This is a conversation I've had with a few friends and I figured I'd post it here to see the mob's opinion on.
I've always struggled with the idea of having kids in this uncertain world. It's not that I wouldn't want to, but, speaking from experience, American women, and western women in general I guess, are spoiled, entitled and near impossible to have a stable, normal relationship with. I'm also speaking from the experiences the guys in my family have had too, my brother got cheated on by his white gf, then married another white girl that wasn't done drinking and riding dick, even renting a 500$ hotel room to fuck a dude with my brothers money. You'd think he'd end it, but he's trapped with two kids now. My uncle had a pretty similar experience, but he did divorce and it ruined his live, he's living back with his mother, my grandmother, after losing his properties and business. The only respectable woman in my family is my mother, but even she never married or stayed stable.
Further, while I've always wanted my kids to white, blonde and blued eyed like my, I've always had a thing for asian women, and again, the white relationships always ended because of some stupid shit. I have work opportunities coming up soon that'll be bringing me to glorious nippon too. What do guys think? Is the future yellow?
Sup bro. Similar boat, Family used to be quite respectable, the boomer life ruined em. Last good one died recently, the rest are on the decline, it's mostly the women and inlaws doing it. I've been fucked too, had to fight my own father for 6 years, fucker was abusive as all hell and resented me for reminding him of the life he pissed away, one that had far more opportunities than I was ever afforded.
So, here's my opinion, fuck the white race, at least as it is. Most of the women i've dated weren't caucasian, my poor ass never showed up on their radar when I was broke white trash, of course now that most of em have a bastard or two they're ready to settle down. Most annoying ones who wrap themselves in the cross, what blows my mind is now many are even going the Trad Catholic route, thinking wearing a veil, covering their tattoos and thinking baptism = new v card and the rest of us should accept them. I doubt this will work but I think you get my point. The sad fact of the matter is western culture, esp. the states is fucked. Look at the mega culture we had in the 80s and 90s, our food, entertainment hell everything American dominated, we were the gold standard. That's not coming back in our lifetimes, no matter how much me may wish it. Doesn't help millenial men on a whole aren't any better than boomers, hell they lack common sense. You hit the nail on the head with your brother and Uncle, that's just how it is here. Telling you now, those Charlottesville protesters are regretting what they did, they learned a hard lesson; for the most part Americans are not a loyal people. They had the permits and everything, look what happened, Antifa pretty much walked scott free. The few fortunate that have jobs? They'd, hell more like already have sold us out, cept now that they have kids and white flight is becoming a lot more expensive they're freaking out because single, pissed off millenial men outnumber them.
Kayden Gonzalez
Con't. Sorry for the long post, wanted to make a few points. I have hapa relatives, i'll be the first to warn you most of the white side, esp. the women will never accept them. Nothing a woman here hates more than seeing a happy white guy with an Asian partner, they hate the kids even more. As Caucasians continue to shrink in the USA and competition for resources gets worse you'll see more and more of it. Mark my words they'll never return to the culture we had long ago, they may never. Thing is, that's not your problem. You're sole duty is to you, no one else. Our own kind sold us out, our own women wanted these people from shithole countries in here, now look. They're taking our jobs, ruining our communities and now that women here are slowly getting enriched like they are in Europe they want protection, too little too late.
All that being said, if you do go with an Asian spouse, be prepared to have little communication with your caucasian family, hell quite possibly a lot of people here. Even in CA you'll see the most tolerant liberal women get shitty when they see a mixed couple, esp. if it's WMAF; again competition for resources. (You and I are resources despite what twitter and tinder tell you, women just lie about it) Most men who get Asian spouses tend to be absorbed into the Asian side anyway. Will say they tend to have better families anyway.
I'm very much in the same boat, I never wanted it to be this way. thing is, I had a shit life anyway and like I said in my first blogpost most of my family decided to be shit people so fuck em. That's really how most people here are anymore, if you don't see it you haven't been paying attention. If people here were actually trying to be decent i'd give em the benefit of the doubt, thing is i've been shit on so much i've just had it. I suspect you're in the same boat user.
TL;DR, fuck em all, just walk away and be happy.
