The top 1% of the world's population controls 47% of the world's wealth

>The top 1% of the world's population controls 47% of the world's wealth
>The top 8 richest people in the world have a combined wealth greater than the bottom 50% of the world's population

defend this

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Defend this

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Yeah, and they're all Satanist pedo (((lefties))).

No, bitch. Everyone knows Jews have money and power, literally uncontroversial jokes about Jewish control were mainstream and not taboo for decades. Defend the system by which the jews you hate so much can exert their influence. Thats the post, defend that. Don't pivot like a bitch. Because while leftists want to restructure the system, you instead REEEEE at the Jews who are disproportionately talented at scheming it. Bootlicker detected

the majority of the "wealth" is via stock ownership if they had 0 shares of their company they would have $0 it's all made up paper money unless they obviously sell some shares for a couple million well then they are millionaires not billionaires.

>Implying that gommunist goverment wont be fucking bribed by kikes
Get a load of this memeflag

hey user we don't take kindly to this kind of antisemitic talk here!

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That math doesn't add up.

50 is greater than 47, and 1% of 7 billion is more than 8. So 8 control more than the top 1% while being in the top 1%.

>The top 1% of the world's population controls 47% of the world's wealth
>The top 8 richest people in the world have a combined wealth greater than the bottom 50% of the world's population

And? It still says whites control most of the wealth

I can stop thinking about her vaginal warts

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I had to reread it but you're wrong. 1% controls 47% of the wealth, not more than a certain portion of the population, like the second statement refers to. One is in absolute terms, the other is relative to the poorer half of the world

Can't tell if bait or retarded

Look at those feet

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>hispanics are white
What the fuck is wrong with some people?

Why does she have almost no good POV vids? Anything but POV is fucking gay

When they believe the community is gay just because they all call themselves faggot online.

According to most 13 year olds, 100% of people on Xbox live were gay.

I know, right?
Nice feet

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beat me to it

These statistics are fake and made up by manipulative left wing OXFAM. The trick is to make student debt count as negative wealth. So for example if you just graduated U. Chicago Law with 150k of debt, they put you in the very poorest of the poor, below the most destitute Somalis, and that negative wealth serves to negate the wealth of thousands of poor Indians and Chinese. Doesn't matter if your salary is 200k and you're living the high life, they tally up your student debt to come up with these junk statistics.

>Calling out the WASPs on their faggotry.

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All white.

>No, bitch. Everyone knows Jews have money and power,
Just because you hear it again and again on Jow Forums doesn't make it true faggot.
>Defend the system by which the jews you hate so much can exert their influence.
WASPs control the CIA and rule the world through it. Jews are the eternal fall guys who are allowed to control the media so that a nice bullseye can be painted on them when people start asking too many questions.

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What could possibly be done about it retard?

Why would WASPs irreversibly destroy their own civilizations into irrelevancy?

Shut up Satan

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despite making up only 56 percent of the population, wh*tes make up 2/3rds of billionaires... disgusting

Clearly they need to be hung.
And they will be - because they always have been. This has happened many times - it’s just how things are here on earth.

how much "wealth" does the top 8 COUNTRIES, 'control'???!!! commie????!!!! The treasuries of the top 8 countries, how much 'wealth'; do they have at any given moment????!!! Wealthy, oppressive, government TREASURIES and their insatiable lust for wealth , does that strike you as a problem???? you ((( never seem to acknowledge that or point it out , commies)))

>Includes "Hispanics" as "White"
If anything whites are under represented.

>This has happened many times - it’s just how things are here on earth.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but all uprisings are just one less wealthy mafia using the cattle classes against the more wealthy mafia in order to gain position. The public NEVER does anything.

>Why would WASPs irreversibly destroy their own civilizations into irrelevancy?
WASPs are not normal white people you faggot. They are the true elites who have family connections to the British aristocracy. We are not "THEIR" people you stupid fuck. We are the plebs and they are the highest of the high patricians.

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This is so fucking retarded.

He's right you know. The reason Jews hate whites is because they were the fall guys time and time again. Jews cannot lead but they can manage, so they are eternal land lords basically, and everyone hates their land lord because they see them, they don't hate the bodyless government.

>Shut up Satan
God created Satan, but Jesus was a Jew
>Jesus was the spawn of Satan.

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All the relevant WASP political figures have had intermarriage with Jews, as the latter seek to continue their control. WASP does not mean elite anglo saxon billionaire you fucking idiot. There are plenty of poor and middle-class WASPs.
It's the jews. They intermarry with other wealthy clans across the world because unlike Jow Forums they don't care about ethnic purity but purely resource control/domination. Once this empire is gone, the parasite will move to a new host from a rising civilization elsewhere. Most WASPs however will be stuck fixing the shitheap brown mess.

