Watch this vid when it was originally happening

>watch this vid when it was originally happening
>two guys standing calmly, clearly armed
>el diablo goblino screaming at them aggressively and making threats
>two guys keep their cool the entire time
>ventilate the aggressor for his insolence
>normies freak out and call them murderers for "shooting an unarmed man over a mattress!"
It was at this time I realized western civilization was canceled

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Other urls found in this thread:

manual reminder the redneck death squad of Abilene, Texas did nothing wrong and they are heroes

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When are they letting them go?

The mouthy dickhead deserved to get killed. We all know someone we'd love to kill. I say let them go!

i think the son is fucked

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still awaiting trial

Not to mention the guy they shot was 6'7 and threatening to kill them.

Fucking christ usually this shit gets to me but...
>"You are not going to shoot my husband!"


they are both out on 250K bonds though

In April, both accused were released from Taylor County Jail custody, according to jail records, after posting $250,000 bond each.

fucking roid sperg deserved to die, the father and his son really did nothing wrong

>after posting $250,000 bond each.
Soggy mattress protecting rednecks can afford $500k in bonds and I don't even have enough money to eat today...


You post 10%, not the full $250,000.

Quit being poor

why do people say "unarmed" as if human hands cant gauge your eyes out, tear your dick off, strangle you, pick up an improvised weapon and go nuts, or otherwise beat you to death?

Bond was likely donated by an organization such as NRA, etc.

based. case dropped when?

most likely paid a bondsman 10% while offering their house as collateral (unless they are rich oilfags lol)

who knows i hope they get out

Because people are stupid and watch too many movies. They think hand to hand combat is no more lethal than a pillow fight.

The link posted said the tall guy had a baseball bat. Didn't see it in the video though

Where can you still see the video?

He threw it at the old man

>>ventilate the aggressor for his insolence
You mean open fire in defense once the aggressor not only threw the bat at an armed man, but advanced on him as well. After he threatened to kill the man with the gun several times no less.
This is why stand your ground laws exist. You have a right to be able to defend yourself.

Funny story, I know this chick that lives in Abilene. She was pretty good friends with this giant methead and his girlfriend. She lived around the corner from them and would party with them. She was moving out of her house to move in with her boyfriend and was throwing a bunch of shit out. Her dumpster was full so she asked methead if she could use his dumpster. I'm not sure if the mattress was hers, but she definitely filled up the dumpster to the point that the mattress wouldn't fit. She was fuckedup for weeks feeling like she got him killed. True story.

the borderlands edit is the best video of the decade

These two fucking white trash hillbillies were in the wrong. I’ve seen the video, they acted in the wrong. The fucking boomer who was stroking out didn’t warrant being shot. The other man wasn’t armed or brandishing a weapon. Someone can make all the threats they want, they aren’t a legitimate threat until they attack you, he didn’t attack them. They shot him over a dirty mattress in a back alley dispute like a couple of niggers.

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he threw it at the older gentleman which then promoted them to fire.
It was self defence through and through
Hopefully shotgun Socrates gets released soon.

thanks for translating a witty line that means the same thing into down syndrome speak
couldn't have figured it out without you

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the guy had a baseball bat , you lying moron.

>Wasn't brandishing a weapon
He had a baseball bat and threatened them several times.
And he did attack them, he threw the baseball bat at them first.
He deserved to be shot.

I only eat/drink the first half of stuff than throw it out and get another
>you can dig thru my trash u nigger

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Of you are armed than you act accordingly, you don’t taunt and agitate the person involved. It’s your responsibility to get the police involved and use your firearm to keep him from causing damage to you or taking your life. These people taunted and agitated the old cunt and than shot him. It was a nigger like back alley dick measuring competition that ended in a unjustified shooting.

In Spain if a thief breaks into your house with a knife and you kill him with a gun you have to at least pay a lot of money to the thief's family or even go to jail because your response was not at the same level (I don't know how to say it in English). But in theory if a thief has a knife you have to fight him with the same weapon and if he uses only his fists you have to use only your fists. If you use a knife is illegal too.

Here you have an example.

