Psychedelic mushrooms should be legal

>go walking/camping in the woods
>see some of pic related
>pick some to enjoy later
>go back into town
>get stopped by the police and they find it
>get a criminal charge and a drug record
>ruin future aspects because of something that grew in the woods
How the fuck is this tolerated

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Why didn't you shoot them? Or at least shoot some kids or something.

this didn't happen.

are you a nigger, OP?
if not, how fucked up do you look for the police to stop and search you?

Good, one less druggie on the street

Off yourself wastecase.

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You're right. But it is in the realm of things that could happen. Doesn't take away from the fact that making them illegal is beyond fucking retarded

lots of stupid laws. Colorado has made them legal.

Not once did I allude that it happened to me and I have always been against the ban of psychedelics and drugs in general. The war on drugs was a fucking mistake and a failure.

nobody is capable of using them non recreational. Therefore the ban on them is kinda just. I mean look at this society, pure garbage, pure garbage people, and pure garbage rules for garbage people.

>>go walking/camping in the woods
>>see some of pic related
>>pick some to enjoy later
>>go back into town
>Begin acting paranoid and suspicious because I'm carrying
>>get stopped by the police and they find it
>>get a criminal charge and a drug record

wild shrooms are deemed a safety hazard, like wild natural poison plants.
Also they're against the law ingesting them makes you a safety hazard, to others around you.

not true. you can take low dosages that help with depression and vision.

Because if everyone was walking around fucked up on mushrooms then the world probably wouldn't be the hippy paradise you think it would be.
In fact legalizing cannabis in parts of the US is a shit idea. If someone is susceptible to mental illness then cannabis can bring that out, from anxiety to depression to schizophrenia. I think the US are going to have a pandemic of mental health issues over the next 10-20 years.

>be nignog
>go inna woods, stumble upon shrooms
>muh dikkk
>chimp out while tripping
>rape several women, rob store and get shot by cops
>media outrage
>he a good boy he dindu nuffin
>iz dem droogz fault

shrooms made me a tranny

>>get stopped by the police
Why would that happen?

And how many people know that? How many of them try to microdose, or at least act non retarded when using them? You and me know that perhaps, but you cannot trust the ones outside lel.

And besides, lions mane also does the same job. There is this anti weed thread up, quite great, but if you have a diagnosed problem of sorts, and wish to treat it, I dont think that these things are that evil. Problem is, nobody does it for such a purpose.

americas shit culture brings out schizophrenia way more than any drug could

your iq and your shoe size are equivalent

quite a bit actually. they are doing lots of scientfic studies on shrooms now that they are allowed to use it for studies.

>because if everyone
This is already beyond hyperbolic and you know it. If mushrooms became legal you wouldn't have droves of people on mushrooms all of the time.

americas shit culture schizophrenia + drugs = insanity

americas shit culture schizophrenia - drug = americas shit culture schizophrenia

Yea well, if you know about that, and if you use it to try to treat depression, I consider it to be quite alright. Problem is that if you are part of flag related, the rules can be quite strict, as I myself am following them.

also, in the studies there was research being done right now to see how fast the body grows resistance to it. I think that there is consensus of sorts that perhaps only one month is okayed. and that beyond that it may be a bit risky. As you build up tolerance for it. But considering how well it removes depression (trust me I tried), and how it may help others with PTSD, I think it would be fair to allow us to keep on using it. Tho I would have to say, increased neuroplasticity has other benefits of sorts, it may even be useful to treat some porn related problems, at least to be able to quit them faster maybe, though its just speculation on my end.

but compared to weed, alcohol and other drugs, it does not seem that terrible. No de-realization or whatever. Long track history of use with crazy shamens lel. Even some theorizing that mushroom use could have been the thing that made us religious and/or or creative

there's no excuse not to grow your own

better than going out in public looking for them and risking being shot by a farmer or arrested by the police that the farmer calls (they don't want people on their land or getting fucked up on their land).

