When is yugoslavia reuniting again

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Never,piss off kike

Serbia Albania alliance when? Watch out Jews.

right after I reunite with your mom

Oh god please no.

serbia and albania together kicking turks out of blakan - coming soon

Only parts that need to be united are Republika Srpska, Mongenegro and Serbia

>inb4 shitflinging
gets popcorn*

we all gonna froget about the wars and get back together

Croatia must be destroyed

no one is getting destroyed we all coming back together but this time as a capitalist federation

Shut the fuck up mutt before we send expeditionaries to Iceland

we are going to get back together, kick the turks and gypsies out, and save the white race

>Croatia has to be destroyed.

I may have corruption and theft in my country, but at least I dont live in a shithole you call Usa that is getting fucked by literally everything.

Yes, we are both on the (((wrong side))) but at least my country doesnt suck (((wrong sides))).

Don't fuck with slovenia.

Slovenia is a German cock sleeve

slovenia is like our little bro

Lean to reply negro. Slovenia is fucking dope and my ancestral homeland (2nd gen). You say that just because of the HRE.

Hopefully soon, and then break-up again. I miss the Balkan wars.

modern yugoslavia would be like heaven on earth

You're gonna piss off the Serbs, OP

we are all brothers, turks and jews are the enemy

Another /balk/ yep.

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YES After that we can bomb serbia again! Cmon boys some gypsy-mixed fags need genocide!

Pic definitely checks out

How do you propose we exit the EU? Look at UK, big strong monarchy, and they can't make it, what makes you think 2mil of mostly extremely suggestible and easily manipulated slavs can do it?

fuck off kike we are not going to kill each other

because we are white

There will never be another Tito so never

Can't disagree

Watching balkeniggers fighting would be quite funny.

Long live slovenia

desetdnevna vojna :^)


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Yap, this is pure perfection.

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This is a thread about the Balkans and you post a meme about the USSR
Brilliant play there retard

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Because the collapse of the USSR did nothing but accelerate the confused Balkan conflict?

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I honestly thought we would all be together again in the European Union but I don’t think so now since Serbs are too stubborn and prideful. They would rather continue to live in a collapsing poor corrupt shithole and keep falsely believing their literally who country is somehow relevant to the world haha. If they were smart they would join the EU and parasite off EU funds like we do.

Bruh the War of Independence started months before the Collapse of the USSR, and even if it did collapse before the war started it still wouldn't have changed shit because the war was brewing since Tito died.

When we kill all Bosnians

We dont need any more checkers niggers or s*rbs in our land, let alone mudslimes. Every one of their countries is a shitskin majority hellhole. All of them should join Turkey and stop pretending like they're Europeans.

Brotherhood and Unity

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He thinks he is relevant

I love how itay just passed Montenegro money kek , it always makes me laugh.

*Blocks your path*

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What money


If we get to that point why note restore Austria-Hungary at least we should be off way better in it.

Slovenia is the most relevant country in the world, because it's 100% European and non-degenerate, and that's already a bar too high for all the others.

We have new friends now, fuck off balkan scum.

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when it is led by a level headed croat

So, never?

Long answer : No
Short answer : No

Stop molesting us with that shit.

mom died in her sleep because no reply.

In long term political scheme you are fucking irrelevant and a proxy state.Stop buffing yourself up you twat.You will soon become a gupsy shithole like the rest of us.Just wait

Based Crobro

t. Robro

Can we still have one more go at your ass though? It was fun, cmon, you know you want it.

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Бaзиpaнo и цpвeнoпилyлoвaнo

didn't the serbs and jews get equally fucked by the croats though? i figured they'd be allies (the 10 or so jews that still live in the balkans anyway)

No you have new friends now , go play with them.

