All our problems started with Luther, Calvin and Henry VIII (the degenerate)

Protestants who fell off from the true church (the Catholic church) have led the degeneracy push in the world. The Catholic church remained steadfast - no women priests, no sex before marriage, no divorce, 10 commandments are sacred and you gotta go to really cool old churches with images of holy people and Jesus and Marie Magdalena and the decaptivating of people.

We need to make the Catholic Church Great Again.

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then join a local community and stop the women fucking everything up bc they are doing it right now.

or create an own branch with some rogue priests where everything is about being a paladin or battlemonk with fighting training like the wh40k space marines.

We just need to bring Ratze back. Under Ratze shit was seriously based. I wonder who got to him that he resigned... just look on his helmet, man, just genius.

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that can't happen. if you are larping then fuck off

You are wrong. The Commandments are not sacred to the Catholic church. They believe they are fit to change them, evidenced by their failure to keep the Sabbath holy. They themselves have openly written about this over and over again.

Get good with God before its too late. Stop being a papist. Escape the fog!

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Have you ever taken the time to see how Catholic Church really is? I'm not talking about pastors and the likes, but doing your own research.

Wrong, I was raised Catholic and we were taught for years about the commandments and really got into the details.

You shall only believe in God and only him and make no statutes for false Gods. This excludes Allah and Jahwe, they are not God but imposters.

You shall not commit blasphemy by using God’s name in vein. This is extremely important. God is in everything, so all types of swearing is improper and a sin. Don’t swear, don’t use foul language.

You shall worship the day of the Holy Father, God. That’s Sunday, yes, not Friday or Saturday, but Sunday. On Sundays you can’t work... never. It’s a day for family and worship.

You shall honor your father and mother. Not father and father or mother and mother or single mother etc. Father and mother as in a heterosexual couple. And honor them. Bow, help, talk.

You shall not murder. Now be clear, this means murder, not kill. You can kill animals, enemies, criminals, attackers. But not murder, that is the unjustified killing.

You shall not commit adultery. This obviously means you shall not commit sexual acts with anyone other than your wife. But even more so, this also means you have to be committed to your wife spiritually.

You shall not steal. This also means no defrauding or pyramid schemes. Not even one cent.

You shall not bear falls witness. Be clear, this doesn’t cover all lying, but principally it means you speak lies about someone else to a third person. Very important!

You shall not desire your neighbor’s house and chattel. Important! If he has more, be happy for him. If he has a good donkey, don’t desire it, admire it. Strive for your own good donkey.

You shall not cover your neighbor’s wife. Obvious commandment. We need to be civilized, not degenerates.

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The problem is immigration. Idk which church is more to blame for that.

Fuck of kraut nigger. Hussites are based.

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the protestants

based and redpilled.
traps aren't gay.

You sure?

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>germanic language-speakers talking about the catholic church as a good thing
We all left independently because it was obviously always an institution for people who spoke Romance languages.
The reason the Catholics see the Norman conquest of England as a good thing (despite their talk of ethnicity=language) is because those dumb barbarians were subjugated by the Romance speakers.

Correct, the protestants are the biggest problem.

Deinde, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Martin Luther was the Steve Jobs of Religion. He circumvented the papist "gatekeepers" and brought theology to the masses - opening it up for their own individual interpretations... and it's gone completely to shit ever since.

When was the last time the Protestants ever even had a fucking Crusade? Fucking casuals.

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The (((church))) has been cucked since the days of the ecumenical councils
Gnosticism is the true christianity.

When I die I hope it's by defenstration

When I see these threads I think that the whole logical conclusion of Protestantism and Catholicism is a false sense of unity within they’re respective camps. This is something we orthodox don’t have to worry about, for example why would any submit to a foreign church when they can have their own national churches. An Irishman who is archbishop is more important for Irishmen then an Argentinian man in Rome.

There can only be one pope and for good reason.

There never was one pipe and the emperor in Germany at times was in conflict with the pope. Also the Roman emperor had the power to strip canonical lands to new or old dioceses look at Croatia


Yeah the buy your way to heaven scam going on the 15th century was Good.
Romen church was kiked then it's kiked now

We do respect the immediacy of the episcopate though. While Rome is indeed the most high See of the Church, with still go through the hierarchy from parish to the episcopate and so forth and so on. There is a national expression to Catholicism. Our faith in indeed universal but only the dogmas of faith are centralised so as to preserve them. If every priest is his own bishop, then how can you ever settle any theological matters? How do you even convene councils? This is my problem with the Orthodox Churches, may the Good Lord and Our Blessed Mother save you all, my brother in Christ, but please understand why there is indeed a need for a Papacy.

>Yeah the buy your way to heaven scam going on the 15th century was Good.
Are you still sperging about indulgences? You do understand that they are a perfectly acceptable penance, right? Also, they weren't exclusively issued as such and I hope you understand this.

another JPII and combined with that guy from the pope series and that would be nice
One can hope...