WHat's crazy about the UK laws, at least it was when I was younger, is you can buy full grow kits legally but you can't have the final product legally.

It's the same way in most of burger land. Spores and shit are 100 percent legal in all but a few states

I still don't think they should be legeal. Although there needs to some serious money thrown at studies for medical uses of these types of drugs, I think in the right conditions with the right people for very certain conditions it can have a good effect.


yeah, it's like head shops, everything in there is for drugs but they're still legit.

I remember a shop by me used to sell big mexican shrooms out of a refrigerator totally legally, huge fucking things, that was in the 00's.

Denver* and not legal but decriminalized.

nanny state faggot detected

If you arent retarded like most normies are, and can actually read a few research journals, and comprehend the risks, and use it therapeutically, in my view, even though we dont know exactly what is going on, doesnt make you a degenerate.

It is only if you enter using them with a different kind of mindset. To that of "I like to see shit" (I actually tried seeing shit and I never saw any kind of shit lel, nothing) but I did feel a clear after affect of when my depression lingered less within me. That perhaps is the greatest joy.

Yeah I remember a shop like that near me called Willy Banjos. I remember going in there for nostalgia purposes a while ago and it just wasn't the same.


That's the thing there though, you have a more medical use for it. Most people take things like that because they want to see shit. Medical use would be beneficial, same as cannabis products.

Nooooooo I laughed
Fuck I’ve been sucked into the Bantz of Jow Forums

Gonna kms now

Thank boomers and their 50 year holy crusade against drugs.

Everyone who wants to use cannabis already does so regardless of the law.

make sure to stream it

You don't shoot shrooms, you eat 'em.

Lol yeah because everybody walks around drunk in the middle of the day too. Faggot

Whatever's fucked up, it's almost always their fault these days. The Jews might have come up with the script, but they're the ones following it. They're literally worse than the Jews.

This might just be my personal experience, and as someone who smoked when I was younger, but i'd say a good 90% of regular weed smokers I know are totally out of touch with normal society. It's like a different world they live in. To some degree it's not even a bad thing, each to their own and all that but a lot of regular weed smokers end up with anxiety issues and that sort of thing.

dont lump it in with weed, there is a whole jewlywood industry behind weed, trying to "make it cool". Probably only about 2% of all the weed users may ever get close to a medical reason for it, to ease their trembling or whatever. Weed is addictive, it has huge side effects too. Generally should be prohibited from the ENTIRE PUBLIC UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY QUALIFY FOR ONE OF THE SYMPTOMS.

christ, i would be glad to actually do the same for mushrooms, I did one of the depression tests a while ago, an academic one, and scored fairly high on that. But beyond that I also started meditating, and doing other things to combat it, and to try to create a clearer mind. These days most of my bad effects are gone, and I am having trouble finding other reasons to keep using it, beyond speculation.

I dont think that it is also addictive. It seems more like situational of sorts. Even recreationally speaking.

After the see shit part, you can microdose weekly and be in a much better place mentally
I don’t but I do them about twice a year to feel the energy of nature and our inner being. I should do it more but I don’t feel comfortable around other people in the world beyond my inner realm because of their energy, to do it in public. So it’s only for me and me only to do in my backyard or somewhere safe

>Willy Banjos

kek, good name, mine was Dr. Herman's

>And how many people know that?

A lot these days. God forbid we have medicine that actually works and isn't patented.

Agreed, it's never made any sense. Making plants illegal seems mentally retarded.
They were legal here until the mid '80s -- thank Reagan and his stupid fucking just-say-no drug war for that.

This. Cops have never asked to search my car or even DUI test me, just don't act suspicious or autistic and they won't bother you.

I'll take it for medical use and to see shit. Go regulate yourself and your own family and fuck off.

A staple of any town or city.

30 year daily all day smoker... can confirm. Switched to hemp because legal... LOVE and barely smoke pot unless mixed with hemp. Not as high but high on life. The hemp has changed my life.