Eli Wood
Thanks, man. From what I read, yeah, we're in same/similar boats. I can say with reasonable certainty my mother will stay in my life if I have hapa kids, though. The other women? Yeah, can't guarantee. I actually have hapa relatives too, my great-uncle married a cambodian women and pumped out three really awesome kids, and their relationship was the ONLY marriage in my family that seemed happy. Literally only one. Like I said, my brother is miserable, my uncle is ruined, my grandma fucked over my grandpa, my other great uncle had an awful marriage with a white woman, the last successful white marriage in my family was my great grandparents, who were part of the greatest generation. We were a very respectable family then, very esteemed and wealthy blood from upstate New York. After they died, some of are middle class, some of dip in and out of white trash and we live in California.
My great uncle that married the Cambodian died a couple years ago now, and the genuine, heartfelt mourning his wife STILL does is astounding, nothing like what I've seen from white relationships when a spouse dies.
Thanks for the reply, it really helped me see things.
Oh crap you're like the NE me. I have family in CA but back in the day the shekel'd family lived in the midwest. Funny, one of my grand aunts who's still alive had a brother who married a philipino. Both were nurses, he retired from the Navy and not only was their marriage the happiest, it was the most successful. They're both retired, her family is loaded and they have a ton of kids. Big suprise. when they were first married the whole family shunned em. After my Uncle died they were quite vocal in their support of my now widow aunt, far cry from how the rest were acting, tearing the family apart. Damn near everyone I know here stateside who's anglo is in a similar boat. Way I see it, we're well past the tipping point. It's going to take something drastic and violent to get it to stop and we're going to get it. Cartels are damn near everywhere, homelessness, drugs, family disfunction. I don't see us coming back from this. Really reminds me of the bunker scene from Terminator 3, there is absolutely nothing we can do except sit back and watch the clusterfuck unfold.
You probably see a ton of mixed couples out there, the future really is Asian. Not so much because they're better, more so because as a people we've fucked each other over so much it will take a very, very long time to recover. If we were to have a war right now we'd not win it, besides being broke look at our men, they're pretty much ruined.
Not sure if you're into vaporwave, I listen to it a lot nowadays. Reminds me of how things used to be. Was listening to this a while ago, we're never getting this back.
Unrelated, know much about how Buddhist honor the dead? At most temples they have yearly festivals to honor and pray for them, they have memorial tablets and usually ashes. In states like Hawaii they make a big deal out of it like the Japanese. Meanwhile here when people die the families just abandon the body.
Jonathan Rivera
Forgot to add, more often than not if you have kids the Asian inlaws will be thrilled. Not always but more often than not. People here bitch about all the Asian inlaws swarming in, here's the thing; most of em are either middle class or well off. Even if they're not they help around the house and are free childcare. That's something most people here don't get about family, they're supposed to help each other. that's one reason why people here I think are so reluctant to marry, deep down we've known since the 60s as a people we are shit. We had enough electronic diversions to ignore it all, still do to an extent.
With your mom, the hapa kids would probably like her. I know in CA families like that tend to take better care of the caucasian inlaws than the other way. Honestly, if you care about your mom i'd keep that in mind as you and her get older, if you get some slut from here how do you think she'll treat your mom? The kids? if you have a daughter I can almost guaruntee you she'll treat your mom like shit. My grand aunt? She's going through the same thing with her inlaws and daughter, they are horrible people. No way in hell would I subject my mom to that, I care for her too much.
Andrew Jones
I've learning japanese for the past 6 months and just a with bit more of struggle I will be allowed to join the japanese workforce.
I will marry my qt 3.14 nip gf and live a safe, secure, traditional japanese life in homogeneous Japan where my kids will know the meaning of enjoying their culture, their nation and to protect it against the kike hivemind.
Got a mail order bride from china, never been happier, she takes off my boots when I get home, hand feeds me, and drains my balls on command. Married 9 years now with 2 kids. She hates blacks and Mexicans and the Japanese.
Samuel Rivera
Yeah, I agree, I've always been afraid we've teetered too far and we can't go back, but was always afraid to admit it. Always thinking "If I have white kids, it'll help... We'll rebuild..." but it's all going down fast, the short lived nationalism the west had is gone and without a violent event, it's over.
I kinda have the vaporwave thing, but I listen to stuff from the 40's thru to the early 90's. Gives me the same feeling.
