Reddit is turning on the fags!

reddit is turning on the fags!

this was on the front page.


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Other urls found in this thread:

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these are the top 2 comments

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if only you knew how bad things really are

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"Duerte, bring the muerte"

what subreddit was it on?

Well people have been saying how support for fags is dropping. We have been saying they have over played their hand.

>sodomy is great
>drag queen story time all good
>free love for all
>furries get too close to a kid
>burn it. Burn it all
>even the normies cant pretend to tolerate furries

Guys this is why you need to stop with the demoralization threads. We are literally living in the most based timeline ever and only God knows what goes on in the lives of the truly suck evil people. I know he protects his people, the majority of these rape/sacrifices are probably not even human. At this point they probably have highly advanced meat puppets they use for all their sick shit

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I bet comments are already closed.

Time to make accounts and act like mild conservatives. Push them further to center, and then finally join the good side of history.

The answer is yes, to save other anons having to visit that dumpster-fire of a site. God-forbid people write mean words on the internet, much better to silence them instead.

Anyone who unironically has a reddit account and uses it regularly is a complete and utter fucking faggot, there are no exceptions. It's just indicative of all-around absolute piss-poor shit taste.

>Check page
>And then one day, for no reason
>0 results



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why would anyone think BDSM furry outfits look good?

What did it mean by this?

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>all of y'all
>all of you all
Nigger confirmed
What the fuck is it with liberals trying to re-appropriate Southern slang? I cringe every fucking time they say "howdy", "y'all", or "darn", and they do it ALL the fucking time

Must be a faggot from Texas
So many beatings he got brain damage and forgot how to use lettery things

That faggot isn't from fucking Texas, that I can assure you. Nobody uses "y'all" like that apart from niggers or liberal posers.

This is almost definitely a roastie.

This. Gently gently catches the monkey.

It's so fucking cringy. Literally cultural appropriation too

look at this shit i found in the comments section
everything about it is so reddit, score hidden cause the moderator probably got -1000 points for his coment, and the fact that the comunity moderator has a rainbow flag as their username

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Stop being a bigot. We loves our based gays. Leftists are the real homophobes.

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Ive heard plenty of shitheads from texas talk that way lol.

Oh shit!
Good lookin user

10 years ago they were making fun of it too. now they all use "y'all" in every sentence and shit like "folk"

My jew-sense is tingeling.

>some plebbits still feel disgust
This is not progress, I still don't view them as fully human.

That and “folks”. Like, see, y’all? We’re just normal “folk” like you! It started around 2008 with Obama and his speech writers, I think. Now it’s all “y’all oppressing the Transfolks”

>top notch grooming gang
what did he mean by this?

Faggot here:
Most of us find that shit disgusting as well.
Sadly these retards make us all look bad in the public eye as they are the only ones that are actualy visible.

>in this itt thread

The commenter probably meant how "well" their beards are groomed, however, since every single one of those men looks like a pedo of course we think they're talking about another kind of grooming. Bugmen holobung when?

We use ya'll as correctly as it can be. i.e. "Can ya'll come here?" or "Ya'll stop that!". These are Bolsheviks who attempt to seem relatable but can't even use our vernacular correctly

Agreed. This makes me long for the days when gay men had some dignity and weren't being used as a tool to dismantle society.

>pic related, a gay man with an ounce of fucking dignity

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>Faggot here:
>Most of us find that shit disgusting as well.

You don't get a pass just because "most of us find it disgusting." I have yet to ever see any LGBT group actually condemn this shit. You get the occasional one-off individual that inevitably gets labeled far right and dismissed. Where the fuck is "most of us" when these parades come to town? Why aren't groups of you protesting this shit then? Why aren't groups of "most of us" speaking out? Where was "most of us" when that little gay kid was dancing for money in a gay bar? Where is "most of us" when a literal pedo Jonathan Yaniv is trying to recruit children to a topless pool party and is being protected by Canadian courts? Where the fuck is "most of us" when a Texas father is going to have his son forced into chemical castration at 8 years old because his ex wife wants it?

No, fuck you and fuck "most of us." That shit doesn't exist. The truth is that most of you are perfectly content to look the other way because you're scared that attacking the gay mafia will illegitimaize your homosexuality. And this is why I fucking can't stand gay people when I'd normally not care. You, as a group, do NOTHING to speak out against this or protect those who need it most. It's always the tired line, "well MOST OF US don't support it."

Fuck that, most of you don't care at all, as long as you get to be included in LGBT at the end of the day. Fuck you.

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IF YOU DON'T LIKE ME... BLOW ME (and my wife's boyfriend).