I did 10 grams of extremely potent mushrooms a few months ago, ask me anything.

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But beer and spirits should be legal? What's your reasoning?

Imagine getting arrested because you have microscopic spores on you because it was windy during your hike in the woods.

>20 years in prison

How long was your laugh kick?

I know they use the cannabis oil for people who suffer from chronic pain, and it seems to be magic for it. There's probably something in mushrooms that helps ease depression, they should put more money into.
Although I did suffer from anxiety during my 20's and like you I started with meditation, and just an ultra clean life and it was better than any drug, totally changed my life. Maybe I'm projecting my own experiences onto other people with that, but I feel like recreational use of drugs is not a good thing.

A few high dose shroom trips cured me of all faggotry.

They are, pretty much.
I mean as long as you're not out there openly selling them. Growing your own is fine. No one gives a shit.
Also, the various tryptamines are also still quasi-legal and the DEA seems to not really care.
4-AcO-DMT is a fantastic RC that very closely mimics shrooms, and 4-HO-MET is a great and similar compound that's lighter on the mind and body and superb for Shpongle.
Try Lysergi, The Indole Shop, or Chemlogix.

Also, and HIGHLY recommended-

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I mean that's different, a couple of times a year, or even doing a little per month or something to open the mind. I remember doing mescaline once and it was a pretty amazing experience. I don't think your average drug user or teenager experimenting is going to have that same insight though to microdose.

At least we can use knives, shitbong.

Honestly, even if people just used them recreational, they would probably become better people. They allow one to basically look at yourself from a 3rd person perspective.

just eat them right off the field.
they cant sentence you for walking and they wont retrive it from your organism after they start working


wow, you must be really ignorant to believe that; boomers reintroduced drugs to the west you fucking buffoon.

Thank Ronald Reagan.

The last thing you feel like doing on shrooms is walking around

>Being retarded enough to get caught at all
>Being retarded enough to waive your 4th Amendment right
>Giving a cop probable cause to search you while holding drugs
Imagine being a retarded drug user, as opposed to a based big brain drug user.

Nah never said that. The problem with beer is it's become a corner stone of most societies. If you walk around in the UK you only have to walk 5 minutes and you'll be in a pub.

That cop saved you from getting real sick....when magic mushrooms get hot with sunlight they get poisonous thats why you farm them from UNDER cow patties

Have you ever tried eating them raw user? They aren't delicious, I can't imagine fresh mud would improve the taste

total bullshit. you have no idea what you're talking about

I did 2/8ths once.

Was... interesting.

>cannabis oil

its even sold over the counter in my nation, I dont think that its psychedelic even. Has almost no general weed culture, degeneracy with it? They basically removed the bad parts from it and only the good ones remained haha?

>but I feel like recreational use of drugs is not a good thing.

basically all of them should be banned, and the people doing them, and selling them should be outright butchered out on the streets for the pain and suffering they are causing our society. Ha

Also, I can imagine the headlines "alt right hates weed and wants to genocide weed users, but loves shrooms, find out why here"

if there is a way to fuck up a good thing, then the normies will find it. That is for sure, there should be zero fun things for normies in life because they ruin everything. Not even kidding here, fuck normies.

Yes, cow patties or bullshit works.

lol its still like a felony to grow a weed plant in most of the country.

honestly, when you get to those dosages, time no longer times.

my memory from my night of 2/8ths is jumbled, I remember talking to a friend on the phone for a short while, like 10 mins max, he told me we were on the phone for a few hours.

The events of that night also don't time, I can't place exactly what happened in any specific order (we were on a trail walk, so based on where we were, I can kinda place it, but really just thinking about it, time ment fuck all).

So for all I know, the laughs could have been 5 mins or 5 hours, who the fuck knows.

>>pubs everywhere
>>alcoholics abound

Ya, better ban those shrooms, so many people will have their lives ruined.
There is only one thing that might be worse than an alcoholic, that's a meth head.

