German military coup potential happening

Former Luftwaffe General is running for Mayor of Hannover for the AFD, he has stated that Merkel has lost the confidence of the military and its even worse with the police.
In before military coup.

Attached: uber1.jpg (283x524, 29K)

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Kek wtf this comes out of nowhere. Based but german military is the weakest one of Europe because of the guilt they have from WW2

Merkel will demand French intervention if she cannot control the German military.

Attached: Fin Whale.jpg (449x269, 13K)

No way the kikes will let that happen.
They want that Eurabia, and the genocide of white people too badly.

Praying for Germany

Attached: CcBs43ZWEAA8JaO.jpg (398x347, 24K)

Is he an (((Airforce General))) like nearly all of them are in Weimerica or an actual German?

Attached: ((( Goldfein ))).png (2024x1255, 664K)

this is just one symptom.
3 weeks ago the senior public prosecutor of berlin said they justice system in berlin is basically none existent and it doesn't look better in other places in Germany.

They have to let go suspects (of server crimes) because they can't prosecute/investigate fast enough. He admits there are basically lawless districts in Berlin where police doesn't go, unless they have enough force.

And the German public basically doesn't give a shit and acts as nothing is happening.

Germans are gonna be so pissed when they find out about holohoax.

>the German public basically doesn't give a shit and acts as nothing is happening

Until these sons and daughters of bitches start having HUNGER PAINS shit will keep rolling downhill even when the hill runs out.

Attached: deutscher_geist.png (1153x111, 8K)