Damn she’s awesome!

Hillary destroys trump in one tweet

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Harvard PhD Explains How Google Search Bias Could "Shift 3 Million Votes" In Upcoming Election
Dr. Robert Epstein, a Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, in Vista, California.

In this exclusive report, distinguished research psychologist Robert Epstein explains the new study and reviews evidence that Google's search suggestions are biased in favor of Hillary Clinton. He estimates that biased search suggestions might be able to shift as many as 3 million votes in the upcoming presidential election in the US.

Biased search rankings can swing votes and alter opinions, and a new study shows that Google's autocomplete can too.

Search rankings favoring one candidate can quickly convince undecided voters to vote for that candidate — as many as 80 percent of voters in some demographic groups. My latest research shows that a search engine could also shift votes and change opinions with another powerful tool: autocomplete.

Google has been deliberately tinkering with search suggestions to make Hillary Clinton look good, this is probably a good time both to examine those claims and to look at my new research. As you will see, there is some cause for concern here.

...searching for just about anything related to Mrs. Clinton generated positive suggestions only. This occurred even though Bing and Yahoo searches produced both positive and negative suggestions and even though Google Trends data showed that searches on Google that characterize Mrs. Clinton negatively are quite common — far more common in some cases than the search terms Google was suggesting. Autocomplete did offer negative suggestions for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.

"Google is burying potential searches for terms that could have hurt Hillary Clinton in the primary elections over the past several months by manipulating recommendations on their site."


26 trips on the Lolita express !

You mean the google that caught on Camera stating they are working to prevent Trump? The google that routinely manipulates search results in favor a liberal faggotry? The google who's leaders donated thousands to the Clinton campaign if 2016? That Google?

I'm sure they'd never manipulate anything, despite all sources to pointing to that being the case.


Use the option field when responding to meme-flags.

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

>Shrillary's still mad she got owned by Cheeto Hitler and she never will be President

Fucking hilarious

>Dr Epstein
You just gave me the perfect name to which to call the villain in the comic book I'm writing

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Haha yeah totally I'm a shill 4 Hilldawg now!

Streisand Effect... good job Hillary Google antics exposed.

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She should run again, it's still her turn

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>hillary and trump shitposting back and forth
i know they're in the same big club, but it's still nice to see

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We must have Hillary vs Trump electric boogaloo 2.

It’s her turn.

>Damn she’s awesome!
I think you meant to say
Damn that evil bitch rapes and murders children!

That's not even Hillary, it's one of her dumb staffers.

Is she still alive? Must be humiliating knowing her hubby was ducking teenagers and shunning her.

Trump should reply that that number is still far below the amount of people involved with her that have mysteriously died.

The fact that she even replies lends credibility to his statements

She tried.

Yeah, that'll expose it, not Trump shrieking about it because he saw it on Fox News.


They need to stop using that term whenever some other lackey sepukus their credibility to run cover. Even in the face of evidence as bad as video footage of intent to interfere.

It was her turn.

She shod run for president. Maybe it is her turn. She has such vim and vigor tweets. Get a van and tour the country and break that glass ceiling. It will be historic. Im with her

She didn't even destroy him. To be frank, she's lucky the FBI refuses to indict her. She should shut the hole in her face and thank the FBI she's not in prison. Because anyone else who did the things she's known to be guilty of would be in a hole so deep they'd never see the sun again.