When traitorous rats to new world order ( Djukanovic,Kolinda) and other American cocksuckers are removed and we Slavs take our countries into our own hands again,we will reunite just like Ukraine with Russia

Globalist evil scum in Washington that hates Slavs and white people destroyed Yugoslavia because we had our own banking system,we had our own industry and were in the way for New World Order take over

All nationalistic bullshit in Balkan is because there is no more boss and real men to rule so this whiny little fags who brag about nationality oh im a proud Serbian Croatian with 300 $ paychecks are just brainwashed fools

>figured they'd be allies
they are, Israelis gave them weapons, we got ours from Hanz, this time jews lost.

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jews are in particular situation when kt comes to Balkans.
For example they hate crorats for killing them in concentration camps but also they would support them if they would fight muslims (iranian,saudi backed) in Bosnia.
Weird stuff.

>Jews helping
Thats why they were at Oluja victory celebration this year.We are all goys to them dont forget

>they hate crorats for killing them in concentration camps
600 billion jews died in them, no joke

The feeling you get when you are not part of former yugoslavia and not suffering from identity crisis as they do. Feels good to be Albanian and watching this circus show knowing pure blood is flowing in my veins. You can have Kosovo. They are not real Albanians anyway.

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No.Stop reading conspiracy theories user its bad for prostate.

This is a classical example of a brainwashed little fool

He is so scared to stand up against USA Washington occupation,so he acts like he is talking with Americans on the same level,while USA is a lion waiting to eat anyone who is weaker than them

We Serbs lost against NWO in 1999 but we put a fight and that wil go down in history and NEVER EVER SHOULD ANYONE SUCCUMB TO GLOBALIST AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE


i really hope very soon...

>Feels good to be Albanian

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make yugoslavia to the east an we can talk, not trying with catholics or muzzies again.

>Thats why they were at Oluja victory celebration this year.
Im talking about the 1991 when it counted, being a ficus tree at celebration that people dont care much about now is not the same as actually helping with weapons is it? Also, they were there because of the US polish deal that is going to go through our port, US selling its oil to them, we just take the cut. Easy money, plus its all related to the three sea initiative thing.
"Belgrade considered Israel, Russia and Greece its best friends. In autumn 1991 Serbia closed a secret arms deal with Israel."

I didnt see you making fun of them when you begged them to fly over Knin or sell you their planes.
Weird stuff.
Whos jewing who here.

You actually believe that dont you, you poor fuck, shit you guys are dumb.

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Serbia doesn't have its own banking system since 1878 what are you talking about... We don't have our banking system since Nemanjići. We are occupied by the Jew, Vučko is a sodomy jew. Serbian (((Orthodox))) church is Catholic gay church. We Slavs of the Balkans should unite with Muslims to force out the Jew and live in peace since then. Let Elon Musk take the Jew to the Mars and let us live in peace.

Wow a montenegrins appeared. You should be part of Albania/Serbia.

kosovars will kill you for those words in Albania now.
Good thing you are diaspora fag now huh

eats popcorn*

>Whos jewing who here.
Guess who

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absolutely abhorrent post

Monte Niggers are special breed of people, brdjani

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>t. everything else but a serb

when all the s*rbs are wiped off the face of the earth

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Cant go into this shit right now.But the only reason why Israel will always support serbs is because their new proxy state can be formed only in Serbia in case of destruction of Israel.Have to keep goyim on its toes

Thats it, no planes for you. Go beg Sweden to sell you something.

what ? You taking any shiptar drugs lately ?

>New friends
>Countries equally fucked as us

Muh EU friends muh unity muh connection muh euro

We dont need em mr.opanak

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The real question is and only is how many babes do you think Tito slammed in his Adriatic croatian villa ? :^)

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>Countries equally fucked as us
you dont understand geo politics very well do you? US is behind this project, its a buffer zone against pic related. Countries fucked have so much room to grow and they will when they are strategically important aftrer EU fall, meanwhile they have no shitskins like the west europe has.

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Mira Markovic was a dude and she fucked the shit out of him

the thing is, even if you wanted you couldnt get it mr stable boy.

Israel first, you filthy kike

Well get em when there is need for them, dont doubt it one second.

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