>we need the electoral college unlike every other country in the planet for our highest office only because we don't want the candidates visiting only a handful of states
>ignores they already visit just a handful of swing states in each election
>ignore this is contradictory to what the founders wanted, they wanted the electoral collage to choose regardless of how the people voted, only taking it into consideration.
We need the electoral college unlike every other country in the planet for our highest office only because we don't...
Its not going away city bug. If you let NY and CA have dominion over an area the size of europe you will see bridges explode instead of mass shootings. I hope no one bothers to bump your impotent little faggot thread because guess what: it's never going away LOL
Yes and alcohol is still illegal right retard
>instead rural bump fuck nowhere land makes decisions
I’m glade you rednecks feel the need to feel so important.
Fucking faggots
>Republican """Democracy"""
get out faggot
And I’m not from a city fag. I’m from Pennsylvania. And yes one Dems get power they will abolish the electoral college.
Hol shit dude read the fucking post. Every other Republican democracy doesn’t have this.
It should go away.
I'm saying that RD is cancer in the first place faggot, and a democracy in which all citizens vote is just as terrible
I agree with trump abolish the electoral college. All we need is a federal law forcing all states to allocate the college votes to the national winner of the popular.
your premise is false