Excuse my spacing.
Anons.. during the great meme war of 2016, we were united. Jow Forums was strong. There was nothing we couldn’t accomplish. The past few years, we have slowly fragmented- dividing further apart. I realize not all of you will be on board, but I need your help.
The Jews are now targeting Japan. Recently they have been accepting immigrants. Those who are ignorant would have you to believe that they are only letting in other Asians. Even if that were the case, they’re pushing diversity- slowly, but surly. These same people will post things like “Jews fear the Samurai”. Don’t kid yourself. Do your research. The Jew is sneaky. I do not believe that we should do all the work, however; we need to fabricate the perfect seed, plant it on 2chan, and add a little bit of water, it will take off on its own. The Nips will do the rest.
Why should we worry about Japan? Japan is one of, if not the last remaining first world ethnostates (or closest to it) that remain on Earth. If the Jews ruin them, then we will have no arguments, or valid, live examples that show that ethnostates work, and diversity is not our strength.
So what do we do? To crush the Jew, we must become the Jew. The only thing that kills the rat is the snake. The Koreans and Chinks are to Nips as the Jew is to Jow Forums. If we fabricate a conspiracy so perfectly woven together, linking the Koreans and Chinks to the diversifying and immigration of Japan; and make them think they are trying to weaken their blood and culture, it will take off like a wildfire in a dry forest. All we have to do is create, plant, water, then sit back and watch the forest burn out the rats.
We have to act. Operation ONIICHAN (Online Ninja Iguana Infiltration Capture Hiroshima A-bomb Nagasaki)
Let’s Save Japan
Japan must wake up to the menace which currently overtakes us, and will overtake them, through us. US academia is ideologically possessed and requires some manner of purification. Together we must find a cure.
Lurk more fren.
Look at the financial and military movements in SEA and India by Japan.
Haven’t heard about it. Give me a brief rundown.
Japan is financing mass infrastructure projects throughout SEA and India plus investing in every sector of every country with billions of dollars a year which is boosting the japanese economy.
India navy is being trained by japan, and SEA is getting promised protection by japan.
So what does this mean for the plan?
Go for it but japan is already on the move preparing for war.
im all for this but what should we do
user, do you want to defend Japan...?
then please say, "Nanking is fake and gay. It's Chinese propaganda to demonize Japanese people."
user, we will give you a kiss if you help defend Japan.
Please say, "Comfort Women were just prostitutes. Koreans are playing the victim for gibs and reparations."
The perfect distraction user. If we were to think like the Jew, war or nearing war tensions is the perfect cover for a propaganda machine.
You have no idea. Ive been obsessing. Not thinking, but obsessing for months not. That’s how much Japan is on my mind.
We need a platform to gather allies who are in on the operation. Discord is the only thing I know of, but anons don’t wanna use it because it’s not private. A general layout, like a constitution, should be formed. Carefully fabricated, with backing evidence that links everything together.
Thanks user, we need this on page 1.
user, I think I will love you more if you say,
"Sakhalin and Kurils are rightful Japanese clay. Russians are invaders."
Not even with a rented dick.
user, I will give you a blowjob if you change your mindset about Japan.
Please say, "Japan did nothing wrong. Pearl Harbor was a false flag. FDR actually knew it."
>We need a platform to gather allies who are in on the operation. Discord is the only thing I know of, but anons don’t wanna use it because it’s not private.
You could try to make something of your own or pay somebody make it for you
I actually didn’t think of that. I have a friend that’s a software engineer or some shit related to that. I’ll ask him about that actually. If you guys are interested in Joining a temporary discord I can post the link. If not, it’s fine,
The Roots of Japan Were Ancient Israel!? - Part 1of7 (3:00~)
(For English Subtitle, click "CC" on the opposite side of the play button.)
I haven’t looked into it, but I know the Jews are pushing the globalist agenda harder than ever recently.
If no other reason to join the cause, then join to save your cartoons. Because I’m telling you guys, if Japan becomes diverse, and believe me, it will and is slowly happening- or at least will continue if we don’t succeed, then you’ll start to see more “diverse” anime characters, and then after that, they’ll push more and more shit. That means politically correctness, no anime tiddies, no ass, no lolis, no lewd shit, because it will be considered “objectifying women”.Just look how our western society has cucked TV, movies, and cartoons. Same principle applies. Diversity breeds political correctness.
Parts of Alex Jones interview with Aaron Russo, Rockefeller's revelations about NEW WORLD ORDER agenda
A real Jew is not a white man called Spharadi.
Some of the Japanese ancestors may have been them.
Since Jesus Christ was Jewish, he was not white.
The white Jews who dominate the world now are Ashkenazi, and the white people around Ukraine have converted to Judaism.
In other words, they are not Jews racially but fake Jews.
Pearl Harbor wasnt a false flag it was Japan and Japan was in the right to do it
difference is when niggers breed with anything, it lowers the overall quality
Jow Forums has a hypocritical fantasy about BLEACHing Japan, so you won't get any sympathy here.
This is a MUST SEE video about Aaron Russo exposing the plans of the banks and the tyranny that has been going on in America for decades. This is something you should not even miss.
ANONYMOUS - [[[Very Important Video, MUST SEE]]] Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo
Just a suggestion for any Japanese anons. Try to redpill your friends and family about how immigration ruins a country and not to trust jews
There aren’t any real Japanese on Jow Forums. Most all of them are English teachers, or on vacation. Either way, English teachers could be a valuable asset, they could get a friend that has the same views to convert our words to Japanese like a native would speak.
I can’t tell if you’re trying to help or memeing.
The problem is chinks fake and fabricate these images to demonize Japan, and yanks help spread them to justify two nukes.
So I want you to defend Japan from war atrocity propaganda.
Jews hate westerns spreading the truth in Japanese. Machine translalate is enough.
kys im japanese and think you're fuking retarded
English teachers we're counting on you
But if we spread it in broken Japanese, I doubt they’d believe our message.
What’s the image about?
This guy fucks up so many times, shame..
alright that's too far, now you're getting into cuck territory.
>mfw our greatest allies right now is the English teachers
But seriously, this
Hitler's words are written in Hitler's Table Talk:
“The discovery of“ Jewish fungus ”is a major revolution in the world. The war we are fighting today is actually the same kind of battle of Pasteur and Koch in the last century.
How many diseases are caused by "Jewish fungus".
Because Japan did not accept Jews, it was not contaminated with bacteria.
If we eliminate the Jews, we can recover our health. Every illness has a cause. There is no accident. "
“In 1925, I wrote in“ My Struggle, ”but the Jews see the Japanese as the only enemy they can't reach. I know I can't attack Japan from within, so I have to hit it from outside.
Originally, for the UK and the US, reconciliation with Japan means great profits.
Jews are desperately stopping the reconciliation.
I issued a warning, but no one heard. "
True Judea is different from fake Judea.
read this
Famous fake propaganda pic of a short Asian dude (played by a chink) beheading some Australian PoW.
Most pics of Japan/Germany atrocity were fabricated like this, some are real, but most are fake and gay.
Kyoani was already on their way to sucking progressive cock when some otaku gave them their equivalent of a mass shooting.
He died honorably.
you mean "Honorubrary"
The race of the two soldiers is not Japanese. It's easy to see if Japanese people see it.
It is clear that they are Southeast Asians appearing in Chinese movies.
In other words, it is a movie image.
Why don't you join or just help right-wing parties and organizations?
I am sure they will accept your offer. In addition do not forget to redpill japanese themselves.
From what I've heard they tend to be very naive and romantic. It obviously won't play out good for them.
Guy's a fuckin cover pseudo intellectual commie
>Why don't you join or just help right-wing parties and organizations?
That was my original plan. To work in Japan, try to join a small political party, and speak out against immigration. I plan to still do this, but it would vastly help if we got an operation going to redpill the Japanese now.
>they tend to be very naive
This is what concerns me. The fact that Japan hasn’t been brainwashed yet into the same as western society is a miracle to me in and of itself.
Really? What kind of progressive stuff were they doing?
Interesting. Didn’t know that.
“The Theory of Twilight ” is an idea that discriminates on Asians (a type of racism), originally spread to European countries after the “Sino-Japanese War”, and German Emperor Wilhelm II was the main argument. It was.
When Russia was defeated by Japan in 1905 in the Russo-Japanese War, Wilhelm II was based on the “Theory of Twilight”, “Building a World Order with a White Superiority”, and for that reason, Japan and other “yellow race nations” Was accused of overthrowing.
* This Wilhelm II continued to issue warnings for "The Theory of Twilight " in the exile in the Netherlands, even after Germany lost in 1918.