Billionaire value for Jews is actually a lot more if you count rich banking families like the rothschilds. Their wealth is not recorded in statistics and kept secret;

those two "facts" contradict one another. so eight people hold more than 1%, despite the fact that eight people are obviously only a tiny part of that 1%?
kill yourself, idiot.

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>Clearly they need to be hung.
>And they will be - because they always have been. This has happened many times - it’s just how things are here on earth.
What the fuck are you smoking user?

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>defend this
I wont
modern capitalism is a Jewish pyramid scheme
communism is too Jewish as well. 3rd position, or some older form is the only way

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fuck you satan

>you ((( never seem to acknowledge that or point it out , commies)))
And you faggot, never seem to acknowledge that twice the Jews tried to bring communism to Europe (Germany and Russia), and even if we debate the authenticity of the holocaust, we know for a fact that Stalin purged the government and Russia of all Jews.

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The overwhelming majority of that money held by the 1% is held by jews. Yes, it's indefensible.

- the post

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I just laughed for like 20 mins wtf hahahahaahha

Get a fucking job nigger.

>the top 1% of value creators control 47% of value

Shocking. Are you going to tell us how the top eight Olympic athletes have more Olympic gold medals than the bottom 50% of athletes?

Cool it with the antisemetism, goy

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>value creators
what is this gay shit?

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>He's right you know.

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>All the relevant WASP political figures have had intermarriage with Jews,
Name as many as you can.
>Hard mode. No name dropping the Rothschilds.

In the United States, Jews are less then 2% of the population and make up one third of the Billionaires.

That's a fact. Free free to speculate on what it means and how it impacts American foreign policy.

>Billionaire value for Jews is actually a lot more if you count rich banking families like the rothschilds.
How many banking families like the Rothschilds. Numbers user.
>"In God we trust. Everyone else must bring data" - Edward Deming.

Arabs are white too,, if you believe the American census.

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>In the United States, Jews are less then 2% of the population and make up one third of the Billionaires.
List all Jewish billionaires.
>Where's your proof faggot?

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People who operate businesses create jobs, dickhead. So yeah, the people who have created the most jobs are themselves among the wealthiest people because their businesses were a huge success.

Too many people want to be Steve Jobs without actually doing what Steve Jobs did.

Both of your presidential candidates for the 2016 election for one. Ever wonder why their children married into the tribe?

You're the kind of guy who can handle the biggest Jow Forumstard poison pill:

Jews are white.

imagine actually buying into the jewed monetary system and defending it like its actually real and thinking the rich create """"""value""""" (whatever the fuck that means)

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It's not just the banking families like the Rothchilds. How about resource-based dynasties like the Samuels?

work harder fag
no free gibs

Defense: get off your ass and earn, user. You have so many opinions and so few dollars. GET BUSY

>People who operate businesses create jobs
wow, thats epic dude. more goyim to buy useless goy toys and pay taxes for billions to israel
the people operating businesses helped make my country into a muttified shithole, and is currently making you le 70% white and less every year. how awesome
in short, fuck your value, fuck your jobs, fuck your money, you dumb goy cattle.

Jews invented Communism faggot.

>Searching title.

>Both of your presidential candidates for the 2016 election for one
Wroooooooooooooooooooooong faggot.

1) Donald Trump's dad was of pure German heritage and his mother came from a run down shithole in Scotland. Donald Trump has no WASP heritage.

2) Hillary Clinton was Methodist, and Bill Clinton was a poor faggot from Arkansas.

>Suck the dick of truth like the faggot you are.

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>You're the kind of guy who can handle the biggest Jow Forumstard poison pill:
>Jews are white.
What's next? Niggers white too?

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>It's not just the banking families like the Rothchilds. How about resource-based dynasties like the Samuels?
>Couldn't name even one other.
>Pathetic cope.
Your theory doesn't hold much water on scrutiny, now does it?
>That's why you should be careful of what mind virus you pick up on Jow Forums

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Did you even read the other part of the post? Look at who Ivanka Trump married. Then Chelsea Clinton.

No, them is kangz.

>wow, thats epic dude. more goyim to buy useless goy toys and pay taxes for billions to israel
We force OPEC to price and sell oil in dollars. This makes OPEC oil U.S. property. We can do so because Israel causes the chaos in the ME that we need to occupy the ME.

Currently, OPEC has 1.2 trillion barrels of oil (pic related), and that puts our oil assets via OPEC (only) at around $60 trillion dollars. Throwing Israel a few billion dollars is like throwing pocket change to a country that helps us control OPEC oil.
>in short, fuck your value, fuck your jobs, fuck your money, you dumb goy cattle.
You're not as smart as you think brainlet.

