>inverse T Bond yield curve
>gold price rising on increased volume
>Stagnant housing market
>US / Chink trade war
>overvalued stock markets in a bubble
Global recession when?
Inverse T Bond yield curve
cost push inflation, stagflation like the 70's starts 2020
can't happen soon enough
Will be in the 2020s. The recession will be so bad the global elites and big business will start WW3 to get the global economy kick started again.
As long as thry dont inverse the T bone steak, I'm fine.
they better wipe out 90% of us and flatten the cities with nukes. kill everyone and let the planet heal, anyone can see it's the sanest option
The democrats will make it the “October surprise” in an attempt to oust Trump.
The only problem, when going into a global recession do you want a nationalist economist/businessman or a globalist lawyer/politician?
With an attitude like that I hope your working on making ebola go airborne in your spare time
i am in the secret war lab underneath the parliament building, in the ACT, at my desk working on that very thing right this second, playboy