This t.b.h. Was it on their property, though? Most of my initial reaction was how horrific the video was, but I could maybe see it their way of the guy was trespassing while he was threatening them.

Not only did he attack first while being armed, but threatening someones life while unnarmed is justification for shooting them. You dont have to wait until someone is pounding your face in to protect yourself, retard.

>The other man wasn’t armed or brandishing a weapon
Baseball bat. Someone handed it to him during the argument
>he didn't attack them
He threw the bat at the father, then advanced with intent. You don't get to threaten to kill someone multiple times, throw a baseball bat at someone, then advance in an effort to deliver on threats you just made, and then claim to be the victim.

Yes, which when thrown would warrant assault charges against him. The bat caused no injury to either of them and doesn’t warrant a retaliatory shooting. I’ve seen the video and they were wrong to shoot him. They were white niggers who did nothing but talk shit.

I’ve been around these gigantic schizos before..... they are dangerous. They act like bully’s to impress some gash

The Abilene Alley Mattress Massacre was fun.

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Big iron on his hip (big iron on his hiiii-iiiip)

Throwing an object at someone is aggravated assault.
Here in Florida, if someone does that on your property, you have the legal authority to kill the fucker.

>being assaulted by someone
>doesnt warrant shooting them in self defense
Top retard

only people i hate equally as niggers are white trash like in that vid, all 4 of them were clearly retarded and i'm glad that all of them got expeled from society

Yeah, here too. It's riduculous - the life of the person potentially trying to kill you is worth more than yours in the eyes of the law.

There was that guy in America who killed the two teenagers that had been robbing him. Lots of Jow Forums was on board with that (it was basically execution style, he hid waiting for them). I had mostly the same reaction as the court, but apparently they were addicts who had stolen family heirlooms from him before. Was hard to feel bad for them to be honest.

all that retarded goblin had to do was walk the fuck away and he would have lived
But nah gotta be the big shot
play stupid games win stupid prizes

dude looks like a butch dyke lesbian.

ill rewatch the video to see how he advanced. They fucked themselves by not simply warning him. It wasn’t their property. It was a common area and a shared dumpster which doesn’t mean either party gets to set any rules. Unless the dumpster belonged to either party than neither gets to bitch about what’s thrown in it. Also no one called the police to settle the dispute they made jack off gestures in the street at each other. I’ve carried a concealed weapon for many years and when you get into it you don’t taunt and agitate the situation. You act as the calm party. They were waiting for the chance to shoot him otherwise they would of pointed their guns at him and backed up to show they were attempting to only defend themsevles.

wow grats thats probably like 5 usd

Here as well. It's nuts. It basically says that the aggressor determines how you're allowed to defend yourself.

I doubt it

Never. Son is probably fucked.

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You have to understand Abilene. It's the single weirdest town in Texas. It's stuck out in the middle of nowhere and the whites act like it's still the wild west. I've seen some of the most brutal bar fights ever out there and they give zero shits about the cops. Also they have a Bandito chapter out there and the Cossacks are one county over... Never a dull moment. I hit the bars whenever I'm there just for the wacky entertainment.

Rules are different in your property. Personally I think any one who enters your property without permission and doesn’t leave should be fair game to be shot, if thy brandish a weapon on your land than absolutely but in public property you don’t get that luxury and you can’t do that.

I’ve been in the city too long then. If the culture out there handles it that way than fuck it, let em do it there way I guess.

That's so incredibly sad. It really depends what state you live in, in the US. If you live in a blue state you pretty much have to let them kill you but in a red state you can shoot them dead just for being in your house.

>scream "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" several times at guy
>throw baseball bat at guy
>keep screaming "I'M GONNA KILL YOU" and start aggressively moving towards the guy
>get shot
wtf he din du nuffin

>that means the same thing
If the old fuck shot annoying orange after just being threatened it would be a totally different case. Annoying orange got shot because he threw the fucking bat, and then preceeded to advance on the man with previously claimed deadly intent.
This is not even remotely the same. Instead of bitching to me maybe you should get your facts straight OP.

you need to take a conceal carry class. it obvious you have no idea the scenarios in which its justified to use your firearm.

violence has to match violence.
once the bat left his hands and retreated the threat was over. rendering the shooting unnecessary. he was clearly shot when his back was turned and like 5 feet away.


