Hey dickheads, I hope you're ready for the recession set off by the chink and lebo built apartments. 97% of all buildings in NSW have major defects. youtu.be/NYzwIrybSjU
Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm and Liberal Democrats MLC for WA Aaron Stonehouse discuss Airsoft legalisation in Australia. The Liberal Democrats are the only party that is fully behind the legalisation of Airsoft in Australia. youtube.com/watch?v=gQovLPy2GE0
It's fair to say this segment turned into a bit of a circus. Unfortunately, too, Ozzie Reviews have had quite a bit of their footage used without attribution.
It's also fair to say Senator Ricky Muir wasn't exactly given a decent hearing either.
Still worth a look, if only to see a lot of people having a verbal bust-up on national television. youtube.com/watch?v=gQovLPy2GE0
Ethan Smith
Just reading this article on cricinfo
>New Zealand women's captain Amy Satterthwaite will be taking an indefinite break from cricket as she prepares to have her first child with >her wife and team-mate Lea Tahuhu
I dont think thats how it works
Andrew Jones
Proposed laws which could land Australians in jail for using more than $10,000 in cash to pay for goods and services are facing a backlash, but are likely to pass parliament. In the 2018-19 federal budget, the Morrison government announced it would introduce a cash payment limit of $10,000 made or accepted by businesses for goods and services. Transactions equal to, or in excess of this amount would need to be made using electronic payment or cheque. The aim of the laws - expected to start from January 2020 - is to tackle tax evasion and other criminal activities. However, accounting body CPA Australia said while it supported action to crack down on the black economy, "to link all large cash transactions to criminality is a step too far".
"The proposed offences can lead to an individual being convicted, fined and/or jailed for up to two years for merely using cash, regardless of the purpose or nature of the transaction," CPA Australia's Dr Gary Pflugrath said in a submission to the draft bill. The organisation listed a number of problems with the bill including unnecessarily and unreasonably broad offences, the introduction of vicarious liability into criminal law, a reversal of the onus of proof and insufficient legal defences. "We believe the policy intent behind this bill would best be achieved by a mix of administrative penalties for breaches and incentives for business to move to electronic payment options." One Nation says it will oppose the laws when they come to parliament in the Spring sittings. "Legal tender is legal tender," Senator Malcolm Roberts said. Assistant Treasurer Michael Sukkar said there was clear evidence criminal gangs were using large cash purchases of cars, houses and jewellery to launder money from illegal activities.
Build apartment blocks out of flammable foam. Fill them with chinks. >cant see a problem
Leo Young
The only reason Cricket Australia wants to let Trannies into womens' cricket is to change the view that they're all just butch Lezzos. >lezzos dont want trannies in cricket because they dont want to eat dilated axe-wound pus