Asians are taking over

I live in a city in Poland, population below 100k so it's not that big (barely top 50 in my country). The amount of Asians that have been coming here for the past decade is absolutely staggering. Perhaps I'm not used to it because Poland is pretty homogeneous ethnically, but I don't think that's the only reason.

There are Chinese restaurants, shops (mostly shitty shoes and clothing) FILLED with Chinese people. Four different Vietnamese restaurants hiring predominately Vietnamese are also here. Last year an actual sushi restaurant ran by a Japanese chef opened up. And today I saw an Asian person leave my apartment building - was probably visiting a friend or something.

They are EVERYWHERE. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable by the size of the diaspora. On one hand they don't make any problems, stay quiet and keep mostly to their own, don't protest, don't vote etc. On the other hand the sheer amount of them is starting to become a concern.

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Better give another billion to Trump and hold another Anti-Iran congress

Those are Russians and Finns, potatobro

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Bullshit user. vast majority are Chinese. Ever since we joined EU there are less and less Russians here. Ukrainians are a whole other story.

There are neighborhoods in Brooklyn that used to be working class Italian, Greek, Irish, and other Europeans that had tons of nice diners and pizza shops that are now filled with plenty of fresh off the boat gooks and are filled with the genuine Chinese restaurants with pig carcasses and shit hanging in windows. It's to the point where you can walk down certain streets, see hundreds of people, and literally not see one non-Asian for a few minutes.
They're not bad people exactly. In fact, I think they probably have the safest and cleanest neighborhoods overall (other than tossing cigarettes everywhere with no conception of the issue). But their culture is different from ours and they have no desire to assimilate. They're running a parallel society: their businesses do not cater to Americans at all and you literally never see a non-Asian person in their restaurants and shops..
What do Americans benefit by having their neighborhood crowded out?
As far as them not protesting and voting, well, are you really sure about that? I think they're even more political than Americans, they just do their organizing in ways that are invisible to most Americans like their own community newspapers.

>They're running a parallel society
This is the most noticeable thing, it's like a "mirror" society that doesn't intertwine with my own, just exists completely separately within the same location. I honestly don't know what to think about it all.

Fuck the chinks. They're like a virus, you don't notice them at first but they WILL advocate for antiwhite interests and WILL flood your country if given enough time. How many chinks compared to ethnic poles exist on this planet? Unless you do something RIGHT NOW your country will be lost in a generation. You might think this is hyperbole but it's happening in Canada, aus, and here. One generation is all it takes and then you'll be struggling to afford a home and find meat besides dog meat in the stores. They're going to keep flooding your country until you let them know they are NOT WELCOME

White man. Don't take our woman or you will suffer injuries!

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I have 2 questions. Do I just spend too much time on Jow Forums or are both of these things true? Please don’t shill me, guys. I’m going through a lot with worrying about shit. So much so that I’ve lost 20 lbs. I can’t afford to lose more, and I found out my brothers on fucking drugs. Hard shit. Started laughing and crying on the way home cause I feel so fucking blackpilled.
1.) is it just me or are more people in the US into Asians recently?
2.) Do you guys actually think there’s going to be a “baby boom” in Japan after the 2020 Olympics, or is that just a big meme?

Bros I don’t know how much longer I can hang in there...

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every 7th person on earth is chinese, thanks to globalism you will see them often, enjoy

chinks are the new jews

1. Chinks are into westerners more than westerners are into chinks, by a large margin. Although there are exceptions, the only ones who marry chinks are boomers with their pancake faced imported wives or $oy tech workers in San Francisco. Besides that, interracial couples in real life are much more rare than the judeo-bolshevik racemixing propaganda would have you believe.

2. I don't follow logically how olymic games would result in a baby boom. Japan's population will plateau and if they have any honor they will maintain their homogenous population


1. To some extent yes. Decent quality white women are becoming harder to find and many white men (sick of tfw no gf) have decided they aren't worth it. Asian women are a lot easier to get, even for a sub-5 manlet. Many low value white men simply turn to Asians to cope, and it helps that Asian women date outside their race more than any other race of women -- of course, Jow Forums doesn't call this out for degenerate but that's where double standards come into play. Also, Jow Forums is filled with hapas and Japanophiles. Many factors are at work.

