Why do pro trump americans like Israel so much?

Why do pro trump americans like Israel so much?

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Israel is a decoy. the true string pullers are Vikings

We don't.
We're making them a topic for discussion.

National socialism is still the fastest-to-fail version of communism ever tried.

They are told that Israel is basically the "America" of the middle east. They are told that Israel is the only democracy in the middle east. They are told any shenanigans always come from Russia and China...

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pretending its not the irish

Because there is a massive pedo ring that uses videos obtained from weird sex parties to bribe officials into doing what they want.


Americans are generally unaware of U.S.S. Liberty. They are unaware of other terror events. Americans are unaware of AIPAC. Americans are unaware.

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because we are your greatest ally goy

at least communism lasts longer. nazism is a literal shitfest.

The American Evangelical is 10X more Zionist than a New York City Jew. Didn't you know that already?

Soon you'll be our greatest alloy when you get glassed, bitch.

Jews are the chosen people of god.

There is no such thing as "Nazism".

Troll on...

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>Kill God in human flesh
>Claim to be God's chosen people

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Christian Zionism which has infected pretty much every church in America

Coupled with the Jews that were already here which established certain "businesses" like hollywood and comic books

And call me crazy but... that 1% of them that just straight up like Jews but are white as hell and atheist.

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don't give attention to namefags
objectively wrong

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Most Americans are very pro Israel, it just so happens to be that the consentration of zionists are his base of white evangelists.

Nice false premise faggot

Years of ZOG propaganda

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what arguments do they use?