/co/ here can you guys stop raiding us? We're sorry this comic triggers you but that's no reason for a raid
/co/ here can you guys stop raiding us? We're sorry this comic triggers you but that's no reason for a raid
Ethan Butler
Isaiah Wilson
this website has open borders get over it
Carson Brooks
Brody Cooper
We're not sending our best
Aaron Wright
got it, it's about time we occupied you for real
Hunter Fisher
Just leave us alone
John Wright
Nothing but kike fairytales. Read manga, instead of this kike wannabe animu shit.
Camden Rodriguez
>post shitty bait threads on /co/
>there’s a reaction
>whine on Jow Forums
Jayden Phillips
>3/4 replies with digits
>OP gets singles twice
I think you know what this means, fag.
Samuel Garcia
You raiding us isn't going to make others want to read manga more