WTF is this good for?

Other than making as much noise as possible? Just when the slammed ricers with their fart cans and JC Whitney wings go away here comes this neckbeard shit.

Attached: 659f148dbc8411b99900332839d82891.jpg (453x340, 42K)

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Looks like something for douchie guys in Michigan with baseball caps and beards.

lets everyone know you have an iq of 75.

nobody with a high IQ would do this to their truck.

These idiots will tailgate you in Texas on a two-lane to the point of inciting murder.

If you're being tail gated in the left lane, you shouldn't be in the left lane. You fucking pathetic victim.

Attached: 48392759_2207259462821338_5204406524776022016_n.jpg (480x325, 19K)

What part of two-lane do you not understand you cuntry wigger moron?

so it issssss your truck, thought so

The enemy from within gentlemen...

It's meant to incite fear in you, wee incel. Then you're supposed to make a post on mongolian throat singing forums about how triggered you are.

You're good so far champ.

Piss off gretta