Oh god, yeah, I can confirm the inlaw thing. The Combodian woman had a huge family that was here, they all left Combodia when the commies were ruining the place, so they're all here, and they are loyal. They considered my great uncle 100% part of the family, the patriarch even considered him a son. Not just like we would say here "he's LIKE a son to me" no, this was full on. He was their son now. And after he died, the ENTIRE extended family was devastated. I have never seen such a large group of people so forlorn.
Further, the financial problems that followed my uncle's death were taken on by her family, they put her and her kids up for a while, her brothers took out second mortgages to help buy her a house in their area, the same brothers and few uncles even remodeled the place themselves. Her parents even come buy all the time to clean, cook or just keep company. I was fucking floored, I had NEVER seen that. My experience with familial is pretty limited to this example: When I was younger, my mother was struggling financially after getting laid off from a nursing job because the hospital was cutting back, so we went to my grandmother (who still has a decent bit of that old money, owns rental properties, ect) and asked for help. She verbatim told my mother that if she needed money so bad, she should go "turn tricks on the street". She didn't, of course, but we did cut contact with my grandma for about a year. How asians take care of their own blew my fucking mind.
Adam Anderson
I've heard nothing but positives from Asian mail orders.
inverse, the slavs/spics/ect are just do it for money and citizen, then divorce
Connor Gray
kek, nice webm
Nathaniel Campbell
Talked/messaged a few Ukrainian females. I will say 98% of them will try to get money from you within 2-3 message exchanges. That and they are all way to hot to not be absolutely bat shit fucking crazy. If anyone goes for Asian bride make sure they either grew up outside the city, then moved their or don't live in a city at all.
Eli Taylor
I've kicked around the idea of mail-order before, thanks for the advice
Brayden Richardson
Take the yellow pill. It doesn't get any better than seeing roasties being triggered about WMAF couples.
Good rule of thumb is if they give you a sob story, grandma needs surgery, money for new pc/internet, etc. Drop em, if you talk to one you like and she doesn't ask for shit offer to buy her something. If she says yes drop that one also. You are looking for the one who just wants to meet you in person without ever buying them shit. That was the filter I used. And also make sure you have multiples lined up(3 minimum) that way if 1st one doesn't float your boat say you have business in a different city and try #2. One thing about Chinese girls though. They go from 0-In love in .5seconds. So be aware of that, if she wants to introduce you to the parents that means she wants to marry you. They will not let you meet parents until that point. A lot of my friends just did sex vacations because it is really easy to get laid there. You don't even have to speak the language.
Andrew Robinson
Here's the problem though, Ethnonationalism is increasing worldwide. More and more people are talking about race realism and identity politics. It continues to grow every year, so that makes me wonder, what will it look like when it hits Japan in 5-10 years? I'm not so sure it'll be good to be non-japanese, even white, in Japan when that happens and what do you do if you have jap wife/happa kids? You're fucked. I think long term its better to find a woman of your own race and settled down fighting for your people. There are good women out there, you just wont find them on dating apps. It's tough right now, but we are rapidly growing all over the world. I just don't see it turning out well for white anons abandoning there people, having happa kids and than when they are too old realize they wish they could live in glorious White countries proudly along with their people celebrating their culture and way of life and having white kids/family.
Evan Morris
Cap'd, saved and remembered. Thanks, I've seen this stuff talked about around before, but you never really get advice on what to be on watch for and cut it off for. I can assume this is similar/same for other asians as well?
Ryder King
Asian snatches smell/taste pristine. They are very good at making sure their genitals are clean.
Joshua Perry
>Implying whites will ever wake up enough to address the Jewish problem and become ethnonationlistic and glorious.
Trust me, I wish, but I don't see that happening unless the current (((elite))) just all suddenly die and Europe+America+Canada+Australia+ect abandon the holocaust narrative and begin ethnically cleansing for real.
Jaxon Butler
Very nice, how long did you study before becoming that fluent?
Ayden Robinson
Go commit suicide yellow fever shills. 1488 forever.
Kayden White
Raise your white kid in an asian country. If your wife doesn’t speak the native language then she’ll wind up being a stay at home mom. If she goes full roastie you’ll have an easy time getting full custody and then a 10/10 asian step mom for them.
I passed N5 in the first year, skipped N4 and went straight for N3 but failed the first time(for 2 points) and then passed it the second. Over all about 3 years. But the speaking part is still weak since it is not asked for the test. I could probably become fluent in every day speech with enough exposure inside Japan but I still have a long way. These tests are in no way representative of your overall language ability but they are a must when it comes to finding a job. And I'll be taking N2 this December.
