What are your families and friends saying about him?

I’m interested for a glimpse into how the public is taking in the evidence and news.

Also, if you haven’t told your friends and family, I advise you do it.

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Everyone I run across has heard, and subscribes to the pre sticky Jow Forums threads assessment of the events.

People who dont read pol dont know him.

my mom, a boomer neocon who loves hannity and rush, goes to a nice vanilla lutheran church and has poo-pooed me my entire life when bringing up taboo topics and conspiracies actually gave me the time of day on Epstein. Its impossible to explain how strange it really is given who my mom is, but I can say with a fair degree of certainty that normies are consuming legitimate red pills daily now.

All of them believe he was suicided. Even my old boomer mother

Alot of this but if they do know him....


Also, trying going out in public and maybe making friends.

Fun fact, did you know there’s been a similar guy using blackmail footage of politicians?

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They all know. Quite disgusted such a thing could've gone on for so long to be honest.

Their normies. They imagine their 'taxes' are there to help them.

People I've asked don't even know about him. One friend kind of remembers about him pimping underage girls to Clinton, but had no idea who his name was, or about the arrest.

Bump. Should we make a guide to spreading awareness about Epstein?

My normie parents were pretty interested, for a while at least. They think it was Bubba Bill and Hillary who orchestrated the whole thing.

Everyone I am close to believes he was suicided. Anyone who can't be convinced will be removed from my social circle.

Not a bad theory at all. Most probable in fact.

One of my friends hit me with a "the elites are all pedos who fuck kids" I come back here coz I knew it was you guys. Very weird to hear it from someone who does not know.

Why would the truth be weird?

>Muslim mom

She was appalled, and then when I told her he was Jewish, she nodded her head and said "Well that makes sense."

Shocking how rampant pedophilia is among their community. Israel is filled with pedos who fled Europe/America and took refuge there.


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they said he was some guy that diddled kids with trump and they're glad he killed himself

All believe he was murdered. Los Angeles, CA, liberal family and friends.


Boomers lived through JFK'S assassination. They have a very deep seated distrust factor when people dangerous to the state die in unusual ways.

Your should tell her that the person who examined JFK’s body also examined Epstein’s

my lefty sister and her boyfriend both believe that he was murdered. it's crazy, its the first thing that our family can agree on politically.

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No one believes it was a real suicide. The only difference is If you think it was Clinton or trump that did it.

The day before he died I was telling my family about all the juicy court bits. Then he “ died “ the next day and everyone kek’d

Most people think he was killed.

I'm redpilling people on the intelligence agencies (FBI, CIA, and especially Mossad) having compromised the government. People are buying into it.

My mom's an idiot and my dad glows
Utter shame, she genuinely thinks Russian spies were let in by drubmbttfff
She's smarter than this but has to go with it because they'll kill my dad if she doesn't

You might wanna inform them on him

Does it really fucking matter?
At the end of the day, no matter whois exposed or isn't, no one is going to do anything regardless.

With that attitude, yes

I'm a neutral observer.

I’m saying you’re thinking about what ya can do, not what a group can do.

not trying to offend you, but isnt that pretty common in muslim countries too?

I dont see why it has to be either one. People just have to bring their fucking favourite sports teams into everything

This is purposely dividing

I think my dad and his friend were tricked by an experiment in the 70s. Some wandering 'veteran' offered them 'quaaludes' but they experienced bizarre hallucinations instead for about 3 days and saw people walking through walls and shit was disappearing.

That's why you raise the stakes and point out how the presidency literally possesses less power than the intel agencies that have been blackmailing them with impunity.

Is your father black?
