What led boomers to become so fucking awful? How do you fuck a society up this hard?
What led boomers to become so fucking awful? How do you fuck a society up this hard?
Dominic Green
Tyler Richardson
Aiden Gomez
EZ-PZ. Just spend all your money sending your children to liberal arts colleges where the libtard professors will brainwash them into hating you while completely neutralizing any capacity to get a real job upon graduation.
Jaxson Gomez
is that anthoy hopkins wtf
Bentley Reyes
>Gen Z
These are all targeted propaganda threads to turn groups in the West against each other.
Aaron Ortiz
the fuck is he doing? dementia?
Jason King
David Long
He got coupons for crackerbarrel in a mailer.
Justin Scott
based and MAGApilled
Connor Nguyen
Yep lol. Based af