And we're turning that crap into a parking lot if we want so.
Norwegians and Krauts shall have no say in how we conduct our affairs. We don't need your monetary aid. Grab that money and reforest your own countries, losers.
And we're turning that crap into a parking lot if we want so.
Norwegians and Krauts shall have no say in how we conduct our affairs. We don't need your monetary aid. Grab that money and reforest your own countries, losers.
So what
Trees are gay
I just want more asian phenotype women to look at.
Dumb fuck. The amazon produces 10-20% of the worlds oxygen. We won't stop giving you aids. You have enough of that already. We will literally come in and shoot you in the face.
would bleach
Why stop them, I say we must encourage them to cut more if not all and pollute the water too.Lets work together for a better future.
>destroying one of the last beautiful and pristine areas on earth for kike dollars
wow, based!
No, you're too busy pampering your minorities.
We will raze the forest so we can have even more cattle.
>You have enough of that already. We will literally come in and shoot you in the face.
Finally, an actual war.
Something this part of the world desperly needs
>thinking peru will win
>Why stop them
Because we die. I don't care what those subhuman shitskins do with their water but a 20% reduction in the world's oxygen is a problem.
And trust me when I tell you the United States will literally stroll in and shoot you in the face.
Development come at a cost, it's hypocritical to condemn Brazil for doing what US and Europe have already done.
I know american education is bad but Amazon don't produce more oxygen than it consumes, sea algae are responsible for our oxygen.
We are too many people as it is and most of those affected will be from the overpopulated and high fertility rate.So its a win win
We will win no matter what.
>If we will, we will finally use all our resourcese like europe did.
>Waging war will finally force usnto develop and actual national identity
If we lose we also win
>A colonoy once agai
>Those that don't want to be part of it, will form independent city-state with actual national identity
It is a win for the continent
We have no oil and we are not threatening Israel, we are safe.
It won't be an actual war. It never is. It will just be the United States shooting subbies in the face to instill democracy.
>tfw no qt indigenous tribal gf
That was the google article you choose to read. Read all of them.
I don't care about Brazil and Brazilians 2bh I would fuck that native tho
does milk taste change from race to race?
>The amazon produces 10-20% of the worlds oxygen.
And it consumes pretty much the same amount, you retarded burguer! What truly produces most of the oxygen you breathe is the ocean, not some shitty forest!
>Implying US and Europe haven't destroyed all of their nations.
You manage to lose to 5mi viets on a jungle, you think you'd win against 230mi Brazilians (with nuclear capacities) in a jungle?
>The amazon produces 10-20% of the worlds oxygen
How much oxygen does the Amazon use up, you dumb fuck? That's right, 10-20%. Trees take CO2 and turn it into O2 using the carbon for cellulose. What happens when the trees die? Oh, yes, the cellulose is broken down into CO2 by bacteria and insects. I'm all for saving the amazon -as there are probably a lot of undiscovered plants/animals- but the idea we need it for Oxygen is retarded. The ONLY way there is a net oxygen increase is through phytoplankton in the oceans.
Less oxygen means all will be affected.
Post moar jungle womans
>EU: "Climate change is bad! We gatta do something soon you guys!"
>Also EU: *signs trade deal that not only will massively increase transatlantic air and sea freight but also makes clearing rainforest to graze cattle much more profitable*
heh, nothing personnel planet earth
Not really because the density can vary from a continent to another.
Shitskin retard. Doesn't even know that you cannot cut the rainforest by international treaty. Christ third worlders are dumb.
What is with the red stripe across the face? Seen that before.
Is it true they found massive ruins of an old city below the amazon? Seems like they're trying their best to get rid of the evidence.
Another quick google monkey. Try reading all of the articles wetback.
Spic retard.
Nigger, stop being retarded.
Read this^
Subtracting 20% from the total removes 20% from the total. Fuck the density.
Spic retard.
>muh you're not obeying international laws
We, unlike EU nations, are not ruled but shadow institutions and we do what the fuck we want.
Yes, it was an early XX century abandoned factory town called "Fordlandia"
She sure is hot OP
Beautiful amazonia. But is no a virgin forest...
Density is all that matters otherwise due to China we would all be inspiring smog instead of a semi polluted air.
