Trump is involved with Epstein

and there's no proof Epstein is dead or was ever even in prison.
Everything is pointing to the high likelihood that both Trump and Epstein are Mossad assets and Trump through the help of Mossad had Epstein escape to Israel.
Trump's history with Epstein and his connections to Mossad are very long.
Trump even had connections to Epstein's recruiter, Ghislaine Maxwell, AND her father Robert, who was a Mossad spy.
/ptg/ needs to be banned. I wouldn't be surprised if it was run by JIDF.

Attached: sloppyjobmossad.jpg (548x395, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You really do need to find a new picture. Do you have any sauce for this ?

Does Trump pay you to post ridiculous and obvious slander on here to make people defend him--not because they like him--but because you're arguments are so ridiculous.

and it's a well know photo of a mar-a-lago party. Epstein claims to be the one who introduced Trump to Melania.
Trump possibly married an ex-sex slave

Old news

>Wild accusation
>No Sauce
>Same picture posted a million times

...Where have I seen this format before..

Wild accusation?

Attached: pedodon.jpg (976x1024, 229K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-23 Roy Cohn - The CIA Pedophile Ring Leader - An Evil Mechanism of Political Cont (627x533, 295K)

Same lame-no-sauce-wikipedia-scale garbage in the exact same format that's been spammed here for months.

This isn't sauce, it's a picture form of your narrative.

it's pointless to say anything more about trump, the blind idiots who follow him will do so regardless, he has already been proven as a jew puppet and you still have "TRUMP MAGA TRUMP!" crowd, nothing will change their mind

Attached: trump4.jpg (895x1024, 66K)

newfags: this is still OP. This is standard narrative flooding.

trump told barr to tell the guard to choke him out. don't @ me, trump shills.