What is the proper voting age?
Voting age
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What Saudi Arabia is doing on the map? I thought it was a theocracy there.
Which, coincidently is the age of consent in Saudi Arabia.
It's a monarchy but I think the people do get to vote on some civil issues.
>inb4 replying to a memeflag ever
This is actually the correct answer. It's the younger generation thinking about their future, even if in a limited capacity. Not the boomers of the world, who are absolutely fucking our countri with social security and muh gibs. Maximum age voting limit when
Age is not relevant. You should only vote once you are a net contributor to your country. If you use more tax dollars than you contribute, no vote for you. This eliminates most women, niggers, and tax evading jews and other such shit-birds
Yeah, but here in flag you need to be emancipated or have signed up for the draft, if you're male.