>Not knowing high school chemistry
So glad I survived public education. I envy Europoors for their not terrible schooling system
grow your fucking trees
>Seems like they're trying their best to get rid of the evidence
they probably found more blonde/redhead european mummies, or depictions of blonde blue eyed white skinned gods, and we all know that's too problematic for current time
Most of the forests in Europe and North America have increased in the last 100 years you dumb fucking monkey. Americans actively mantain and try to preserve their national heritage unlike you BR monkeys, you’re no better than insectoid chinks and shitty pajeets. Oh wait you’re admitting that your country is actually 150 years behind? Lmao so where does your retarded monkey pride come from? You are literally destroying your motherland to please your kike oligarchs, how fucking dumb can br monkeys be?
The EU and other developed nations never truly cared about the enviroment when they are protesting the deforestation of the Amazon, they are concerned only with the mineral resources underneath the forest. The norwegians profit billhions every year extracting minerals at the Amazon and cause massive deforestation and chemical polution on the region, and give back a few millions to reforestation, it is like they are literally coming here to rape our sister and then throwing a couple of bucks at her and saying "clean yourself up, whore!", it is offensive and unwanted and they can all go die in a fire for all we care!
>Another quick google monkey. Try reading all of the articles wetback.
That was not google, amigo, I graduated in biological sciences in one of the top 10 universities in Latin America. The forests consume nearly all the oxygen they produce, the oceans are the ones who yield a sizeable surplus that is responsible for nearly all the oxygen we are breathing. The enviromental function of the forest is about increasing rainfall and decreasing global temperature, not oxygen production.
Want to ensure we dont run out of oxygen? Than stop dumping toxic waste at the oceans instead of bitching about the deforestation. Want to prevent the global warming caused by deforestation? THEN FUCKING REFOREST YOUR OWN COUNTRIES!
We will just bomb your cities with cruise missiles
Americans don't even have to put boots on the ground.
It's a very simple thing:
>1. You consume your natural resources to become developed
>2. After you become rich, you replant some areas so you can look "eco"
The fact Brazil has more (in amount and quality) natural resources than Europe is no excuse for not using these resources.
The forest will burn the same way German black or England forests burned.
Dios mio!
>all the trees are dead right now
This is next level retardation
That's pretty big coming from a country that lost in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Syria.
Cringe and bluepilled. Enjoy your Blade Runner dystopia.
>Think being ecological is redpilled
>In favor of being ruled by international ecofags
Enjoy paying your carbon tax and riding a bike.
"But air pollution doesn't respect international borders. And a pair of recent studies has demonstrated this in striking fashion, showing that the pollution is likely increasing the strength of cyclones forming over the Pacific Ocean and even spreading detectable levels of contaminants all the way to the Western U.S."
"On the days with the strongest Westerlies—which occur most often during the spring—between 12 and 24 percent of the sulfate-based air pollution over the Western U.S. was originally generated in China. That was also true for four to six percent of carbon monoxide and two to five percent of ground-level ozone. As a result, they estimated, in 2006 the Los Angeles area experienced one extra day of ozone levels that exceeded EPA standards for air quality."
Fucking retard.
Wetback reject. You work in burger king.
Professional escort . Fucked her twice last month.
Why do you do these threads, user?
How about your country stop being the second largest polluter and the first Chinese importer?
This. Who the fuck cares about trees when there's tits.
>That was not google, amigo, I graduated in biological sciences in one of the top 10 universities in Latin America.
No you didn't. That's literally the first page of articles in google if you search the statement. Like Article number 3.
You wouldn't do shit. They're bigger than Iran and almost as consistent as a country.
They also have the best relations they've had with your masters: Israelman.
Okay I didnt knew it reached the US then its even better, lets make the Brazilians burn down rubber and oil non stop while cutting every tree for the next 5 decades.
Fucking retarded piece of shit, kill yourself.
>Trees cannot grow and die at an equilibrium-like pace
Burger education everyone
Where da jungle wymynz at???
>it's tha norwegians!
Your biggest companies got a shit ton of money to do what we do, but of course, you corrupt little shits had to be corrupt like always, and were put off and our country got the deal instead. "The norwegians raped our sister and-"
Your people raped your own people. We only came to fix your broken ass country, and that's litterally it. We could have used all those billions on our own country, but it's used on yours.