2. Absolute meme. Abe has been introducing policies to increase the birth rate for about a decade and it hasn't worked. If policies don't work, neither will the Olympics.

Aussies and Leafs have fell under the yellow menace, you could be next. Be wary or else they will own your country next.

They’ve taken over parts of New York. It’s insane. My hometown is basically chink, gook central. It’s congested, the housing prices are insane , the car insurance is laughable, no English anywhere. It’s all so depressing.

But what about like the younger generation and shit? Do you think that Asians are becoming more popular with guys here?
Define to some extent? I know we’re on Jow Forums, but I took a little survey from about 15 guys on, and most said they think Asians are becoming more popular. I don’t want to believe, but fuck..

Both of you have good points about olympics though.

When will white men understand that Asian features are handsome on men? White women should married off to Asian! We make videos to prove it!

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>Chinese restaurants,
Those are usually all gook niggers pretending to be Chinese

be lucky im in NC and Raleigh looks like Syria right now

id be happier with and asians


you know people are sexy when you have to be convinced of it

I would take Vietnamese over niggers and Arabs any day.

>Today, I saw a single Asian person.
>They are everywhere.
Boy oh boy get ready

Im in Los Angeles, and Chinese are staggeringin with fierce momentum. It seems sudden, uniform and arbitrary decision making isnt the answer so some central authority is forcing this

I don't think asian women are becoming any more popular with the younger generation. At the end of the day a chink is a chink, they still have that disgusting, flat nigger nose, weird slant eyes, and flat, featureless faces

Ok, unless you’re whitepilling me, thanks, user.. you don’t know how much of a relief your words gave me. Even if just a little, I genuinely appreciate it. Here’s a rare Pepe.

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I didn't mention Arabs, but there is more and more of them here too. They don't come here as refugees or for gibs, but they open Kebab restaurants (and we fucking love kebab), I see Arab men pretty much every day on the streets.

The hit in the face pancake look is just all the rave among the west.

And how is this a bad thing? Chinese are better than all the other minorities.

they mad

>he fell for the capitalist meme
Time for fags to realize that Marxism was redpilled

This is flat out embarrassing

t. cheng

They're a state within a state that may just be limited to serving their own communities with takeaway shops for now but will soon be receiving loans from their home country's bank to buy up all the real estate, pricing ethnic Poles out, it's an economic invasion


too much of a good thing

theyre all trying to leave their shithole back home

I'll always say this. Grab your friends and start beating them half to death. Make it clear that foreigners are not welcome if your goverment doesn't do that for you. You are still a majority white. Polish people are still patriotic. If you do not start now it will eventually become too late.

I'm not a chimp, I'm not going to assault people just for living here. I'm just disappointed that my nation doesn't really do enough to halt the immigration.

Asian pussy is a delicious delicacy that you should grasp with both hands FAGGOT

>Asian women are the most likely to date outside their race
Show me proof. Its actually the opposite. Just look at street interviews where more than half the women openly admit they would never date a foreigner. Do that in America and see how many white women would say that let alone claim she's never dates some beaner or whatever

Just anecdotes and experience. I have two younger highschool aged brothers and they're dating white girls. I don't know their views on pancake faces but they have never expressed any interest in them. When you're objective with yourself about what features are aesthetically pleasing in faces you realize that none of the typical chink features are attractive at all

jakie miasto?

Jasne, jeszcze kurwa ulicę i numer domu podam
Wschód od Warszawy

You are a chimp. Because all you do is what master tells you to do. You should beat the shit out of them. I'm giving you a warning as a 56%er that you need to do something now before its too late. Do you think Muslims would flee to Europe if they had to worry about getting beaten down every time they left the house. No, they'd stay in their faggot countries.

Where's your teeth? Did your goverment pull them out?

This exact attitude is why aus, Canada, and the entire East and west coast here are falling to chink parasites. Don't play by their rules because they certainly won't

nooooo ! they gon beat me x.x

co za debil, bo kurwa cie zdoxxuje potym jak miasto podasz xD
cos mi sie kurwa wierzyc nie chce w te twoje opowiadania, w lodzi warszawie i krakowie czesto przebywam i rzadko kiedy murzyna widze. W warszawie czesciej, potem krakow, w lodzi prawie nigdy. Sami polacy.

cull them between gender. Send one side to run your banks, the other side for reproduction. Choose wisely, as which side you pick is destiny.

