Barbara Chandler died

R.I.P. Barb

Attached: barbchandler.png (1842x1270, 3.51M)

holy shit it took a second to realize youre not talking about a heather heyer conspiracy
youre talking about chris chans mom

The Christine Homeless Saga Begins!

Is it true? What will the next saga be?

>informant or source of information

“Son” oh nonononono

How is this real? He'd be out there getting pity points if it was...


Fuckin kek


Probably had a public freakout and got himself arrested.

Virginia is for Virgins.

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gotta go fast

Attached: sonic_toilet_wtf.png (1080x1920, 1.01M)

The day has finally come, boys. Chris-chan is all alone now.


It’s a courtesy to lurk for two years before posting.

The internet Lumberjack is reunited with his love

A cultural legend you newfag. May she rest with her beloved based husband.

She's been dead for months.

I‘ve seen it on Reddit
Seems that he has posted it on twitter and deleted it after seconds

RIP barb

Hello, newfriend. How are you liking our Estonian Kannel Appreciation 4um so far on your first visit?

Attached: psycho.gif (480x270, 1.55M)

Goodbye Snorlax. You're with the big Lumberjack in the sky now. F