>You manage to lose to 5mi viets on a jungle, you think you'd win against 230mi Brazilians (with nuclear capacities) in a jungle?
What is this retardation, user?
Are you that much of a mutt that you have your brain defected due to your "infected blood"?
Who gives a fuck. Does China's air pollution affect the rest of us?
Question and answer.
Fuck you and you turd world monkey zoo.
Unironically based. South America needs a war to even have a chance to progress
Consider yourself lucky that your little no-country is so far away from us. We'd invade and conquer you in no time.
Keep talking shit.
t.Jose cruz salvador las casa y fernandez
Nigger you don't have an argument besides "Yur n0t Huwite!11!!1" I'm right, you're wrong. Admit it and go to night school or something. Christ, watch a YouTube video about ecology
>Educação Européia
Isso que acontece quando se ensina ideologia no lugar de fatos.
Sign and don't follow, what kind of submissive nation obey (((international law)))?
That's not how it works in real life, user.
Try to think. That is my advice.
Sure wetback monkey. They're Actually the same size as the united states and only about 1/3 of the place is inhabited. You'll get shot in the face like everyone else. You're not even human.
It will reach you too.
Quiet accurate.
However in that pic the less advanced are not chimping out and throwing feeces at the most advanced, which would be an even more accurate depiction of Brazil.
Awful taste, user. Awful taste...
What do you learn in History class? About how evil white Europeans were and how good your current regime is?
"keep talking shit" what was shit about it? I only see pure information. You were corrupt shits, and it's widely known.
We have nuclear radiation from Russia instead which its not as nice as asphyxiation
>Burger education
Literally produced every modern invention known to man.
>Posts under American flag
Why don't you shitskins go back already?
Yeah dude just replant all the species you lead to extinction bro lmao
Like lmao just replant some trees after you destroy the ecosystem dude lmao
Like I said, you’re no better than a chink insectoid, poojet or even an Apefrican who is unable to learn from the past.
>living trees do not retain co2
burger brain
>protect the earth from polution
t. citizen from an oil nation
Is everything in Romanita shitty? What is nice about living there?
You want me to sign it? My signature is required? You fucking internet retard. xD
tfw you want to dispute a meme but its %100 true.
Dying from alcohol consumption or from asbestos mostly.
Clean oil production with filters and regulations. Have you seen how your people gets their oil? It's fucking disgusting.
>No you didn't.
Yes, I did.
>That's literally the first page of articles in google if you search the statement. Like Article number 3.
Huuurrr duurrrr, what do you think we studied at a biological sciences graduation? Our teachers use those articles as examples in class. Have you never been to a university? Do you not have higher education?
Your companies dump untreated toxic waste products into the fucking amazon river and have the audacity to claim you came to FIX our shit? FUCK YOU! I hope the climate changes fuck your country worse than every other in the planet!
Nobody here is defending carbon taxes or being ruled by international ecofags, you’re just presenting a false dichotomy where the only options are neocons destroying your natural heritage for shekels or being the lapdog of some globohomo kikes. True nationalists defend and actively want to preserve the environment of their country.
>reddit spacing
Yeah, Europe is 100% secondary biome and it's a great thing.
Primary biomes like tropical jungle are unsuited for human life and should be replaced with mild farmlands as soon as possible.
>Wetback monkey
I understand that is the current term for "father" in your part of the world, given how much your worthless failed attempts at motherhood are such easy whores for Mexicans but... I'm not your father user, no matter how cute it is you think I am.
I am not your father.
Brazil is about 20% smaller than the U.S. You appear to be an ignorant gorilla, like is expected considering the kind of mothers that are yours in 'murica.
The point is: America never went to war against a country about half her size, by itself, and claimed victory.
Your military reccord is a joke.
Imagine being so God damn stupid.
If your only argument is oxygen and not encompassing of the vast biodiversity that will be uprooted due to deforestation I can see why your on Jow Forums pretending you have a degree
Who the fuck are you talking to?
My flag is ridiculous, but I'm not Brazilian.
Who the fuck do you're think you're talking to again, baboon?