Was debating with a longtime friend who I know to be fairly intelligent

Was debating with a longtime friend who I know to be fairly intelligent
He's so bluepilled and has a reflexive answer for everything.

Told him blacks commit more crimes, he said "anecdotal, obama was president too"

So i asked him, "where are the great black empires?" He essentially said, "Economic factors sweetie, they didn't have the trade routes"
Told him they actually did have trade routes, primarily centered around selling each other to Arabs and Portuguese. He just waffles and says "where are you getting this stuff? It's dangerous to believe this stuff, you can't believe everything you read online".

Brought up how my car has only been broken into by blacks (several times) He told me "that's just confirmation bias"
Then he told me "white supremacists are the most dangerous force in the world today, look at all the shootings, NZ, garlic shooting etc"

Brought up The Bell Curve and he just said "that's been debunked" lol

Are some people just hopelessly bluepilled? I know in a vaccuum this dude's extremely intelligent and well-educated, but it's like he refuses to have his "muh equality" worldview shaken. What is it gonna take for people to break their conditioning?

Attached: viagra promotional shape.jpg (1200x630, 83K)

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He's a whore. Have you ever heard a whore bragging about how much money they made? He's doing the same thing. There is no cure.

Oh the nerdy conformist, I've seen those before.

Same with my brother, mostly the "confirmation bias" shit. I don't know how to redpill him.

Stop trying to spread your hate, bigot.

Wisdom and intelligence are not the same thing.

Cut it with stats and graphs, tell him about Rhodesia and take him to an inner city. Then take him to a white trailer park. Ask him which one seems more violent

It's a kind of spell. I hate that Bezmenov meme guy, but he is right here; those people wont change their stance no matter what truths you throw at them, it doesn't matter. Only when the situation affects them profoundly they will change.

You have to push them on issues that they can't weasel out with bullshit.

Most of these smart but liberal people fucking love science. If you know the facts of heritability, intelligence and ethnicity by heart, they will have no arguments. There is no politically correct answer on these questions. Any topic that has the smallest room for interpretation (99% of topics do) you will find yourself thunderstruck by their ability to repeat false liberal talking points.

this nigga must be literally gay
ive argued with a few, the fags cant accept the classical black statistics, tell him about the Weimar Republic, the degeneracy that brings communism, how if u destroy the family u destroy all bases the kid has and thus becomes highly influentiable
tell him not about biased shit, but factual degeneracy, how society is forgetting it's core values of decency and morality, ask him if it's right for a kid to start performing in gay bars at 12 years old or before, ask him how is it possible that all we see in the media is fake news, how they label Epstein's death as non anomalous, how is it possible that this text, which was written in 1969 pastebin.com/cFa6x8M8 has so many coincidences with today's society

Just point out he has an excuse for everything but no arguments. Excuses don't win debates, arguments do, and if he cannot back up his points with arguments rather than excuses, then he has lost.

He thinks you are attempting to cope with your own intellectual inferiority because you are only dropping black IQ redpills.

cor that's a lot of pingers

First you must break the "we're all the same" meme. Only then you'll be able to work something out. I strongly advise about throwing graphs and shit like that at them, they're normies, hyperactive mongs unable to focus. Instead focus on things like in Africa lynchings are quite common, coupled with one of most cruel forms of murder which is shoving someone into a tire and setting them on fire. Even Brazilian favelados dont do such shit. Show them some chink webms where a child is ran over by a car and 50 people pass by and no one gives a fuck. Things like that which prove that what makes a subhuman is low empathy which they can use to exploit others (can also add that it's happening in Sweden on nationwide scale).

Attached: 1431229393071[1].webm (320x240, 1.47M)

hes a fucking jew what do you expect

If hes believing this trash full blown then he isnt even close to intelligent. The problem is you might be even less intelligent then him.

Ask him how lack of trade routes stopped blacks from developing stuff such as the wheel.

As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his... then he will understand. But not before that. That's the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization.

Yuri thought it was bad, and too late nearly 40 years ago.

Attached: sub.jpg (400x400, 28K)

If obama being president makes black crime stats anecdotal.
Then surely we can't have institutionalized racism because Obama was president.
This BTFO of their stupid premise only whites can be racist becase their definition of racism depends upon that ficticious idea of institutionalized racism in government.
How many nonwhites in government and the executive was nonwhite for 8 years.
Making institutionalized racism impossible.

Literally abandon your friend. You tried, now it's time to move on. It's not worth your time or effort to associate with self hating obnoxious effeminate retards. There are plenty more friends out there you can make.

>it's like he refuses to have his "muh equality" worldview shaken
Then you have to attack his "muh equality" worldview directly and say:

"people are not equal, you have smart and stupid people, beautiful and ugly people. Some people are inherently more useful/valuable to society then others. We need the smart ones to progress technologically as a species and we need the beautiful ones because they have healthy genetics. Humans have evolved to have prejudice to make snap decisions based on past observations. Humans are great pattern recognition machine, we see faces in clouds and mountains. Racism is simply the application of pattern recognition that has helped us survive as a people to this day."

Get him to deny that people are equal. Make him explain himself why he would not like to procreate with a stupid ugly bitch. Point him to a fat and ugly bitch, tell him she is single and convince him to date her because all the other women. Make him admit that people are not equal and when he does you bash him with the same arguments he is throwing to you.