Oh yea, in California they want you to leave your home if they break in. Texas is better. Blue states are a ducking joke when it comes to self defense.

Nah, you are not aware of reality. Only lethal part of population are males between 15-40 BUT only if we assume are in good physical health and FIT. Not your average Joe-shmoe who only lifts pencils in office. So that shrinks number of "by-hand-killers" significantly.

fpbp #mattress #takeawaytrash

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"you should have known the assailant's gun was fake and fired more warning shots into the ground"

what the fuck is the matter with that judge

All judges are freemasons.

It's wrought with meth and full of oilfield trash, turbine monkeys, and old boomers that ran around there in the good ol days with a Saturday night special in their boot. Not much has changed.

Is this actually true?

Is one of the most retarded news from Spain that I remember yes. But the judge says that it was the jury that said that, washing his hands. Something like that. And this is even worst because if it was the jury of people that claimed that it gives you an idea of how dumb and delusional people is in this country.

>behemoth man
>not a threat
what is hand to hand combat

>Someone can make all the threats they want,
Actually you can't, threats of violence aren't protected under the 1st amendment.
Shooting people over it is a bit extreme

California isn't a right to retreat state. Arkansas is thought.

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>your response was not at the same level (I don't know how to say it in English)
That's an appropriate way to say it in English. In a legal context we might say it was not a proportional response, but for conversational English what you said is something a native speaker might say.

For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure that you can legally shoot a knife-wielding assailant anywhere in the US since a knife is considered a deadly weapon.

I know these fools. Just Abilene things.

Yes. So are most attorneys. They have to swear oaths to protect their own, so that's why you're playing a losers game if you ever go to court without a freemason representing you.

The older Miller is 100% innocent.
How about the younger one? He wasn't attacked by Aaron, he shot later when Aaron already was shot, and his shot killed him?
I would give him probation for manslaughter.

great job this post makes no sense. just because someone is bigger than you and hurt your feelings doesnt give you the right to shoot them.

I thought the old dude was calm and he did warn the guy multiple times

My dad was an attorney and he isn't a free mason, you're a fucking nigger faggot

>be vermont
>have constitutional carry
>but also duty to retreat
wtf vermont

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"Self defense" also applies to defending someone else, but maybe that varies. I know there have been plenty of cases where someone killed someone even though they weren't the ones being attacked, besides cops of course.

Just because a guy is smaller than you and calm doesn't give you the right to issue multiple death threads and throw a deadly weapon at him.

He's on the losing team or he's not telling you the truth.

you dont point gun at anyone you moron. Any judge would rule that against you as a sign of aggression (start of confrontation).

I've heard it's being made into a Broadway play

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Nobody pointed a gun, and the judge doesn't rule. The job of a judge is merely to referee the court. Stop drinking Jewish satanic koolaid.



Yeah man in my 31 years my 65 year old father has been a freemason this whole god damn time and he hasn't told me, you're a fucking brain dead faggot

Even the UK isn’t that bad.

if only you knew what belligerent meant
anyone who makes a threat under any circumstance should be prepared to face the consequences
that mans body is a weapon and he was threatining to use it
why should it be MY responsibility to ensure HIS safety when he's openly exclaiming he wants to kill me?
Nah, fuck em
This is exactly why western civilization is cancelled, because of you retarded faggots who cuck to the lowest scumbags of society
>he dindu nuffin


they skipped all steps (deescalation) that lead up to self defense, which is malicious intent (not good for the defense in court)

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I would never trust these laws because with enough outcry, they'll arrest you anyway and it comes down to the opinion of a jury. Many jurors in Zimzam's case thought he was guilty, it was just barely not guilty supposedly.

Anyone has "no mattress for old men" meme?

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WTF, even we're not that cucked.
I knew a chap who killed a burglarer with a saber and after a lengthy court proceeding got off with a warning.
Spainish law is fucked.

This, but steamed hams.