If you asked random white women on the street in 1954 if they would date outside of their race, how do you think they would answer? The race mixing agenda isn't inherent to white women psychology, its being pushed by the entire media complex. Give Japanese women a few decades of Jewish propaganda and see how they answer.

Good, since poolaks cant develope their own economy foreigners will.

At least it's not niggers.

Czarnych też tu nie widzę, ale Araby od kebabów są, i to zauważalni w centrum

So just an expanded pet of Chinatown. Which white people embraced but since it’s expanded now people care.

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This desu.

Instead of paying a prostitute to relieve them of their Chinkcel status, they pool money together to pay another man to have sex with a women

hi, i live in warsaw and i have noticed something that just seems weird to me -
since uber eats appeared here, there is a shitload of indians just roaming around, not knowing a word in polish. do yall know anything about this? my dad says that they might have just brought them here for polish minimum wage (propably kings wage in fucking india X D shitters) to work as food deliverers, since this is an actually popular job in india . yall know anything about this?

It's a 0 hours contract mate, it's a way of paying them under minimum wage as they only get paid per delivery. Something any European would wholeheartedly reject but any third worlder would leap halfway across the world for the opportunity to do

>Pole bitching about chinks
>muh drumpf
Kill yourself shitskin.

Attached: gook.jpg (246x180, 8K)

These are 'dark kitchens' used be Uber Eats and Deliveroo where restaurants prepare their food for delivery. They are often found in disused industrial areas to save lots of money on rent. I hope you know this is where your food is coming from not an actual brick and mortar place

Attached: deliveroo.jpg (300x180, 13K)

Not much left of "ethnic poles" after g*rmans and r*ssians fucked this place raw.

As long as this place isnt being inherited by those two cocksuckers its all fine with me.

You're too stupid to be a chimp. Rules are for when you are dealing with your own people, universal rules is a globalist meme. You are taking pride in being a globalist. Think about that, think long and hard where you got that sentiment.

THis is just the beginning soon poland will be filling up with nigger muslims so bad you will be begging to be part of russia again

aight thanks for info. for the record i would not eat a single thing handed to me by a street shitter. btw i know because a few years ago half of the kebabs in warsaw were made in an underground illegal place without ani control or tests. so yea not to be agressive towards minorities, but you really dont want any food from these fucks

Well put it this way, if you identify them as your fellow countrymen they can be considered 'ethnic Poles' for the purposes of this social crisis. I say this because the chinks sure as hell won't be distinguishing either of the groups you mentioned as anything more than 'dumb farang'

They may look all the same, but they're not. They'res a HUGE fucking difference between Japanese, Koreans, Viets, Flips, Hong Kongers, Taiwanese, and Mainland Chinese. Exactly which ones?

Getting the HELL out of china is a high priority for many chinese.

I'm of nip ancestry. I think your position is OK, but here's a suggestion. There should be clear, up front, open expectations on exactly what you want any long term visitors to Poland to be and do, and what it takes to be accepted.

That's not where babies come from.
>MFW no QT shit posting HK babarella
Feels pretty bad
I always like Asian countries so I don't know maybe? Japan doesn't need a baby boom not everything has to increase at a 45 degree angle to please some kikes investment portfolio. I think we're going to make it nobody likes these kikes anymore. Just know that somewhere in a Brazilian jungle is a guy with face paint on squatting near a fire saying "Boy I sure hate kikes". The entire world is waking up.

>On one hand they don't make any problems, stay quiet and keep mostly to their own, don't protest, don't vote etc. On the other hand the sheer amount of them is starting to become a concern.

Sounds to me like there are a bunch of new neighbors that are just fine and never cause any problems, along with additional cuisine. What's wrong?

>1.) is it just me or are more people in the US into Asians recently?
Eh, I'd say so. The increase in weeaboos. The WMAF meme.

>2.) Do you guys actually think there’s going to be a “baby boom” in Japan after the 2020 Olympics, or is that just a big meme?
I'd bet against it. Japan is too harsh of an environment for everyone.

But you should spend less time on pol, and more time making money, dating, whatever.

Maybe Poland is full and maybe selling out your heritage for some take out is pathetic? Also I live in the southwest. The only decent Mexican restaurants are white owned and staffed. This ethnic food meme needs to die. Like those 2 women in Portland they tried to shame out of selling burritoes because I'm sure they were 10x better then the spoiled horse meat burritoes actual beaners sell.
Just give me your house I'll give you a bowl of rice for it. What's wrong?