Jason Long
Hitler is dead. White is not a nation. There is no unity in a race.
>wind up being a stay at home mom Oy vey, such a horrible thing!
Aaron Ortiz
You got to start somewhere.
Juan Nelson
Great advice user, but where can I find those qt asians? All the sites I've seen look like scams.
Nathan Hall
>be prepared to have little communication with your caucasian family This has not been my experience. My family loves my wife.
Chase Flores
>There is no unity in a race. There literally is: the more multicultural a place is the less social cohesion there is, and, when among foreigners when you see somebody who is the same race as you your brain lights up as if you’ve just seen a family member. Live abroad for a bit you goddamn 56er
Blake Barnes
I actually liked speaking more than the written portions back when I took my first Jap course a year ago. It's been too long and I wasn't dedicated enough then, I'm taking it again this semester (literally tomorrow) with an actual work ethic and motivation, so here's hoping I'll be competent enough to join the workforce too.
Adrian James
Race is not a nation. I hate Germans. I hate Italians. I hate French. I am Anglo-American. I have my culture. They have theirs. Theirs is immigrant trash. Mine is colonist + civil war. Blood and soil. When I hear some faggot German speak at my work, I feel no connection to him.
Julian Gomez
You will make a child that looks like a fucking Turk you dumb fucking nigger.
>canadian flag So you're an immigrant too. Fuck off.
James Peterson
The most based strategy.
Ayden Green
Holy shit, thanks.
By the way, for beginning reading material, would you recommend children's books? Like kindergarten and above. I had an idea the other day that starting with kid books and working up the reading level + the classes would be good practice if nothing else.
Angel Parker
You could start reading children's books, if you could that is, but without building up you Vocabulary, Grammar, Kanji game you won't go far. You can read them to test your skills but don't underestimate them. The simplest text could feel like a mountain especially when you are a beginner, as it is with anyything really. Best thing to do is find the textbooks that fit you, study them and slowly start moving to small books, articles etc. But all that will take some time and you shouldn't rush or you will burn down.
William Wood
I want a Japanese qt.
Isaac Morales
Look for primarily Asian females that either grew up outside of a city or have never been in a city. This will save you a lot of headaches for the majority of Asian women. Japan/Korea it is a little harder to come by women who meet those 2 qualifiers.
Isaiah Watson
Alright, righteous, thanks again. Got a lot of work ahead, but hard work gives you purpose, right?
Good luck in your goals too, user. Hope for the best!
Luke Davis
There are a few websites that offer free messaging. But make you pay if you want personal contact info etc. Their are ways around that can usually either have them give email or viceversa. Under no circumstance pay money to those match sites for tour/meet n greet etc.Majority are Not a scam but way overpriced. Set it up yourself, line up a few girls and dates you will meet each. Stop at the one you like. Stay away from 1st teir Chinese cities, they are way expensive. Try to stay around 2nd teir cities. When I went I stayed at a 5star hotel with complimentary on call masseuse, hot tub in the room for 25$ Usd a night. Was in China for 3 weeks, had different girl I was gonna meet each week but didn't make it past the 1st one I met. Plane ticket was most expensive part of the trip. Think I spent like 500$ usd my whole time their. Traveled all over, stayed at nice hotels and always ate good.
Nathan Harris
Long term, marrying yellow doesn't fix anything. Boomer relative married a Vietnam girl-- brought her to US. BIL married a Japanese girl and brought her home to US. Fast-forward 15 years later. Jap girl doesn't want kids and never made any, but has huge credit card bills for pointless shit every month. Vietnam girl cranked out 4 kids and then took them and divorced boomer after taking all money and leaving him to die broke and alone in some Veterans home.
Problem is men are not being men. If exposed to such a society long enough, any woman will act like an out of control nigger. I can tell you that rural US white women are miles better than US city white women. I can also state that most European white women are better than US city girls. Why? They are all reflections of the quality of men available in their environments. As the yellows get infected with (((diversity))), their women will also go to shit. Get rid of the jew propaganda and influence and you solve the woman problems for all races.
Adam Scott
So, stay in Japan, or move to a rural, trad town in the US with asian wife?