What's wrong with being trans...

What's wrong with being trans? It's not like anyone is pointing a gun to your head and demanding you to empty your pockets. Why can't you just let people be themselves and be happy?

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since we all have to die sooner or later ...
they try to break all possible taboos to seek happiness ...
but in the end it is nothing but empty materialism ...

Why cant i just beat a dog in my own house its not like im making anyone watch or forcing them to buy the dog, Why can't you just let people be happy in there own homes?

look at the trans section:

I dont care what people do in the privacy of their homes. When you bring it into the streets and start trying to punish me for not following your silly ass arbitrary rules on how to think, then you have just made your business my business. It is as simple as that, tranny.

Kys faggot

Because your kind is used as a shield for even worse degeneracy.

Just by the fact of being Trans u will get troll by kek

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