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So is Cringetopia just a replacement for CringeAnarchy? Will it get banned as well?

There's literally no such thing as a dignified man who has sex with men and is unrepentant about it.



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I don't know about that, furfags are almost universally hated by anyone who isn't part of their den of faggotry.

>gay man having a ounce of fucking dignity
No. That doesn’t happen when your fucking a dude or getting fucking in the butt
Homosexuality is the opposite of dignity.
It shouldn’t be in public. Sexuality shouldn’t define you. You keep that shit to yourself
Anybody that outs themselves and talks about it doesn’t have any dignity

Actions, not words.

This, without the sorry

Only because Islam is rising. There exists no non-religious reason why any sexual act is morally wrong. Even if children are involved.


>tfw we'll all be just old enough to be smug older men laughing when all this faggotry finally gets smashed

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You will get the rope alongside the other degenerates, faggot.

My interpretation of this political cartoon is one of fear that homosexuality & other non-traditional (in the societal sense) gender identities & sexual expressions are being proliferated throughout the Global society as the normal biological human characteristic, which threatens the widely held historical & scientific definition of human gender & sexuality. Furthermore, the cartoon further implies how gender & sexuality are becoming a malleable ideology that can be stretched and contorted to fit an individual’s worldview while ignoring the historical and scientific data that specifies the biological and reproductive framework of a male and female.

All that being said, is there enough unbiased data to construct a study to understand the impact of gender identity and the various forms of human sexual expression on society, the good and the bad? Is it possible to include societal determinants such as religion, politics, environment (parenting, etc), geographical, etc into the study without it devolving into a philosophical war of oppression to drown out opposing viewpoints? Is there people out there who can rise above the ideologies to find the answer(s)? Also, does any of this matter? Shouldn’t people be able to choose how they live as long as they adhere to the social contract? Why would a person care if another person loved someone of the same gender in an amorous manner (besides religion, which is also up to interpretation)?

I’m a male who is attracted to (human) females, exclusively. This isn’t from social engineering as I have watched gay porn and other Fritos porn to see if it is something I’d be interested in and to test if I had been social engineered. I don’t believe I have. I enjoy sexual relations with woman because it feels good and I have a biological drive to spread my seed. This doesn’t mean that I’m the norm. In summation I don’t give a fuck how one views themself gender wise or sexually as long as they don’t molest or rape.

Anyone who eats shit, which fags do when giving their lover a rim job, is a sick fuck that needs to be institutionalized to keep them from spreading disease.

>gay man

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Gay men never had dignity. They pretended to, but they were always shameless degenerates

Surprising that they allowed that thread to get to the front page

add >incel

>You don't get a pass just because "most of us find it disgusting." I have yet to ever see any LGBT group actually condemn this shit.
I as well as many others don't consider our sexuality important enough to join a LGBT group.
>Where the fuck is "most of us" when these parades come to town?
Not at the parade obviously.
>Why aren't groups of you protesting this shit then?
There are some of us protesting shit like that, we just don't wear ridiculous outfits or wave flags.
>Why aren't groups of "most of us" speaking out?
Guess what, I'm doing that.
>Where was "most of us" when that little gay kid was dancing for money in a gay bar?>Where is "most of us" when a literal pedo Jonathan Yaniv is trying to recruit children to a topless pool party and is being protected by Canadian courts?
>Where the fuck is "most of us" when a Texas father is going to have his son forced into chemical castration at 8 years old because his ex wife wants it?
Ask the opinion of /lgbt/ about that shit, you'll see that we don't like that either.
>No, fuck you and fuck "most of us." That shit doesn't exist. The truth is that most of you are perfectly content to look the other way because you're scared that attacking the gay mafia will illegitimaize your homosexuality.
The fuck are you talking about?
>You, as a group
As what group?
We aren't exactly a well conected collective, our sexuality just deviates from the norm in a harmless way.
>Fuck that, most of you don't care at all, as long as you get to be included in LGBT at the end of the day.
I'd rather not be included in what calls itself the LGBT """community""".

The main issue is that most people don't see us as normal gay/bi people aren't exactly visible while everyone sees these idiots.

every time a tranny says "folks" i want to el paso a walmart

>Only because Islam is rising. There exists no non-religious reason why any sexual act is morally wrong. Even if children are involved.

sure, if you are a degenerate inhumane fucktard which seems to be the case

go kill yourself you do not get a pass.

