Can someone blackpill me on the Rob Lowe conspiracy?
Can someone blackpill me on the Rob Lowe conspiracy?
Can I get a quick rundown first?
He was roasted on Comedy Central. There is no conspiracy.
He was filmed having sex with an underage girl.
I don’t have a rundown, I was hoping you guys could help I just heard about it
can you redpill me on it
>In 1988, Lowe was involved in a sex scandal over a videotape of him having sex with a 16-year-old girl he met in a nightclub. They were videotaped the night before the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. As the age of consent in Georgia was 14 at the time (until 1995 when it was raised to 16), both were of legal age to engage in sexual activity, although 18 was the legal age to be involved in such a recording.[48] At the time, Lowe was campaigning for Michael Dukakis.[49]
Another part of the same tape was leaked at the time, showing Lowe and friend Justin Moritt both having vaginal and oral sex with a young American model named Jennifer, who was never identified, in a hotel room in Paris. This part of the original tape was sold as one of the first commercially available celebrity sex tapes, damaging Lowe's public image.[50] Eventually, his career rebounded and Lowe mocked his own behavior during two post-scandal appearances as host of Saturday Night Live.
This is from wiki. What’s the conspiracy?
I’m telling you, I’m not sure about what the conspiracy is I was hoping someone else would. But that’s pretty damning evidence to me anyway.
Yes sounds interesting
He was 24 when he was filmed banging a 16 year old. At least he likes girls.