Politcal Compass Nonsense: Am I Antifa?

I haven't taken the test in 2-3 years, but have been here since before it began i think (Jow Forums didnt exist during occupy, as far as i know). The test is much easier to run through than i remember. i moved more libertarian and to the left, although i feel like i moved more authoritarian and to the right. i'm an iconoclast here but i have an open mind. i do find myself hiding tons of threads lately. but that's how boards like this have always worked. should i sign up with my local (((sponsored))) antifa branch?

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antifa is the red square. green is hippies and pot smokers. anybody who falls on the top half no matter the side should be executed frankly

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Leave them. Join us in extreme unity.

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>anybody who falls on the top half no matter the side should be executed frankly

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Antifa is red you dipshit, anyone genuinely on the libertarian side doesn't believe in forcing people to do things. Therefore they are very skeptical of government but also don't go out causing riots themselves.

You're Bernie tier

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checked. makes sense. i try to talk them down
cheater. who am i leaving? the human race? i can't leave here, you know the rules.

ANTIFA is mostly radlibs and ancoms.

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fucked up thing, is that irl, i get along with them a lot better than most. not necessarily antifa, but that type

list their political beliefs, i bet theyre not like antifa

that you or bernie? i may be, i'm sure a lot of my political tendencies work against myself, but i'm not worried about that.

like the Bernie bro types rather than the revolutionary larpers?

Shut up nerd.

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Leave the Anti-First Amendments. Follow the spiral user. It is inevitable you become an extreme uniter!

that test is notorious for making it hard to fall anywhere in the authoritarian sector. Maoists will be placed like in left-semiauthoritarian position as if they were Peronists or Chavistas.

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Congratulations, you qualify for one free helicopter ride!

Political Instagram seems to think the green square is antifa. Blows my fucking mind knowing people have a libertarian left ideology but still call themselves communists. The human species is doomed.


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i frequent the yuppy philly and nyc areas. 95% of them are not, but i've been invited to philly antifa a few times (masonry as well). i've also been to portland and still know a few ppl there (mid 30s) and they say it's shit heads and optics. but almost everyone will flood the streets no matter their political agenda, because portland belongs to them. no matter who is coming in. they are literally doing the thing they hate, and showing the "proud boys" how to do it on the southern border. attempting to stop ppl from crossing borders where they don't belong. the whole thing is a hypocritical mess.

>Political Instagram
why are people talking about politics on a platform meant for sharing pictures lol

yep. i guess i kinda categorized them together because over the past decade, that's how it kinda evolved. i wouldn't mind a "proper" anarchy, but i'd either die or become a rare resource in the switch. so not ideal presently.

thanks dude, never met anyone that has been anti-first amendment. gonna have to talk to my SF crew, but they're more wage slaves than google/youtube folks

can i bring my underage children!?!

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i've heard that before, one of the reasons i put the OP. i'll check that too. you think it's more accurate?

right? political discourse is only appropriate in cardboard box crafting forums.

now that i think about it, i know a couple agents. but whenever i ask them anything (no, i don't go Jow Forums on them) they still blow smoke up my ass. need to know basis kinda thing...

We all must be united in extreme ideological UNITY

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hahaha checked. i do blame the rich more than the govt.

i'm a millennial, i don't know what this means

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not sure if this one makes sense
>Individuals who get out of prison should be accompanied in their reinsertion.
ill just go neutral

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is it saying they must leave with another individual, or is this a parole officer kinda question?
i don't think it should be necessary to leave with someone, but a parole officer is often necessary in rehabilitation

not trying to slide, just bored. what's this? epstein will?

any idea what the major differences are between me (mid green) and you (mid purple)?

you believe in quite a few government programs while he believes in next to none

you want moderate to strong regulations on multinational and multimillion corporations while he wants few

he thinks the free market will fix it, you dont

first two sound about right for myself. not so sure about the last. but i'm sure i have some hypocritical political beliefs in there somewhere. thanks user

i'm only half way done and i need a break

Foreigners living in my country should be allowed to act politically, equally to those who have the nationality.

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thought i'd be more communist than capitalist, i am a union electrician. most other things seem to lean in the correct way.

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