Russia and Serbia

Do Russia and Serbia still like each other?

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I like Serbia

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I like Russia

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Crimea is Russia
Ukraine is Russia
Alaska is Russia
Everything is Russia!!!
Except Kosovo
Kosovo is Serbia

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Alaska isn’t russia fuck off.

I like Russia but serbians have done nothing of note for the past 1000 years technologically or any form of philosophy or science
Fucking embarrassing to have that many people and produce nothing of note

Alaska is Russia, Greenland is USA

Try living under Muslims for 500 years .-.

Both are subhuman shitholes and must be nuked out of existence.

>Alaska is Russia
there are more blacks than russians in alaska

dude just impale them on stakes

>only 7 millions
>muslim yoke
>no access to the sea
Survival is already great success in that situation

Didn't you sell that place to us though?

Attached: AlaskasFlag.jpg (800x565, 33K)

Well the entire state population is under 800,000 so it’s not saying much

Imagine unironically posting this. Kill yourself

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>Siberia and Alaska are two similar shores.
Dont play the fool, America

neither has Russia

It's just their sheer number that gives them large human resource, so even a stopped clock gives a right time twice a day.

Because of that, you have couple of Russian geniuses who have actually contributed to world history and science, but the question is that why there have been so few russian geniuses when they had such a large human resource?

the answer is that 99% of them is pure biomass.

as for the serbs, they'd be alright if they didnt suck russia's balls all the time

During Napoleon times and ever before russian population was smaller than french

>serbians have done nothing of note for the past 1000 years technologically or any form of philosophy or science
True. Tesla was a Croat.

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>neither has Russia
based mountain nigger spreading lies

Okay. Austria had that few people at points and no access to the sea either.

Because we share same hatred towards west europe.

Austria was the center of Germany at these times

the point is oster mark when from being the poorest of outer roman colonies to being the most powerful monarchs ever
serbia's existed in a similar timeframe and has done????????

>the point is oster mark when from being the poorest of outer roman colonies to being the most powerful monarchs ever
Lucky for them that their monarchs conquered half Europe through dynastic marriages, how could Serbia do the same being turkish colony?

impale the turks so they never return
I keep this trick up my sleeve incase the boogaloo ever pops off

Austria would be conquered by turks if not WINGED HUSSARBVLLS

Have you heard of one unsignificant Serbian guy, inventor called Nikola Tesla, or maby mathematician called Milutin Milanković, just asking for a friend

polacks are default subjects to imperial habsburg

>Nikola Tesla
As expected of a maymay flag

Oh, is that why Croat Ustashi killed more than 100 of his relatives in conc-camps and in death-pits for not beeing Croats, please, do us all a favour, kys

>Born 28 May 1879[1]Dalj, Austria-Hungary (modern-day Croatia)[1]
You serbs are worse than niggers with your WE WUZZZZian shit
Milakovik even did his studying and career in Vienna

No matter how many you impale they still decapitate you in the end

I'll channel the spirit of Tepes and impale them all if I need

also did you have some psychic sense to come to this thread once I mentioned impaling or something?

no, Russia and Croatia like each other better.
nobody likes cocksuckers that try to suck both Merkel and Putin at the same time.
in my small village there are 3 russian girls already too

Well said bre

Attached: tesla.jpg (720x714, 122K)

Look at the
you amerimut, also have you leatned about 1.4 milion serbs killed in NDH (Independant State Of Croatia-dashist Croatia) or maby the Oluja terorist action when 300k of Serbs got kicked out of their land with tanks and army actio that you fuckers facilitated and made posibile by tricking us into laying down our arms with promises of security you Jewish lap dog, you are no better that happy merchants, also heres my flag you bitch-nigger

>I'll channel the spirit of Tepes and impale them all if I need

As a baby my greatx3 grandfather was a greek captured as a tribute by the turks as a tribute to become a jannisary. They raised him as a muslim and got sent here to fight his kind during the ruso-turkish war and as the war was ending he raped my great grandma and after she became pregnant she took her as his wife, she ramained orthodox but he died a muslim

>tfw unironically rape baby

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>Tesla and Milanković

ha i get that refference

Rekoh mu već, ali glupi amerikanac neće da sluša


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Rekoh mu već, ali to je amerikanac, ne razume to logiku

look at the what?

Holy mega ultra quantum double combo ultra based

lotta hot blonde grills in Beogrod holy fuck Im in love

He probably posted before seeing that reslonse, thats all


Also, Tesla publicaly spoke about beeing Serbian, so take from that what you want

>Is son of a Orthodox priest
>Gets called a croatian

I'm pretty sure he spits on you where he is

Press 3 to cevapi

Just saw he thinks Tesla is a croat
Imagine being this dumbass

He realy thinks that place you are born determins what nationality you are, laughing in etno-nationalisam RN

You sound based for an AnCap my friend

our revenge is soon

Slice your wrists shekel shaman

>when your shithole bloc has no one of note so you have to appropriate others
SEETHING slavshit

are you from banat by any chance

Not realy 100% leseis fait, but thats the most liberal shit I could think of, I am more of a clasical liberal the likes of which include aerican founding fathers, pic shows what I am

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No fren, why are you asking

Said the amerimut, kek

I am a french fascist, that's the point of this flag burger

My favourite Balkan nation is Albania, then Bosnia.

Also this

We paid for it from a different Russia that had a Tsar. Bring back the Tsar and you can has.

Yeah, you seemed like a schiptar shill

Filthy paki

just seems like youre from banat. only people romanians from banat speak serbian. either that, or you emigrated

Lol ever heard of Nikola Tesla?

They were literally both Croatian.


Nah, I am just vacationing here, I live in Serbia and am actualy half Serbain, other half is mostly Romanin, but good catch fren

What's the matter, Gypsy?

are you in dobrogea? If so have fun, its a pretty cool region

Show your flag fag

Is that why Croatian faschists killed more than 100 of Nikola Teslas relatives in conc-camps and death pits for not beeing Croatian, you dumb faschist don't even know your own fucking history kek

They literally didn't. Holocaust didn't happen.

Nah, I'm in Transilvania(Erdeli) but thanks

have fun (hope you dont mind all the hungarians)

But do you speak romanian tho?

serbs are the biggest cucks!

Realy, so my grand grand father, three of his sons, his daughte and his wife just got Tanos snaped than, go learn a bit, and than eat a dick kid

Da, vorbim Româna, ba nu stiu sa scrie bun, afoast la schoala în Serbie

What language is this supposed to be?

He lied to you or you're lying to me. There were no death camps. It's an established fact. Especially the Serbian lies about the evil Croatians plucking people's eyes out and sending them to their Fuhrer.

I can't even name a more famous duo.

You'll be begging for liberation after a couple more decades of globohomo intersectionality.

Umm, Serbians and Russians may like each other but those are countries.

Shit tier Romanian, I didn't learn it in school, I just picked it up, so thats why I am functionaly iliterate when it comes to Romanian, but I am almost fluent when it comes to the spomen language

rare pepe palownik. saved

haha good effort, you also speak well for a serb. when did you learn? do you frequently go on vacation in romania?

Are you the town rapist?

"bat not know write good"

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Dude, we whites are not divine beeings that can do no wrong, its as hard for us to make good choices, as it is for other races, and if you are denieing it, you are takeing our agency as authonomous people, its no less hard for us to do the right thing and when compared to others, we mostly do a bit bether and its because we tamed our impulses a bit, and holocaust did happen, about the eyes storry, I am not sure, but its not a far cry for Ustashi to do such thing, also show your flag fag