How with Jow Forums recover. Or better yet when will Jow Forums admit that they are no match for a strong independent young Jewish conservative who will be infinitely more successful than anyone on Jow Forums.
How with Jow Forums recover. Or better yet when will Jow Forums admit that they are no match for a strong independent young Jewish conservative who will be infinitely more successful than anyone on Jow Forums.
Gonna cry, piss your pants, maybe shit and cum, libtard?
>We hate Ben Jospeh
We love Ben Joseph
The definition of reactionary
that boy is an idiot
Well, someone not getting a job when they turn 18.
Triggered, libtard?
>You're a libtard because you don't worship jews
Nice one
Cool it with the antisemitism Mohamed.
>Columbia's average IQ is 84
>Opinion invalid
>America #1
Ben Shapiro BULLDOZES a Palestinian middle school with FACTS and LOGIC
And, so?
holy based
Dammed right.
fuck you
Real smart comeback, libtard.
keep seething btw
>a-abby, can I s-see your khazzars
>who will be infinitely more successful than anyone on Jow Forums.
Can't argue with that. He is a prodigy
Good, now stop with the antisemitism or America will nuke you.
Ok woah. That picture of yours is very anti-Semitic. Did you not even watch the video libtard? Stop being so edgy and have sex you loser that smokes pot and lives in your mothers basement alsogetthefuckaeayfrommysisteryoupatheticincel
I'm literally shaking, Ahmed.
Being successful isn't everything. You should also be able to organize a non-hostile environment if you have power.
Pic related, a raising start of your company that you visibly terrorize because you're afraid that he'll eclipse you.
Your pic related is irrelevant, no one even knows who that is, and they wont care went I get him deported south the the Rio grande.
U wot mate?
Is that a mini sledge?
bluepilled cuck sage
Ya trippin balls mate?
Ok, libtard.
Hey Ben, meet us at the synagogue. We’ll go over talking points.
OK, but wait didn't MOSSAD and Trump whack yo ass.
Look at those tities
Shhhh....don’t let the goyim know.
Oops, look over here goys.