Environmentalist puppet got caught in hipocrisy

I was digging around about this puppet, but her aspergers, empowerment, and oh-so-young saved me a few hours. Turns out her boat emitted more carbon than if she went by plane, and will have to transport the boat inside a plane, no attention to small details whatsoever (despite the aspergers). Let me add she wasn't alone, it is a puppet control puppet world. Poor Greta, learning to respect the elders the hard way, and a major shame to her puppet dad, a failed parent.
>Greta Thunberg sails into the US - and thus produces more CO2 than if she had flown: With this message, the climate activist experienced her first image Gau. Companions and supporters now describe their view of things.
>Thunberg is making the journey with her father, Svante, and a small team: Boris Herrmann, the 38-year-old German captain of the Malizia II; Pierre Casiraghi, who heads the yacht’s racing team; and documentary filmmaker Nathan Grossman.

Attached: hypocrite.jpg (1600x900, 372K)

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not really sure who this cunt is or why she's being shilled here, but what I can say is: nigger

A proud handicapped mind with asperger that should have seen through environment lies.

The Left used to use that Afghani girl who got shot in the head.

Yeah it's a brainwashed kid. Not exposed to different views or arguments whatsoever.

So have ya just been living under a rock there for the past few weeks or what???


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Oh yeah, they don't talk about her anymore, weird.

She's so fucking ugly

fetal alcohol syndrome brah lots of native americans around here have it