I'm definitely for decriminalization, they helped me get out of a really bad depressive nihilistic funk I was in for years and appreciate life more.

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I'm pretty sure in the UK the oil is a class A and cannabis is a class B for some reason. To be honest I never even tried the oil it was too hard to get hold of. But yeah, apparently it's amazing for people who suffer with pain and arthritis and that sort of thing. I suppose it numbs the nerves.

>shoot them

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here are a few foreseeable scenarios if these things become legal, and usable in a recreational way

>"haha, what would happen if we burn them and sniff the ashes lol XD"
>"haha dude did you know that you could see other dimensions if you grind up shrooms into powder, and then mix it together with MDMA and LSD?"
>"so this mad lad told me that if you grind up mushrooms, put them into a powder and mix it in with a liquid and then inject them into your eye with a syringe, you can see ghosts XDXDXDXD"

and then they are banned again

Shrooms are an off world entity that leave you open for demonic possession. Seriously look up how psilocybin spores can survive through space. You’re a degenerate loser if you eat shrooms

LSD should be legal too, but fuckheads would make jokes and put it in everyone's drink so it'll stay outlawed

so we should ban things because stupid people will do stupid shit?

Yeah it's not good, people kicking the fuck out of each other every weekend and driving around. But alcohol has been legal for so long that towns are practically built around the pubs. You'd nearly have to re structure society if you banned alcohol here.

>if there is a way to fuck up a good thing, then the normies will find it. That is for sure, there should be zero fun things for normies in life because they ruin everything. Not even kidding here, fuck normies.

This line of thinking is just mentally retarded. You can't bubblewrap the world and you can't stop people from getting what they want....

Making it all legal would actually keep more people from doing that shit, it would also destroy cartels and gang's money making methods much like the ending of prohibition killed the gangs in the 20's. Between less gangs and the fact that when something is legal, it is no longer 'cool' so people do less / none of it after the novelty wears off, then we get a better society.

What about this idea, we have baisley guides who are well trained and have medical knowledge are the only ones allowed to have this stuff legally and take people on 'trips'. That way you don't get little jimmy finding his parents shroom bag on accident and eating a few too many, then doing something retarded.

▲ ▲

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It's difficult to be constantly high on shrooms dude (unlike booze and weed). There is at least a week after a trip, where if you take more you'll just get a stomach ache and at best get an unsatisfying buzz and at worst a 5 hour migraine. If someone is serious about getting the most out of their trips they'll wait a month between trips, out of necessity.

Only in the patriotic freedumb states ironically.

Mushrooms are from God.

LSD is from the CIA and once you take it - trace amounts will forever remain in your spine.
With all the advancements in electro-chemical research we've done, they might just be able to control through that LSD - but I'm just speculating.

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we should make it extremely difficult for them to get a hold of them, yes. But if you tell them "you cannot have it because you are retarded" they will go "but muh freedoms and democracies I am equaaaaal"

so we have to play pretend and do it covertly more or less. Seriously, because you need to grow it probably eliminates 50% of those idiots from doing it, since they are only living in the now.

im in PA and its fucked. they just legalized it for "medical" reasons and still its only edibles and you have to be pretty much actually dying to get it

>>restructure society

They tried 70 years ago, but you fought back

no man, they will inject it into their eye balls, we cant have that. The moment you legalize, the moment you will get "some mad lad" injecting it into his eye balls. I guarantee it.

Oregon here ;)

We got medical in Oklahoma last year, it's basically recreational though because you can get the card for literally anything at all

I've not even read this but I will right now, but Portugal legalized all drugs in 2001, so this might be a decent read to see exactly what effect that had on their society.

50 year??? More like over a hundred. Harrison Narcotic Act was passed at the same time as the Federal Reserve Act....really makes you think.

You decide how much Alcohol you consume

With Shrooms it can be controlled, if you take tiny little bites to not become fully shroomed.