>we need the electoral college unlike every other country in the planet for our highest office only because we don't want the candidates visiting only a handful of states
>ignores they already visit just a handful of swing states in each election
>ignore this is contradictory to what the founders wanted, they wanted the electoral collage to choose regardless of how the people voted, only taking it into consideration.
We need the electoral college unlike every other country in the planet for our highest office only because we don't...
Its not going away city bug. If you let NY and CA have dominion over an area the size of europe you will see bridges explode instead of mass shootings. I hope no one bothers to bump your impotent little faggot thread because guess what: it's never going away LOL
Yes and alcohol is still illegal right retard
>instead rural bump fuck nowhere land makes decisions
I’m glade you rednecks feel the need to feel so important.
Fucking faggots
>Republican """Democracy"""
get out faggot
And I’m not from a city fag. I’m from Pennsylvania. And yes one Dems get power they will abolish the electoral college.
Hol shit dude read the fucking post. Every other Republican democracy doesn’t have this.
It should go away.
I'm saying that RD is cancer in the first place faggot, and a democracy in which all citizens vote is just as terrible
I agree with trump abolish the electoral college. All we need is a federal law forcing all states to allocate the college votes to the national winner of the popular.
your premise is false
So u hate republican democracy and democracy that has never existed btw. So what are YOU?
Ovbously I believe we should abolish the USA and become a socialist nation.
>your premise is false
Explain everything I cited is true. States forcing electors to choose by the state results is a violation of the constitution. This entire system is illegal to begin with. Read the federalist papers. But I guess u don’t read
Everything is race with u guys. New Zealand is even more non white than the USA and is a full democracy.
Seems Jow Forums can’t handle my smack down of their shitty arguments. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
The removal of the electoral college was part of Hillary's part in the plan. Still trying to carry it out.
>The removal of the electoral college was part of Hillary's part in the plan.
And you know 99.99% of the world's planet, US senate, US House, Us governors, US state legislatures, etc.
And pretty much anyone who believes in one person one vote concept.
i wasn't even replying to your post dummy
When US set up governments in Germany, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. they did not set up an electoral college system of voting.
It's time for you guys to stop being so gay and retarded. The US Constitution exists to be changed.
>i wasn't even replying to your post dummy
I'm using my phone. I'm OP bumping my thread fag.
Republican Democracy is inherently corrupt and the results of voting will be manipulated, while regular Democracy assuming that the results of it would never be messed with in any way would still be atrocious because the average voter is a retard simply put. The closest thing to a functioning Democracy would be if voting was heavily restricted by several factors such as property ownership, IQ and amount of taxes payed, and then these votes being directly counted for the election of an official or a policy issue.
It is in place so three cities or two or three states don't control the outcome of the entire U.S. Why would any candidate campaign in any other state or even care about any place other than NY, TX, and Cali?
You fucking retards. We need the EC
>regular Democracy assuming that the results of it would never be messed with in any way would still be atrocious because the average voter is a retard simply put.
Most people are retarded, but they know what their basic needs are compared to the elites. And the only people you can blame is yourself. Every time you put someone to rule overtop someone you need some kind of Gestapo to enforce that system. The people will never be put down.
>literally just a gaping asshole faggot who wants to change the law to favor Democrats
kill kill kill yourself
>It is in place so three cities or two or three states don't control the outcome of the entire U.S.
Pennsylvanian, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, all are the only cities and states deciding US elections you fucking humongous faggotron 3000
Do US presidents visit Alabama or Wyoming faggot? Answer or you are a fucking lying bitch.
Swing states change every 4 years. Pennsylvania and Michigan were hard blue 4 years ago, Arizona was swing 4 years ago and Virginia will likely be a swing state this cycle.
Why should a candidate not just say "I'm going to take money from Mississippi and give it to NYC because votes
Wtf are you talking about trump visited both of those states
>favor Democrats
Yes I want the winners of elections to win. GOP is a minority party that is gonna die out in a few years. Dumb stupid white people deserve to die out. If you look at the GOP, they can't hold on to power anymore without cheating.
Then these officials simply get rid of said gestapo since they hold the power, or if that doesn't happen then that gestapo effectively becomes the government, which then requires another gestapo to police them and so on
>Three of the richest, most populous, and and least dysfunctional states should stay in their lane and let flyovers and cousinfuckers decide how to embarrass the country every four years instead
>Wtf are you talking about trump visited both of those states
Holy fucking shit are you a fucking faggotron 3000, Alabama and Wyoming were not campaigned in, they were not swing states. You say you don't want a few states deciding everything, and support a system where those few states do just that. Almost the entire US is left un-campaigned. THis isn't a good system you fucking queer.