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a small cartel of people control the THATS JUST CRAZY TALK....get your tinfoil hats out boys

how crazy would it be, to get 7 other very rich guys in the room like you, and then discuss how to make yourselves more rich and powerful? Discuss how to influence politics and laws. CRAZY TALK

>We force OPEC to price and sell oil in dollars. This makes OPEC oil U.S. property. We can do so because Israel causes the chaos in the ME that we need to occupy the ME.

>Currently, OPEC has 1.2 trillion barrels of oil (pic related), and that puts our oil assets via OPEC (only) at around $60 trillion dollars.
wow thats cool, does that make my country not 50% white?


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>Did you even read the other part of the post? Look at who Ivanka Trump married
Ivanka Trump is not WASP since DJT is not a WASP and neither is Ivana Trump. Are all Canadians as slow as you in realizing you've been buttfucked?
>Then Chelsea Clinton.
Neither Bill or Hillary are WASP.
>You're the king brainlet among all brainlets.

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>No, them is kangz.
Them WASP slaves. Just like you and me. We just more higher on the slave ladder than them.

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those "shares' mean a "share" of the company. If the company is worth billions of dollars, then you are controlling a billions of dollars juggernaut machine who have wage slaves inside them, doing your bidding

that sounds like money AND power

>defend this
There's nothing to defend. What don't you understand about the world and how it works?

>wow thats cool, does that make my country not 50% white?
Relax faggot. You've enjoyed the fruits of petrodollar just like me and the rest of white America. There's no point crying about the changing American demographics now. Our fate was sealed at the end of WW2. They fired the bullet then. We are now realizing that we've been shot.

>Relax faggot. You've enjoyed the fruits of petrodollar just like me and the rest of white America.
Brother, this "white America" you speak of is on its way out, its a dying class of Americans. You cannot ignore the role of corporations in turning America into a nigged mestizo country which will absolutely lose power and cohesiveness in this century.

All that wealth you speak of is fucking meaningless in the face of the utter destruction of this countries demographics.

Go on with your "value", your fake fucking money, its all complete bullshit.

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>Go on with your "value", your fake fucking money, its all complete bullshit.
I'm in the same boat as you dumb cunt. I'm just not as retarded as you. We lost. That's a fact. If we chimp out now, then we'll just be disarmed like the Germans.
>You cannot ignore the role of corporations in turning America into a nigged mestizo country which will absolutely lose power and cohesiveness in this century.
Those in power really don't care about patriotism, loyalty, or honor you retard. That's what they preach to dumb faggots like us because we don't know better.

Why would I want to defend this. You say it like it's something people chose and support. It's mostly out of our hands. And wow you talk like a twitter snob. Secondly why do you care about others success besides the possible fact you're envious. I mean if you dont like it change your life and become a billionaire of your own. Not easy but possible. But this an assenign thread OP. What's your endgame? Just to argue about arbitrary shit in order to come off pious. Pretty sad bro. This board based gone to shit since 2015 I swear. Grow the fuck up and quit regurgitating shit you hear from twitter.

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Daily reminder Faye reagan never fucked any black dudes for money

Based ginger

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It sucks to suck

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>We lost
yeah, go on defending the very people raping your culture and race
>Those in power really don't care about patriotism, loyalty, or honor you retard
no fucking shit

you're basically arguing against nothing, you agree with me, but have it in your head that you MUST defend these ravenous kikes and businessmen who've done nothing but subvert and rape everything good in the world.

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>you agree with me, but have it in your head that you MUST defend these ravenous kikes and businessmen who've done nothing but subvert and rape everything good in the world.

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chill with the antisemitic remarks, user

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Jow Forums is fine with this as long as the 1% are aryans

who gives a fuck

let it become inspiration to be part of the 1% . life is much better when you are rich .

The alturnative is everyone is poor, jobless and the shit hits the fan. Ill take being lower middle class from being poor, knowing some tard has more money then my entire city makes in a decade over killing my dog for food.

your welcome

who are the other 2/3rds, those are the ones you hafta watch out for.

Don't covet. Don't envy. I've met poor people exceedingly more fulfilled and happy than the wealthy ones. You want their position? To hold the lives of millions in the balance sounds like a curse. All the worse if you're famous.

good goy

Haha thats a very newfag take my friend.

This is why white people are cattle of the jews, they don't even have the willpower for a position like that.
Go and be replaced by niggers and muslims you cattle.

Where to begin... is there a shortage of wealthy, influential and powerful white people, or are you in an alternate universe?

I'd sooner be a monk. I like peace and quiet.

Funnily enough, we have Benedictines to thank for much of what produced the wealth. No hip hop. Gregorian chants. Contemplating God and nature. That sort of thing.