>faggot here
No it is disgusting. You degenerates push for more and more recognition and the destruction of society.
>we just want to fuck dudes
>we just want to get married
>we just want to be represented in media
>we just want the public to be educated about fucking people in the ass
>we just want to be represented in government
>we just want to shame everyone
>we just want reparations for stonewall
>we just want to touch kids
Homosexuality is nothing but a waste. You don’t produce children and you push your shit on society.
It would have been fine if you faggots had kept it in the closet. But apparently you fags can’t.

imagine reddit jannies

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They're trying to show solidarity with blacks by adopting what they perceive as black mannerisms.

I hate how something so essentially based and Southern is now indicative of hipster faggotry.
Since it's all I've grown up using, what IS the non-southern way of saying it? You all? All of you? Some midwestern yankie or whatever answer this please.

you realize its literally people you who are the cause of this right? i do not give a fuck what you say this is literally your fault
none of this would be happening if people like you did not exist
"see guys, not all homos are degenerates, some of them are just normal people like you and me"
i honestly and truly hate you and what people like you have been allowed to do to society
>b-but it wasnt me
yes it was

>but pride events aren't about this!
Bullshit. Pride events have long since became fetish based where people think that it's their right to be"proud" of their fucked up kinks and other nonsense. Look at all the pride events with various phallus shaped decorations, floats, drag queens wearing costumes that spit out candy and "milky sweets" from a prosthetic dick.
What's the fucking point of all of this. Oh right, to get kids into being part of your sick fetish. The only time I would ever start respecting gays is the second they drastically change or completely boycott this public display of degeneracy. At this point it feels like all the LGBT types desperately want their sexuality to be their core self and core character. As if being gay is what makes them who they are and the shreds of their useless and boring personality is glued together ontop of it.

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Shut up niggerfaggot

What exactly do you suggest?
Voting AFD?
Did that.
Beeing politicly active?
Doing that as well.
Waving a rainbow flag at a counterprotest of a gay pride?
That would be kind of silly...

Reddit is trash anyway. It there's anything that a Jow Forumsack hates more than fags, it's a redditor.

(Having said that, I actually was a little interested in your post and this thread. ALL REDDIT MUST BURN!)

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>the counter-culture is getting counter-cultured

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stop being gay you fucking idiot
>b-but i cant help it
bull fucking shit you fucking low impulse control nigger
stop having anal sex moron



How is it my fault what other people do?

did you read my post you fucking retard
stop existing

This is autistic

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>horrendous group that shares degenerate gore images on a daily basis
>locks thread because some people have sane reactions
normie groups in a nutshell

I want:
>>we just want to fuck dudes
>>we just want to get married
I don't want:
>>we just want to be represented in media
>>we just want the public to be educated about fucking people in the ass
>>we just want to be represented in government
>>we just want to shame everyone
>>we just want reparations for stonewall
>>we just want to touch kids

holy shit youre stupid and entitled

But you can't read beyond Texas?
I meant the faggot got beaten up so much he has brain damage

Well said and capped

after how many years does this finally get seen on reddit?

That picture freaks me out. Like an ancient part of my brain that's usually suppressed is telling me to rain bullets on that pile of faggots out of pure instinct

I'm a virgin...
Not going to happen anytime soon.

It isn’t just homos and trannies, but practically every grievance group at the vanguard of the left’s social engineering efforts. Most white people cringe at nogs acting like nogs, it’s passé to criticize the bug people, and to an extent, poos. But, speak out in a public setting or risk it being on public record and you’ll be mao mao’ed into oblivion. There’s a huge difference between what people think, personally, and the persona they adopt. It’s all pose and acceptability and most people have too much to risk.
How do you think it’s gotten so bad so quickly? They control the levers of communication. They control (most of) the institutions - they’re no longer objectively “ours”, thus the “the” - but tools of the leftist vanguard.

The long march is nearly accomplished. They’re just perfecting their suppression techniques. It won’t be long before they have nearly complete hegemony and most of us will be too powerless and/or scared to do anything.

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so you think youre gay because you watch too much porn
thats literally the reason
degenerate waste of oxygen future kiddy diddler

>Being gay dogs like everyone else bro don’t be a bigot god sake you sick homophobe

How is basicly wanting to be left alone by the goverment entitlement?

You nailed it perfectly, godspeed user

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>i want to be left alone by the government
>government better let me get married so i can larp as a normal person
kill yourself

>blue check mark

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I haven't watched porn in a long time and no, I'm not a fucking pedo.

A lot of these freaks at pride parades are heterosexuals, retard

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howdy and y'all was appropriated by white southerners

you crackers can have 'darn'

did you respond to the wrong post you fucktard
stop lying pedo