Or war which is more likely. The pedo party will not last.
Almost the entire US is either red or blue states where the electoral results were decided long before the 2020 election was decided.
Unless something huge happens like Texas slides D or some crazy shit that won't happen it's gonna look like this with swing states being the coin flip.
>Or war which is more likely. The pedo party will not last.
Trump raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein.
>Or war which is more likely. The pedo party will not last.
House Speaker Dennis Hasterd was a literal pedo.
This is why you lost. Insult half of the country to persuade them to vote for your choice. You're creating the very thing you despise.
And Cali is more than dysfunctional. It's degenerate.
How about we compromise? Vote ID tracked by a blockchain program prior to voting?
>Insult half of the country to persuade them to vote for your choice.
Yeah because it's not like 40 something percent of the voters won't vote R even if it's a literal rapist like Trump. Oh wait that happened.
I can insult that part of the electoral because I only care about getting Democrats, Obama to Trump voters, and non-voters to vote Dem in 2020.
I don't care about "winning" GOP voters, we don't need your votes and you are small and dying out.
Dismissed. Must be why Trump's DOJ pushed the Epstein arrest. Yes Hastert was a pedo and was convicted however, the degeneracy of the left far outweighs the GOP evils. People in power now aren't neocons which is the same people as Hillary's NeoLib.
Your democrat supporters=pic
yes let three cities rule over the country and see how well that goes.
Not a good idea. People can only be pushed into a corner for so long before you've poked the bear too much.
It is not dismissed because Trump is still alive. Epstein is dead, but Trump is still alive. The case is ongoing.
>yes let three cities rule over the country and see how well that goes.
Let three cities in three states rule over the country and see how well that goes. Every election this happens. Every single election.
When did you see they go to Alaska?
> (You)
>Not a good idea. People can only be pushed into a corner for so long before you've poked the bear too much.
I don't care. My goal is electorally destroy the GOP, crush the party forever into a small regional party that no longer has any power at the federal level.
Nigger I live in NY. The only reason northern NY and northern CA haven't been split from the southern part of the states is because the democrats would literally never win another election again. We want nothing to do with you JYC faggots. All mega cities should be forced kicking and screaming to become districts.
>state becomes a lock because they are satisfied with their party they vote for
>don't need campaigning
>state's needs aren't being fulfilled by the party they usually supported
>becomes a state that needs to be romanced to not lose/gain
>become a swing state
It's not that hard you phenomenal retard. There were assumed blue-lock states that went red in 2016 because the Dems pissed off the Rust Belt too much and wrote them off.
If you'd read the fucking unsealed documents, you'd see how breathtakingly uninformed you are about the subject. You should probably just sit back down at the kid's table and let the adults do the voting.
Fucking degenerate.
Why not just kill the cities and we all live in rural bump fuck ville?
>"It's you're fault I'm trash!"
sure thing bud. keep licking daddy's boots to pwn the libs or whatever, the rest of the world just pities you
The reality is they don't fucking vote retard. Voting in the US is super fucking low compared to the rest of the developed world.
We would have a lot less shitty government if we had a democratically elected president and abolish the US senate.
The fact retards on here can't seem to get why America doesn't have healthcare or education compared to the rest of the world and can't factor in our government doesn't work is amazing.
This, megacities need to be cordoned to their own districts. They're so distanced from the issues outside their own bubbles and vote for their feefees than any informed decision. Metro cities don't understand agriculture but they still think banning 'cow crushers' is a good idea because they sound so scary without knowing it doesn't literally crush a fucking cow. Urban retards with myopic viewpoints never leave their city and rarely even their state, they have no clue what others lives are like fifty miles away, let alone one thousand.
t. Californian
>From PA
Nobody cares about degenerate "pity". If the "rest" of the world thought a specific way, Brexit wouldn't have happened. The democrats tossed aside the working class in favor of corporate interests and banks. Not one single GOP voter cares about the left's opinion. Not a single one. This is why your "racists" cries hold no weight. While those of us with a long fuse watching the entire thing unfold, there are some that are fed up with you and that number is growing daily.
Nobody gives a fuck about what the left thinks, nobody gives a fuck about Hollywood, nobody that votes GOP gives a shit. Your opinions fall on deaf ears while you continue your degeneracy.
Why do you think the right is gnawing at the bit for a civil war? You are being given the rope to hang yourselves.
Jewish interest groups that read the Talmud in secret have led you around on a leash for so long that you can't see what's in front of your face. Good luck on destroying the GOP. Keep pushing. Keep trying to "kill whitey".
One day in the near future when they have had enough, your cities will be under siege. No water, no food, no electricity in or out until your influencers and agitators are purged.
Then, you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves.