Jow Forums blown the fuck out!

Jow Forums blown the fuck out!

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>sòyim projecting their insectoid mentality

bredy gud

oh, its a cuck dad

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man that's deep, really gets the noggin going
this isn't worth a thread though

Boy I sure do hate niggers

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the miga hat isn't wrong
inviting different species of bugs into the jar would lead to violence and death for one of the species

Is that real

Delete this! :DDD

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is this suppose to be unironically funny?

Really the kid should be wearing a kippah.

Bugs that are different are enemies of other bugs. They are either food, or competition for food. They don't fucking work together like in Disney movies.

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I'm not sure you're doing it right, fren. I like Austrian girls.

Nippon, get out, you're drunk ...

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Reply to my post you faggot, or you get fucked in the ass by 5 black guys.

>doing it right

No idea, just randomly shitposting, already past several beer.

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Don't make me, I'm on DEFCON 1 already ...

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Joke's on you おかま, I am 5 black guys.

The left's memes and comics are always so cringe. They always have to put emotions ahead of humor

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This. Every hillbilly kid caught mantises and put them in jars, the put grasshoppers in there with them.

We doing bug memes?

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I hope you get testicular cancer.

Xdxd so funry

Sh-shut up nigger

Here's a (you) you fuck

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Of course this comic is probably lumping all conservatives into one but I can see where it's coming from. Got one coworker that's the retarded redneck kind of conservative. Has good opinions but for the wrong reasons, spews retardation whenever in a debate and posts pictures on Facebook with captions like, "yeah I'm a trump supporter, if this pic offends you then unfriend me" multiple times a day. This is why I'm a trucker so I can have my solitude most of the day. I would not want to be stuck in a room with him

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Haha get it becuz drumpf supporters are le racist xD


I once caught a mantis, big as an iguana, somehow ended up in the freezer. Found it almost a year later. Put it on the table to thaw, motherfucker came back to life, popped a Tupperware lid and ran under the couch.

Damn jap.

Best inside joke of 2019 le xD

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fucking jap


Bugs are the worst creatures to use for this. They ruthlessly brutalize one another, ants have wars and take slaves, and many of them cannibalize members of the same species.

take your (You)


Funny joek

wasnt ants from different collonies killed each others?

fuck off..

Immunity pupper is here to save all the lovely sleeping mommies in their beds tonight. Canadians, please don't try to eat immunity pupper, he is doing gods work against the filthy Nips.

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The new face - and body - of the rebuglican party

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Megakabuterimon, why

i have seen things you people wouldnt belive

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i laughed way too hard at this

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What the fuck? Is this real? This is the most anti antidepressant medication comic I've ever seen. It's clearly stating if you take these meds you will be filled with cognitive disonnence and just putter along like a little robot that's into cuckoldry.

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kys sasuke

That's not even clever

is this satire?

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This easily the most pathetic comic I've read in a long ass time

this man believes he has the right to tell your political views are wrong

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No, I know for sure this one is not an edit.

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