This “The Theory of Twilight ” spreads in the United States, embodying the ban on Japanese workers' employment and evacuation, segregation education for schoolchildren, and banning migrants from Hawaii by the Pacific Coast Legislature. (= One cause of the “Pacific War”).
Hitler wrote in the “My Struggle” that the “The Theory of Twilight (Anti-Japanese sentiment)” that was prevalent in the world at that time was incited by the Jews.
The Politically Incorrect Truth About Japan in World War II Part III
(My apologies for the low sound, I need a new mic, but this is important information most people don't know about so please turn up your speakers and listen. I'm very sorry it's hard to hear)
SS (Nazi Guard) Secretary Heinrich Himmler is known to have been impressed with the strength of the Japanese army during the war and was trying to make his scientists prove that the Japanese were Aryan.
When he was given a Japanese sword by a Japanese, he discovered the commonality of the Japanese and Germanic ceremonies. With the cooperation of scholars, he researched how this commonality could be tribally solved.
This is what Hitler has always said, "Why we didn't have a religion whose highest mission was to be in the homeland like Japanese people?" In the first place, we had the wrong religion. "It was because he was listening to" (Hitler highly appreciated Japanese Shinto).
In the summer of 1944, when the war department gradually turned to a disadvantage against Germany, Hitler ordered a high school (Gymnadium) to incorporate Japanese as an essential subject. At first, only one school was selected as a model school, and classes were started on a trial basis. However, it was finally planned to make Japanese a mandatory subject instead of English in all Gymnasiums.
In addition, Hitler, who was a vegetarian (no drinking and no smoking at the same time), paid attention to Japanese tofu. It is said that because the “Roman army was so strong with vegetarian food,” the German army was also planning to eat tofu.
By the way, Himmler was also a big fan of raw vegetables and did not drink or smoke.
He is a follower of “Natural Therapy” and says “Every doctor must be a natural healing doctor” and believes that “Eastern peoples” have a healthy body (and a long colon) as a result of vegetarian diet. It was.
Herbs and natural medicines were highly recommended in Nazi Germany, but at the order of Himmler, medicinal herbs were grown in many SS barracks and concentration camps.
The Dachau camp was also one of the world's leading herb and spice growers.
Himmler's dream was that all of the German people would become vegetarians, and for the first time Germany would return to his ancient Aryans as he envisioned, becoming the original world-state.
> The fact that Japan hasn’t been brainwashed yet into the same as western society is a miracle to me in and of itself.
>Yamato spirit
My japanese teacher told me that all of these relies on older generation and their influence over politics and economics.
You know it, elders are much more xenophobic
That makes sense if you think about it, because they are greater in numbers compared to other generations and they live longer ,therefore can expect to bargain out their policies with youth.
>move to Japan and be againts immigration
That is an oxymoron. Try to take Singapourien approach towards immigration.
They let people in but on extremly tight conditions.
Every worker is expected to stay certain amount of time and then leave, no exceptions.
Google their immigration policy.
Plus, if you are really thinking about helping Japan, make an offer yourself by studying eastern philosophy, especially Confucianism. It will greatly aid you in understanding their mindset and thought flow.
Japan protected Jewish refugees in Shanghai and Manchuria
>Singapourien approach
>Google their immigration policy
That’s actually a really good point. Thanks user, I’ll be sure to look into that.
>these relies on older generation
You’re right. I try to take those videos where they interview Japanese people with a grain of salt, but from what I can see, and what some people have said, the younger generation is very naive, and increasingly liberal.
Apparently they exclusively hired mostly women. And were very proud of doing so. Basically the ladies would add a bunch of unnecessary self ass wiping to anime that wasn't in the original material.
>Characters all of a sudden being gay
>Main characters who were supposed to be single (for the Jap guy's fantasies) getting 'perfect flawless popular fanfic' boyfriend inserts.
>literally self insert characters that had nothing to do with the plot
>making everything unnecessarily feminine, literally everything might as well come from a 13yo girl's diary
>actively getting rid of as much fanservice as possible.
Basically the place turned into a less nsfw version of Tumblr, maybe not as extreme, but for Japan?
oh yeah, and they're like the largest producer of softcore Yaoi...
Anons, would teamspeak be a Jow Forums approved platform to organize on?
Oh shit... well perfect example of what happens when men are dethroned. Same things happen except more cancerous when diversity is added into the mix.