We still got the dead drop

Just so you know, mods.

Attached: dead_drop.jpg (4068x1276, 1.83M)

is she literally sitting on a rope


She's 'sitting on' a portfolio. It's to represent the dirt she has.

Does appear "noose" like. Sending a message. That or its a very diverse area.

she had her dog with her, thats its leash

Trash can shopped out really poorly.
The rope is holding something... she's sitting on it like a document pouch.
Op's theory is that the trash can was a "drop" for what she's sitting on.
But who picked up the trash and got the satchel? What was in it?

But also the doggo's leash. Both are symbolic

What and the absolute fuck, this image is so poorly shopped and weird. Is this a just big distraction?

It's a legit message to those in the know. The shopped out trash can is the dead drop.

Its more than likely an inflatable seat cushion with a hand pump

Attached: 51EpbcdQtrL._AC_SY400_.jpg (443x378, 27K)

The cord is too long.


How do you know which model the pompus rich bitch bought?

Wait so what is happening here? Whats with the in n out and what is with the picture?

background is different, take your medication jesus fucking christ

Not her dog. The photographer's dog. The person who was eating from the other tray and drinking the other drink.

Taken at different times you 'tard. Suck Brock even harder!

Dead drop in a public trash can at a popular fast food joint? Wut?

Show me a picture of a Halovie with a long hose. No reason for a hose that long.

Welcome to old school.

Why not?
Put package on tray, empty tray in trash with cord hanging out and no one sees a thing, pick up man pulls the cord and viola!

be sure to live stream the pickup

>A dead drop or dead letter box is a method of espionage tradecraft used to pass items or information between two individuals using a secret location, thus not requiring them to meet directly and thereby maintaining operational security.

Pretty sure we are too late.

sauce on this autism?

also if this is a habbenin' put me in the screencap

Read the archives, assuming the mods haven't pruned them all for (((reasons))).

It’s a dog leash. For a dog.

It was clearly a photo shoot to send a message to certain people they/she have dirt on.

Something to "if you kill me you're done"

And it can't be loose enough for the dog to rest it's head on the ground. It simply must be held taught under her ass which is also sitting on a portfolio?

Jesus WTF is going on yanks?

Oh no. You don't sit on photo ops. You do them for a reason.

Her reason was to communicate where the drop would be.

Good story Moe. Tell it often. No one has a pad tied to a dog leash, tho, so people might laugh at you or call you a retard. I won't. I won't call you a retard. I will snicker a bit.
Interesting theory, since the pedophile thing is about rewarding and controlling their operatives.

What is it with the elites and poorly shooped photos? How do they get away with it when it's so obvious that every hostile foreign intelligence agency (e.g. North Korea's) must be aware of it?

Attached: VictoriaLeighSoto.jpg (365x273, 31K)

Digging that spraypaint effect and I'm not a photo/graphics guy, period.

Attached: 17367590-7364957-image-m-113_1565980458923.jpg (634x833, 132K)

why would she need that, how fucked up his her anus lol.

Quick rundown on why this is relevant? Need a fat redpill stat

This, what was the purpose of this photo and why was it shooped this shittily?

>sun in background
>no sun where she's sitting
it doesnt look that late there either

some autist determine what time of day it is?

Just gonna leave this here for the dedicated autist: Los Angeles has homeless people. You don't want to put your expensive pants into where their unwashed ass has been

Allegedly she had a child with her, and for safely of the child, they shopped her out.

Is she trying to say she did Epstein, and can do anyone she wants?

oh shit those shoes

What about them? Not a photographyfag as I said.