How is Austin?

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I just moved to Houston from Austin and I thought I would hate it but there are so many fucking California liberals in Austin now that its pretty disheartening. I don't even mind minorities so Houston is actually much better

Pretty nice right now desu, but homeless problem is getting worse. We'll be San Fran 2.0 in a few years thanks to our city council and liberal idiot voters.

Jesus dude I'm doing the same thing in about a week, word for word. At least I'm out innaburbs.

How good is that famous bbq place in austin? Like is it one of a kind that warrants that ridiculous line wait or is it overhyped and other places do it on par or better?

University of Texas alum here. Austin has gone down the drain in recent years due to Californians. Live in Houston now; much better if you stay in the north west of the city where the whites are

fuck austin. Im not cool enough to go there.

Attached: apartmentsforthehomeless.jpg (1024x768, 208K)

it's because you are a minority yourself shitskin, also the spics and niggers vote the same way as your california boogeyman...when they vote at all.

Franklins is good but probably not 4 hr wait good