Most are Vietnamese and mainland Chinese, they come to Poland through Russia. Ironically there's more of them here now than Russians.

I don't hate them user, but I feel like my country is threatened by their presence. We have a particular culture and history here, and since more and more people are coming who aren't concerned with any of it I'm not liking it very much, and am afraid of what it may mean for the future of our nation.

Something about asian buildings and artistic style doesn't really look good to me, and I suspect to a lot of others.

I also think that the hangover from all the cool and mysterious kung-fu and martial arts getting absolutely buttblasted in the early 90's in UFC really makes the culture look and feel weak and undesirable.

Meant to reply to this poster, sorry.

How do we stop them? Can we shill 2chan to make them think the Koreans and Chinks are trying to dilute their blood and culture then hope it spills over irl?

No matter how many come in, it will never be their place. Stand your ground, have your kids.

throat singing could make you feel strong

>Eh, I'd say so.

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The Viets are generally more trustworthy as there's fucking ZERO chance of vietnam fucking up Poland internationally even by accident. Vietnam doesn't send spies to keep tabs on their communities. The higher end viets learned from French Colonial culture. I would bet most viets out there aren't into politics, but there's three signs to watch for.

First, is if they're flying any vietnamese flags, even little ones, which ones they pick. The north with the yellow star, or the south, which is yellow with red stripes. Or a picture of Ho Chi Min.

If you ever try viet food, it MUST be super clean and fresh inside and out. Bahn Mi, which is a french vietnamese sandwich is a safe bet. Pho is raw beef soup. Don't order unless you trust the place with your life.

I would bet the mainlanders are there to sell you chinese shit. The fact that they are not involved in politics is a good sign. You can actually sometimes tell what kind of mainlanders they are from the menus, and the speaking tone. Mandarin sounds like aggressive shrieking cats compared to the more mellow Cantonese or Tawanese.

In the long term Poland IS on the map for the Belt and Road project, and is actually pretty important in China's plans.

I'm certainly not going to tell you how to feel about the Chinese, but there's real, serious impact on Poland's future here. Is it going to be a central trading hub between east and west? Is China going to try to buy it? Economic proxy war between the EU, Russia, and China?

Also flip this. What SHOULD poland be getting out of china? Do you have access to selling your shit to China? Showing china your culture? If all you're doing is selling Poland your country out from under you, you're not going to a good outcome.

Do you expect Chinese heritage people in poland to fight for poland if Russia invades? If Germany rises again? To even learn polish?

kek, Vietnamese mafias are swarming the London heroin and cannabis markets

>better off raising a piece of char siu (bbq pork)
what kind of insult is that
this is like saying your parents should have raised a pastrami sandwich

russia is even worse now

so which flag is good?

Yeah, I’m basically frushing. It’s so sad.

It's all relative. As fucked up as Viet mafia and street gang members, and the sweatshops are, they make a serious attempt at keeping a low profile, and that usually means avoiding conflict with people outside their community.

There is no viet equivalent of the SHARIA PATROL people, or the pedo rape gangs. The hardest they go would be mid level football ultras.

The commies will be helping Russia if they ever invade. The others are capitalist occasional christfags that can and do sell there own mothers, and will be running like hell if Russia ever invades. Both are probably here to sell you shit, but if things get squirrely internationally, go with the Yellow Flags.

In any one Vietnamese community there's about a football stadium's capacity worth of people called 'Thang/h Nguyen' how the fuck are law enforcement gonna track them down without arresting the lot?

Attached: viet1.jpg (793x494, 40K)

Attached: viet2.jpg (387x445, 20K)

these four are just from ONE arrest in Preston kek

Attached: viet3.jpg (235x311, 9K)

And they aren't even all the Nguyen's either...

Attached: viet4.jpg (784x493, 46K)

Attached: viet5.jpg (788x489, 41K)

10 Nguyen's from 1 arrest holy kek

Attached: viet6.jpg (796x489, 40K)

Somehow the penguins can tell. Hand the case off to Officer Nguyen. If he fails to stop further crime from that suspect, sack him and hire officer Tran.

Repeat as neccesary.

Or you could culturally appropriate Chinese style policing for the community.


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