the left aren't just humoring her to stick it to the neo-cons
The number of Americans who did not get this is too damn high.
There would be a hell of a lot of people on this planet if WW2 never happened, just saying things would be worse much worse today.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is fucking whack.
not only that, we're not contributing to everyday morning zerg rush to work. By doing nothing all day we are in fact saving the world.