Why don’t we just mass convert to Islam?

Why don’t we just mass convert to Islam?

That way we can purify degeneracy without any criticism because we can plead muh islamaphobia

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You can never be based as this being a fucking christcuck.. Worshiping some fucking jew who was nailed to a cross, lolololol

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But didn't their prophet have sex with a 9 year old? Sounds degenerate to me. Also bacon is nice.

Why are gingers so violent? Ah I forgot, I am constipated

That’s correct. In Islam consummation of a marriage before a woman is pubescent and fertile is strictly haram.

Doesn't seem to work in Arabic countries at all, no matter how much they larp.

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But no bacon, so who cares.

All is fair once a woman has reached menarche. What makes hebephilia degenerate today is that it involves sex outside of marriage and the social stigma attached to it resulting in molestation on the part of the male and unpreparedness on the part of the female which manifests as trauma.

Can't purify degeneracy by being degenerate yourself.

Islam isn't a fucking game ! your conversion is invalid !

Kek no one cares mudshit, Allah is a gay bitch who sucks little boy cock

If Muslims were majority white, Democrats would have created an actual Muslim ban decades ago.

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the problem is you all think islam will make you manly and alpha, you'll still be the beta cuck you all are even if you become a mosque carpet licker. being manly and based is a trait of character. you don't have character and islam won't help you gain it.

Muslims are extremely degenerate. Americans only believe them to be not so because you don't have to interact with them. Muslims in France are drunkards, drug abusers and drug dealers. The only difference between them and another degenerate is while a degenerate still feels bad for what he does, a Muslim never will, because they are literally incapable of admitting fault for anything. They are as virtuous as your average Detroit resident.

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Nice try, Satan. Converting now.

yeah be stupid
Christ is the only way to God

fuck kikes, fuck mudslimes, and fuck you.

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>I can't get a girl so I'll convert to a religion that makes me destroy civilization: the post.
Sage and slide folks
It's bait
Sage and slide

Why settle for one God, when you can have dozens of Gods?

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Aisha was 9

I didn' even read past the first sentence..
FACK you, go suck sandcock

This, unironically

based and SPQR-pilled

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Notice how these 2 faggots would never actually move to the middle east

because there is only one God user, Budha, Krishna, Jesus and Mohamed are his messengers

Fuck off amerimutt mudslimes Christianity is the true based religion and the reason why the west is so successful, Islam is for niggers and sand apes not for based whites

Fuck off Satan

why would it be invalid? all you have to do is say the shahadah, right?

good luck with that

>Budha, Krishna ... are his messengers
take that flag off, no muslim believes that

>imagine Being retarded enough to believe a war mongering gay pedophile is a mensager from the heaven's

christianity is dead in the west

muslims are dumb cunts
God spread his word trough his messengers. All of them adhere to the one God. every religion revers one messenger but it's just a part of the whole picture.
you all need to love God and respect his messengers.

Islam is semitic.

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Who are the respective messengers of the pagan religions then?

muslims have no respect for messengers outside the abrahamic tradition you larper

Yes Christianity is dead but we can still bring it back, when this degenerate society falls apart we will revive Christianity

Qoran was heavilly edited, little of what Mohamed really said was really put in there. He was a messenger of God like others before him. Qoran is a book made by Khalips for political purposes and war.

Islam doesn't like dogs and many are psychotic

and North Africa is a safe haven for pedophiles who like boys

that's blasphemy you larper

it just makes you narcisstic and selfabsorbed

Judaism is the true faith. Where else can pedos get paid to molest baby boy's?

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pagans were always in sync with nature, they didn't need messengers because they had a connection to God trough nature. modern people aren't connected to nature anymore this out of sync with God

because they are dumb cunts. all of Gods messengers spread the Word, Mohamed was just one of them.

are you actually bahai or ahmadi?

Fornication bad marriage good think about it.

i don't have a religion. i respect all of the messengers of God and i love God. Every world religion has a piece of the Word. Together it's the whole of the Word.

So it doesn't matter whether I worship the pagan Gods or the Abrahamic God?

then why are you sporting the muslim flag? and what you say isn't true at all, many religions are mutually exclusive and contradict each other if you look at their fundamentals.

what you're saying is basically the baha'i belief btw

>not degenerates who need to be purged

Go eat poo, Pajeet.

"Let's snuff out degeneracy by converting to a degenerate cult that follows a false god made up by an autist to justify his degenerate behaviour"

Islam is getting cucked in hyper speed. Most "based" muslims that fled to western countries will be chasing after whores and money and western degeneracy.
So it's just us. Us against the whole world. :) Wouldn't be fair otherwise anyway.

Islam is not a dog hating religion. You are allowed to have a dog for farming or hunting, just not inside the house for hygienic purposes. While we must be kind and supportive to animals, it is not righteousness that we replace children with them or spend excessively on them.

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “A prostitute had once been forgiven. She passed by a dog panting near a well. Thirst had nearly killed him, so she took off her sock, tied it to her veil, and drew up some water. Allah forgave her for that.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 3143, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2245

I don't care what they say
This place is fun-nay

Would be great for the trollage but Islam is complete trash and will be discarded once we use the snakbars to kill all the kikes

But we should meme “alt right nazis convert to Islam in mass to purge degenerate liberals and kill Jews”

They wouldn’t know what to do

>Why don’t we just mass convert to Islam?
Because of pork, beer and the tip of our penises.

Forget the last one you Yanks, that's the sign of your "alliance" with the jews.