Just repeat the same question over and over again.

I strongly advise against*

you could start by not sucking each other off. semen retention is a massive redpill, that will get the ball rolling

The wheel argument is fucking stupid, don't go near it. Early human history isn't a Farside comic or a Hanna Barbera cartoon. You can't make wheels out stone for any practical purpose. You need to shod the wooden wheel with metal to get it to stand up to the rigors of use, as well as a metal axle; which means bronze, or iron working technology. Most early applications of this technology were military due to the expense of it. Wheelbarrows, which might be seen as the most basic application of the tech didn't appear until 231ad in China.

Roads come before wheels. The foundation of an Empire are its roads. Roads should be straight, flat, resist the environment, and be free from banditry. That is why there are no African Empires as the best they can manage are a handful of city-states.

And then show them how modern roads are built in Africa with Empire of Dust.

The longer you go on in life pretending not to be racist (race realist), the harder it is to accept. And if you go on long enough, becoming redpilled can be absolutely traumatic. You get worried and nervous when presented with facts, and you press on for more knowledge while simultaneously realizing that your worldview was WRONG. And that many billions of people are wrong as well. Or at least won’t admit to thinking like you do, bc society.

With such a hard case?
Absolutely nothing.

>It's dangerous to believe this stuff,
This means he WILL rat you out for "WRONG THINK" when the time comes.
Actually he might´ve already fucked you over.

>What is it gonna take for people to break their conditioning?

personal inconvenience.

>Just repeat the same question over and over again.
This is the most important part. Keep telling him that people are not equal, they are equal to government by law and taxation but as humans they are not equal. The more you repeat this point with conviction the more insecure and fragile he will become with his viewpoints. At this point it is a matter of breaking and overpowering him mentally. This could ruin your friendship.

>where are you getting this stuff? It's dangerous to believe this stuff, you can't believe everything you read online
is he a jew?

>tfw I had one of this extasy tabs.

It's like religion. It's an emotional attachment to an ideoligy. They can't see reason because they don't want to see it.

To them they already have a counter to every point you make. You may contend it. But they don't. You'd have to show them their explanation is wrong. Like this

Attached: race predicts crime.png (933x1188, 102K)

>What is it gonna take for people to break their conditioning?
Start with the basic essence of philosophy.

Knowledge does not derrive from authority. Your friend is like to subcoscioussly believe that there are some magical science-guys in San Francisco with PhDs in biology that can btfo you all day.

Based on that, he believes his standpoint to be correct, because he can throw senseless bullshit at you that you have no means to refute, without showing him the respective article that proves him wrong.

Use logic. Use rhetoric.
How is his opinion any better? It is not.

You can't convince him by arguing against him, you need to present the case objectively, so that he reaches a receptive mood.

Agree with him, then make a subtle comment that he can agree with.
Push him one step at a time, then stop, wait and let him calm down.
The deliver the next argument in a shorter amount of time than previously.
Feed him the redpills, but don't kill him argumentatively, give him a basic level of respect, so he doesn't feel attacked.

Don't take the piss out of it.
"The Arab Slave Trade was horrible, wasn't it? How many Africans they mutilated and abused…"
Then go further.
"Did you know how many Europeans the Berbers abducted, killed and enslaved? The first foreign war that the US started was against the Berber pirates. Shocking, isn't it?"

Don't become desperate. Don't be aggressive. Adapt to his tone, make him feel comfortable.
Make him believe you're on his side, if you pretend to accept his positions, he will slowly tolerate and adopt some of your positions.

Some are easier to wake than others, some were always Looking for truth and other never saw the light.

>Brought up The Bell Curve and he just said "that's been debunked" lol
lol at this part. I saw this on reddit so many times, you don't get the debunked part and if you ask for it you will get banned. Just repeating "it's debunked" makes it debunked I guess

the Bible specifically tells you not to argue with idiots

Just like giving a dog medicine, you have to conceal the redpill. Direct confrontation just makes them put up the internal barriers. People actually become more entrenched in their political beliefs when presented by contrary evidence, it is a recorded effect.
The answer is instead to make no pressure observations, leading questions which you don't answer and let them find the inconsistencies themselves. "Man, I just moved to a predominately black neighborhood, and my insurance skyrocketed, I wonder why?" "I kind of dislike rap, it really demeans women" "why do all these bank CEOs look similar/have similar names?" these innocent observations pile up and beg questions the normie is not prepared to confront directly.

Obviously you'll never change a full leftist's mind. And doing this in an obvious spergy way is just inviting disaster. But a steady low dose of redpill can have great effects. I work with a bull lesbian. I realized she could be shifted, because she works a trade, and I heard her say she hated pride parades. Over two years she's gotten to the point she's voting conservative and asked me whether I thought the Clinton's killed Epstein. She'll never be straight, but I'll take another conservative vote, even if its from a lesbian.

First of all it's stupid to sit around thinking about what one group did or didn't do hundreds of years ago. Just go out there and make something of yourself if you want to be proud of. The thing he said about the trade routes is idiotic though. People created the trade routes, they didn't just find them laying there.


Your friend actually wants to lose the debate, and wants to lose in most aspects of life. He won't change his view until his basic needs of personal safety is directly threatened by blacks. Even if that happens, you'll probably have to follow up with lots of criticism from people he admires for the information to have any effect.