Hello lads it’s the time of day! Time to discuss the political implication of Saint Brenton Tarrant of Grafton (pbuh)
>who is Brenton Tarrant? Saint Brenton Harrison Tarrant of Grafton (pbuh) was a normal bloke from upside down land who decided to take a stand and fight white genocide head on. He conducted a flawless military style search and destroy mission at the Linwood and Al Noor radicalization centers. With a KD ratio of 51:0 he solidified his place in history as the FIREBRAND GALLANT
>But there must be a political solution! Politicians flooded white lands with shitskins, there is no political solution.
>sloppy job mossad The confused ignorant and glowniggers are the only ones who will claim this. Glows are trying to destroy our saints legacy.
>Who is Ebba Akerlund and why should I care about her? Ebba Akerlund was an innocent partially deaf 11 year old girl who was ran over and obliterated by a Muslim truck of peace. No one said her name, no one wrote articles about how this shouldn’t have happened. No, we had articles decrying Islamophobia. Ebba can rest easy now.
Hail Saint Brenton Tarrant of Grafton Hail victory
Europeans will be demographically replaced because you chose to do nothing. When someone attempted to address the problem, you chose to divide an conquer. Where we opened up dialog to a solution, you shat it up with your filthy jew mouth.
Samuel Powell
Hello anti Tarrant shill, they got you working overtime again? Ask your the agent in charge if you can go get some tendies and maybe you’ll feel better.
You’re literally the laughing stock of the western world, you couldn’t even stand up to the Philippines sending you trash, you are home to Jessica yaniv, your prime minister likes marching in the street with trannies. CANADA IS LOST
Thank you based chelovek, how is Tarrant looked at in Russia? How do you feel about all the Tajiks, kyrzgz and other Central European Muslims pouring over your borders?
Not visited by his girlfriend, she isn't allowed to. She does however write him erotic stories.
Logan Murphy
people call you guys fbi shills because they know the only thing to stop jewish control over the world is a total anarchy accelerationism collapse. it's funny how scared they are.
may taint tarrant die of a sun burn on a Tel Aviv beach
funny how following the doubts on this site that Epstein is dead...we get a Russian who posts that he got a letter from Tardtant saying that he is behind bars in new zealand
like Epstein, there were mistakes made LOL
Eli Nelson
He absolutely did, just look at how much they are seething, 5 months later.
They're epic, that's why. I figure most people from infinity haven't seen the more recent cartoons, I think it will be epic when it comes back up and the memetic warfare threads get spammed with them (they most likely will)
post the video that made him snap, the one from the mosque he shot up where they ordered their followers to invade white land and outbreed them
Jaxson Reed
Video got scrubbed hard not even available from archives
Easton White
Muslims aren’t the enemy
Ethan Gomez
Wait what?
Ayden Hernandez
you didnt know lol?
rly? not even on bitchute?
cme on anons dig dig dig, find a link
Jose Young
I knew there was a history of radicalisation at the mosque but I didn't know there was a video. The same mosque?
Michael Miller
yep, that swhy he picked it as target
its a videos a few minutes short, where a guy narrates the fact that whites have poor birthrates, and calls for all followers to come in europe and outbreed whites into extinction
every fucker in there had it coming, they were here as knowing enemies of all whites everywhere, putting a fake smile on their face while they plotted to invade and exterminate us
Is it this one at 36:52? bitchute.com/video/es4dRqtXRtjo/ No, it was the Otago mosque encouraging muslims to outbreed non-whites. Al Noor mosque just had literal terrorists instead.
He's right. Those muslims were participating in genocide and they got what was coming to them
Oliver Nguyen
vi äre the möst egregiöus öffenders!
Jason Cooper
woah, i never thought id see the day when they actualy release the genuin gta 6 trailer.
Joseph White
no /gif/ thread?
John Sullivan
Imagine Brenton sitting at home watching that and then hearing those last words
Jose Campbell
They werent,
Lets not ascribe motivation to strangers user. thats very low IQ
Eli Walker
It was a blanket statement user, im well aware of Swedens lack of historical colonialism but that doesnt mean they did not benefit from adjacent growth from the rest of the western nations during colonialism.
Please read Aviva Chomsky and not the talking heads on gab and the chans lad
Daniel Wright
hey you mentally unstable child, what do you have to say about this vid?